What changed in 2023.05.0

Brand Portal 2023.05.0 is an internal release that includes fixes to the critical issues. See the latest Brand Portal Release Notes.

What changed in 2023.02.0

Brand Portal 2023.02.0 is an internal release that includes fixes to the critical issues. See the latest Brand Portal Release Notes.

What changed in 2022.10.0

Brand Portal 2022.10.0 is an internal release that includes fixes to the critical issues. See the latest Brand Portal Release Notes.

What changed in 2022.08.0

Brand Portal 2022.08.0 is an internal release that includes fixes to the critical issues. See the latest Brand Portal Release Notes.

What changed in 2022.05.0

Brand Portal now runs jobs automatically every twelve hours to delete all Brand Portal assets that are published to AEM. As a result, you do not need to delete the assets in the Contribution folder manually to keep the folder size below the threshold limit. You can also monitor the status of the automatically run delete jobs using the Tools > Asset Contribution Status > Deletion Reports option in Brand Portal. The report for a job provides the following details:

  • Job start time
  • Job end time
  • Job status
  • Total assets included in a job
  • Total assets successfully deleted in a job
  • Total storage made available as a result of the job run

Deletion Report

You can also drill down further to view the details of each asset included in a delete job. Details such as asset title, size, author, delete status, and deletion time are included in the report.

Deletion Report Detailed

In addition, Brand Portal 2022.05.0 includes fixes to the critical issues. See the latest Brand Portal Release Notes.