Applies to enterprise.
Your organization has likely enabled domain enforcement if you're facing the following scenarios:
- You cannot sign in to your personal account created with your organization's managed email: Sign-in requires you to update your email.
- You cannot create a new personal or business account using your organization's managed email: Sign-up requires you to use a personal email address.
If you view an Update Your Email screen on a sign-in attempt, your organization has enabled the domain enforcement policy. Domain enforcement restricts the use of personal Adobe user accounts linked to organization-owned domains.
You can enter a different personal email address to keep using the Adobe apps associated with your personal account. Your apps and data will be safely migrated to the new email address, and you can access your apps and data after you've updated your personal account email.
You have 30 days from the time you first logged in after your admin set the Update Your Email policy. In these 30 days, you can change your email address, skip it, or continue using your domain-enforced email. You cannot access the Adobe apps and their associated data with your personal account after 30 days without changing your email address.
You'll see the Update Your Email screen on each sign-in attempt till you change your email.
You stop seeing the screen only in two cases:
- You've changed to a different personal email address.
- Your organization admin has removed the domain enforcement policy.
If you see a message to use a personal email address on attempting to create a new account, your organization has enabled domain enforcement.
You can create a new account using any email address on an unclaimed domain, such as,, etc.