Select Edit > Preferences > Auto Sync.
Sync media files across the Elements desktop apps and the web and mobile companion apps.
Sync your catalog files to the Adobe cloud
When Elements Organizer is launched for the first time after converting an older version catalog or whenever a new catalog is created, you have the option to choose whether you’d like the local files to be synced to the cloud or not.
If you’d not like to sync your local media to Adobe Cloud, select Do not sync media to the Adobe cloud checkbox.
The Auto-Sync process operates in the background, following your chosen preferences.
Auto Sync Preferences
Choose the catalog media type you would like to automatically upload.
Note:Select the Automatically download full-resolution of cloud media checkbox to download full-resolution of cloud media.
Select Browse to enter the desired path where you would like to download the media.
Select Ok.
Auto Sync details
You can easily view the status of the synced files by following the given steps:
Select the Cloud icon.
You can sync your files on-demand by selecting the Sync now icon.
Cloud files can be easily filtered using the given dropdown options:
Local Media Only: This option will show files only available in Elements Organizer catalog which have not been synced to the cloud.
Synced Media: This option will show files that have been synced to the Cloud or are only available on the Cloud.
All Media: This option shows both Local and Synced media.
Sync selective media
You can selectively sync a particular file with the cloud on-demand.
Right-click on the media file > Select Sync Selected Media.
If the file is a thumbnail only, the full resolution media from the Cloud will be downloaded.
If the file was updated locally, the updates would be synced to the Cloud.
If the file was updated on the Cloud, the updates would be synced to local file.
The media you've chosen will synchronize in the background.
Download media files from Adobe Cloud
- Double-click the required file that you’d like to have for performing any desired edits or simply viewing it in full resolution, or select the required file(s) and perform any operations such as Instant Fix, Slideshows, etc.
- A sync download box will appear on the screen to show download progress.
To delete a synced file, right-click on the file and select Delete Media.
Once you select Delete Media, the Confirm Deletion from Cloud dialog box will open to confirm the file deletion.
Note:Select the Keep a local copy in Elements Organizer Catalog checkbox if you want the file to be saved as a local copy in Elements Organizer Catalog.
Whenever you switch to a different catalog, all your Cloud files will also be synced to the new active catalog.
All the current Auto Sync preferences, including upload options and full-resolution download options, will be honored.
If the upload options are enabled, the media in the new active catalog will be uploaded to your Cloud account.
The Auto Sync process will automatically start and sync your current catalog in the given cases:
When the Elements Organizer is launched.
When a new catalog is created.
When new media is imported.
When Auto Curate is selected.
When Home Screen is launched via Elements Organizer.
When you select the Sync icon in Elements Organizer.
When edits are made within the Elements Organizer.
Below are the lists of various file formats supported for auto-sync:
Video File Formats supported for Upload
Format and filename extension
3GPP (.3gp)
Audio Video Interleave (.avi)
AVCHD (.m2ts, .mts)*
H.264 (.mp4, .m4v)
H.264-encoded QuickTime (.mov, .mp4, .m4v)
HEVC/H.265 (.mov, .mp4, .m4v) [macOS 10.13 and later] [Windows 10 version 1809 (x64bit) or higher. Windows 8.1 is not supported]
HEIF [macOS 10.13 and later]
MPEG-1 (.mpeg)
MPEG-2 (.m2v, .mpg)
MPEG-2 Transport Stream (.m2t)
QuickTime (.mov, .m4a)
Photo File Formats supported for Upload
Format and filename extension
HEIC [macOS 10.13 and later]
Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to the list of supported files.
Once you activate the Elements desktop app, you can access the web app in one of the following ways:
Type in your web browser.
Select the Elements on the Web option in the Photoshop Elements Editor.
Select Open Elements on the Web in the Elements Organizer action bar.