Naposledy aktualizováno 3. 12. 2024

Learn how to create a mask for specific areas in a photo with the Linear Gradient tool.  

Adobe Lightroom deeplink

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The Linear Gradient tool lets you apply gradual adjustments across a straight, linear area of an image. The effect starts strong at one end of the gradient and gradually decreases to zero at the other end. This tool is commonly used for enhancing skies, creating vignettes, or emphasizing specific parts of a photo with a straight-line transition.

  1. On the Lightroom on the web homepage, select All Photos.

  2. Select an image to open it in detail view, and then select Masking  .

  3. Within the Masks panel, select Create new mask

  4. Select Linear Gradient and drag it over the areas you want to mask.

  5. Control the overall selected area of the Linear Gradient mask using the Amount slider.