JavaScript objects are undefined in Dreamweaver 19.0

Issue-1: JavaScript objects are undefined in Dreamweaver 19.0

When you update Dreamweaver to the latest version 19.0, sometimes you get an error as "ERROR: 'document' is not defined. [no-undef]". Some of the basic JavaScript objects such as document or window are not defined. 


Dreamweaver 19.0 on all supported operating systems. 

Issue description

Dreamweaver supports ECMAScript 6 syntax in Dreamweaver CC 19.0. Dreamweaver also supports linting of ECMAScript code, with ESLint defaulting as JavaScript linter.

In some instances, basic JavaScript objects are not defined. 


Scenario-1: If you have a modified configuration file in site root

Add the following code to .eslintrc.js configuration file. 

"env": {
        "browser": true,
        "jquery": true

Scenario-2: If the configuration file in site root is not modified

Follow the steps in Workaround-2.

Issue-2: JavaScript Linting does not work as expected

Issue description

Dreamweaver now supports ECMAScript 6 syntax in Dreamweaver CC 19.0. Dreamweaver also supports linting of ECMAScript code, with ESLint defaulting as JavaScript linter.

The ESLint version supported in Dreamweaver CC 19.0 is 3.19. Some of the rules provided in .eslintrc.js configuration file such as for-direction and getter-return belong to the latest version of ESLint. Hence, this issue occurs. 


This issue has been fixed by updating the .eslintrc.js configuration file. Follow the steps below to use the updated .eslintrc.js configuration file. 

  1. Download the updated version of .eslintrc.js file.


  2. Go to the site location and replace the existing .eslintrc.js file with the downloaded version. 

    If you have Administrator access rights, it is recommended to replace the configuration file in the installation path:

    Go to <Install path>\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2019\configuration\ESLintrc and replace the existing .eslintrc.js file with the downloaded version. 


    • The ECMAScript Version settings defined in site setup dialog has precedence over the .eslintrc.js file used in site root. 
    • If you do not have ESLint configuration files in the site, Dreamweaver searches for the configuration files in all locations leading up to the root directory.

    For more information on configuration file cascading and hierarchy, see ESLint site