Configure SSL

  1. ColdFusion Tools User Guide
  2. Performance Monitoring Toolset
    1. Overview of ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset
    2. Auto-discovery of ColdFusion nodes and clusters
    3. Code profiler in ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset
    4. Configure ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset settings
    5. Install ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset
    6. View cloud metrics
    7. Monitor GraphQL in Performance Monitoring Toolset
    8. Configure TLS/SSL and Authentication for Elasticsearch 8.x  in Performance Monitoring Toolset
    9. View cluster and node metrics
    10. View data source metrics
    11. View external services
    12. View incoming services
    13. View list of sites and busy connections
    14. View topology of sites
    15. Datastore Health Monitoring
    16. Performance Monitoring Toolset Update 1
    17. Secure Performance Monitoring Toolset with HTTPS/SSL
    18. Performance Monitoring Toolset deployment guide
  3. Use ColdFusion Builder
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    2. System requirements | ColdFusion Builder
    3. Install ColdFusion Builder
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    5. Manage servers in ColdFusion Builder
    6. Manage projects in ColdFusion Builder
    7. What's new in Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)
    8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)
    9. Debug applications in ColdFusion Builder
    10. ColdFusion Builder workbench
    11. ColdFusion Builder extensions
    12. Debugging Perspective in ColdFusion Builder
    13. Build mobile applications using ColdFusion Builder
    14. Bundled ColdFusion Server
    15. Debug mobile applications in ColdFusion Builder
    16. Use extensions in ColdFusion Builder
  4. Coldfusion API Manager
    1. Overview of Adobe ColdFusion API Manager
    2. Features in ColdFusion API Manager
    3. Get started with ColdFusion API Manager
    4. Install ColdFusion API Manager
    5. Authentication types
    6. Create and publish APIs
    7. Administrator
    8. Subscriber
    9. Throttling and rate limiting
    10. Notifications
    11. Connectors
    12. Set up cluster support
    13. Integrate ColdFusion and API Manager
    14. Metrics and Logging in API Manager
    15. Generate Swagger documents
    16. Configure SSL
    17. Known issues in this release
    18. Policies in ColdFusion API Manager
    19. Create a Redis cluster
    20. Multitenancy in API Manager
    21. Docker images for ColdFusion API Manager


Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol that provides communications security between a client and a server by implementing encrypted data and certificate-based authentication.

SSL is a mature protocol and is supported by most browsers.

SSL uses encryption while transmitting data between two or more parties where the sender encrypts the data and the receiver decrypts the data. This method is known as public key encryption. For the public key encryption to take place, the parties in the loop must present a certificate before transmitting any encrypted data.

To ensure that the certificate used is valid, the SSL usually contacts a trusted third-party server called a Certificate Authority (CA).


HTTPS uses SSL protocols to transmit data. When a message is sent using HTTPS,the message is first encrypted with SSL, sent and received using HTTP, and finally decrypted using SSL.

In comparison to HTTP, HTTPS provides better security through encryption and uses digital certificates.

Configuring SSL in API Manager

The API Manager includes two SSL-specific configuration files for both portal and proxy. They are:

  1. portalsslconfig .xml
  2. proxysslconfig .xml

Both the files are located in <APIManagerHome>/conf. The config.xml file, located in the same location, contains the following lines:

<https enabled="false">


       <ssl ref="${sys:apim.home}/conf/portalsslconfig.xml"/>


To enable SSL, change the flag to "true" after creating the keystore and the certificates.

You can configure SSL without using the ColdFusion connector or web server. 


This document contains the steps for configuring SSL for a portal. To configure SSL for proxy, the same procedure holds true.

Generating key pairs and certificates

To generate the keys and certificate, you can use the keytool utility that is bundled with JDK. You can also use third-party certificates or use OpenSSL to create keys and certificates.

Using keytool, enter the following in the command prompt:

keytool -keystore keystore -alias portal -genkey -keyalg RSA

This command creates a keystore with alias named portal and generates a key using the RSA algorithm.

After you enter the command, the keytool will ask you to enter the values for Common Name (CN), Organizational Unit (OU), Organization(O), Locality (L), State (ST) and Country (C).

You will also set the passwords for the keystore and the keystore alias.

The CN should match the domain name of your application.

Updating portalsslconfig.xml

After you generate the keystore, update the portalsslconfig.xml with the keystore's information.

    <path>The keystore path where the server certificate and key is present</path>
    <type>The keystore type, for example, jks or pkcs12.</type>
    <password>The keystore password</password>
    <alias>The key alias to choose as server certificate. If the keystore contains multiple aliases, you can select the specific alias by specifying here.</alias>
    <keypassword>The key password that is used to extract the private key stored at the specified alias. If you do not specify the alias, the JVM chooses the first key as alias.</keypassword>

For example,


To enable two-way SSL between the client and API Manager portal, specify the following configuration:

  1. Set <clientauth>false</clientauth> to "true".
  2. Specify the trust store path where the client certificates are stored.
  3. Specify the type of the trust store (for example, jks or pkcs12). If you do not specify a trust store, the API Manager detects whether the keystore is jks or pkcs12.
  4. Specify the trust store password.

Specifying TLS protocols

Specify the list of TLS protocols that the HTTPS listener supports. By default, all TLS protocols are enabled.


Specifying ciphersuites

Specify the list of ciphersuites to be included or excluded. The resulting list of ciphersuites will be supported by the HTTPS. If the included list is empty, all supported ciphersuites by JVM will be included by default.


Updating config.xml

Enable https to "true" and access the portal through the port specified.

<https enabled="true">
     <ssl ref="${sys:apim.home}/conf/portalsslconfig.xml"/>

To access the administrator portal, enter the following in your browser:


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