Click Topology on the left navigation panel. You can see the following:
- Overview of ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset
- Auto-discovery of ColdFusion nodes and clusters
- Code profiler in ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset
- Configure ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset settings
- Install ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset
- View cloud metrics
- Monitor GraphQL in Performance Monitoring Toolset
- Configure TLS/SSL and Authentication for Elasticsearch 8.x in Performance Monitoring Toolset
- View cluster and node metrics
- View data source metrics
- View external services
- View incoming services
- View list of sites and busy connections
- View topology of sites
- Datastore Health Monitoring
- Performance Monitoring Toolset Update 1
- Secure Performance Monitoring Toolset with HTTPS/SSL
- Performance Monitoring Toolset deployment guide
- Overview of Adobe ColdFusion API Manager
- Features in ColdFusion API Manager
- Get started with ColdFusion API Manager
- Install ColdFusion API Manager
- Authentication types
- Create and publish APIs
- Administrator
- Subscriber
- Throttling and rate limiting
- Notifications
- Connectors
- Set up cluster support
- Integrate ColdFusion and API Manager
- Metrics and Logging in API Manager
- Generate Swagger documents
- Configure SSL
- Known issues in this release
- Policies in ColdFusion API Manager
- Create a Redis cluster
- Multitenancy in API Manager
- Docker images for ColdFusion API Manager
- ColdFusion Tools User Guide
Coldfusion API Manager
- Overview of Adobe ColdFusion API Manager
- Features in ColdFusion API Manager
- Get started with ColdFusion API Manager
- Install ColdFusion API Manager
- Authentication types
- Create and publish APIs
- Administrator
- Subscriber
- Throttling and rate limiting
- Notifications
- Connectors
- Set up cluster support
- Integrate ColdFusion and API Manager
- Metrics and Logging in API Manager
- Generate Swagger documents
- Configure SSL
- Known issues in this release
- Policies in ColdFusion API Manager
- Create a Redis cluster
- Multitenancy in API Manager
- Docker images for ColdFusion API Manager
Performance Monitoring Toolset provides end to end monitoring for a stand-alone ColdFusion Server or Group of ColdFusion Servers. It captures metrics at each step of CF Server processing and displays actionable data which helps user in monitoring CF Server. It is convenient and suitable for a stand-alone ColdFusion server.
Topology presents an overview of the architecture of the setup.
You can view a topology of all external services, databases, applications, instances, clusters, or sites.
To see the topology,
Topology of sites Topology of sites 1
Server view of topology.
List of sites.
List of ColdFusion instances.
Data sources used.
External services.
To drill down to further details, click any node.
Node topology
Like the topology of servers, you can also check the topology of a node.
In the view, you can see how a node is connected with connectors and databases.
To drill down to further details, click any node.
Sites topology
You can see a high level view of each site that is part of a cluster of a node. You can also see the database that is connected to the site.
You can also check the health score of each instance. Click each instance and you can see the status.
You can also view the topology of individual sites. Click Sites and choose any site.
To drill down to more details, click any node.
The health is based on the following ranges:
- 0-30 – Critical
- >30 – 70 – Needs Attention
- >70 – 100 - Normal
To know how the health score is calculated, see Health Score.
In the Topology view, the ART is calculated as the average ART of the individual nodes in a cluster.
In the Topology view, only External services, such as, cffeed , cfhttp , and son on, are shown.
To drill down for more details, click any parameter. For example, if you click ART, you reach the ART Overview page for the selected instance.
The ART is different for a connector and a server.
Clicking individual health items ART, memory takes to the particular metric details for that instance, if they are a part of a cluster/group.
Tracked/Un-tracked servers
In Update 1 of Performance Monitoring Toolset, you can view both tracked and non-tracked servers in the Topology section.
In the topology, the nodes are color coded according to their current status.