Used as a control block in a cfif tag block to handle any case not identified by the cfif tag or a cfelseif tag.
<cfif expression> |
See also
cfif, cfelse, cfabort, cfbreak, cfexecute, cfexit, cflocation, cfloop, cfswitch, cfthrow, cftry
If the value of the expression in this tag is yes, and the values of the expressions in the containing cfif tag and preceding cfelseif tags are no, ColdFusion processes the code between this tag and a following cfelseif or cfelse tag, or the cfif end tag and then skips to the code following the cfif end tag. Otherwise, ColdFusion skips the code.
This tag must be inside a cfif tag block. It does not require an end tag. For more information and an example, see cfif.
Value is 10
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