SWF compilation failed error when publishing an Adobe Captivate project


The error, "SWF compilation failed" appears when you publish an Adobe Captivate project.


Solution 1: Repair the 64-bit JVM.

  1. Open the AdobeCaptivate.ini file (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 6 x64) and add Use32BitJVMForPublish = 1

  2. Close and relaunch Adobe Captivate.

  3. Publish your project again.

Solution 2: Remove invalid characters in text fields of the project.

Delete such characters and type them (instead of copy-pasting them from source). Republish the project.

Solution 3: Make sure that there aren't any AS3 methods/variables in text fields.

Change the text so that none of the AS3 methods and variable names are used. Republish the project.

Solution 4: Remove the JVM32 folder inside Captivate 2019 installation folder

  • If there is a JVM32 folder at C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64, then uninstall Captivate, and manually remove the Adobe Captivate 2019 x64 installation folder.
  • Re-install Captivate.

Solution 5: Check if there is any special character in Windows username.

  • Remove any or all special characters in the username

Additional information

This error can occur for any or all of the following reasons:

  • The 64-bit JVM is corrupted.
  • Invalid characters are present in text fields such as Project Information, Email, Description, Name, and Slide Name in your project.
  • You have used AS3 methods or variable names such as button names (Play/Pause) in the text fields.

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