View reports and usage information about uploaded content

Learn how administrators can check reports and performance of content uploaded to Adobe Connect meetings, webinars, courses, and so on.

View data about all content

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Content > Content Dashboard.

    The Content Dashboard provides a graphical representation of statistical data about your content. The data reflects all the content in your My Content folder and is output to the following categories:

    Most Viewed Content Over Last 30 Days

    The number of views.

    Most Effective Presentations Over Last 30 Days

    Determined by percentage of slides viewed across all viewers.

    Most Recently Viewed Content Over Last 30 Days

    In list format, shows the name, content type, number of views, and last time this content was viewed. The most recently viewed is listed first.

    Aging Content

    In list format, shows the name, content type, and last time this content was viewed. The most recently viewed is listed last.

    Click any item to view the corresponding Content Information page.

  2. To print the data, click Printable Version.

View reports about individual pieces of content


In Adobe Connect 7 and later, you can retrieve data about individual pieces of content from a new Reports wizard (in Adobe Connect Central, click Reports > Content). This section of the documentation describes an older user interface for viewing data about individual pieces of content. This user interface was left in the product for backwards compatibility. The new Reports wizard is a better reporting tool.

You can download reports whenever necessary to analyze information about how content is being used.

Where appropriate, you can restrict the information you see on a report by specifying report filters. When the filters are in effect for a given report, the Report Filters link appears above the report display.

Any filters you set apply to all reports that you create, both for the specific report and for any other Adobe Connect functionality. For example, if you create a training report after you set filters for a content report, the filters apply to the training report. This rule applies to any date range you specify. If you do not clear a date range filter that you set for one report, it applies to all reports.


Report filters are only saved for the current session. If you set report filters, click Save, then logout of Adobe Connect, when you log in again the report filters you previously set are not retained. However, the Reports wizard does save filters across sessions.

Set report filters

  1. Access the information page (for example, the Content, Meeting, or Course Information page) for the file whose report filters you want to set.
  2. On the information page, click the Reports link above the Content Information title bar.

    A set of report links appears above the title bar, with Summary highlighted, and the Summary report for this meeting appears below the information heading.

  3. Click the report type for which you want to set filters.

    The data for the report type you selected appears in the Adobe Connect Central window.

  4. Click the Report Filters link, to the right of the No Filters Have Been Set label.
    The option to Set Report Filters for a curriculum.
    The option to Set Report Filters for a curriculum.

  5. Set one or more of the following filters:
    • To set the date range filters, select the From and To check boxes and the start and end dates and times. For example, if you select a date range for the By Slides report, it shows only the slides that were viewed within the specified dates.

    • To set filters for groups, click the Add/Remove Groups link and select the check box for the groups you want to track in your report. The data on the report applies only to the members of a specific group that participated. You can select more than one group, and then deselect any group.

    • To select team members (managers only), click either Show Data From People I Manage Directly or Show Data From People I Manage Directly And Indirectly.

    To clear filters you have set, click Reset on the Set Report Filters page.

  6. Click Save at the bottom of the Set Report Filters page.

The report page reappears with the filters you set, above the display bar.

Download reports

  1. Access the information page (for example, the Content, Meeting, or Course Information page) for the file whose report you want to download.
  2. On the information page, click the Reports link above the Content Information title bar.
  3. Click a report type, for example, By Slides or By Questions.


    The Summary provides the content name, the date that the content was last modified, and the number of times this content was viewed.

    By Users

    This report available for recordings of meetings and virtual classrooms is a report of registered users viewing a recording. This report is similar to the Meeting By Attendees report and has the same columns and an additional column of Total Time Viewed. This report works for public recording as well. However, guest viewers are not reported as Adobe Connect does not require guest viewers to provide their details when viewing a recording.

    By Slides or By Pages (PDF)

    Applies to presentations only. A bar graph lists each slide in the presentation by slide number and the number times it was viewed. Below the graph is a table with the same information, which also includes the last time each slide was viewed.

    By Questions

    A bar chart shows each question, color-coded as correct or incorrect, and the number of respondents to the question. Click a question in the bar to display a pie chart with a table that provides the answer key and answer distribution. The answer key lists all possible answers for the selected question and their corresponding answer number or letter. The answer distribution lists the answer choices selected for this question, flags the correct answer, and shows the number of users who selected each answer, as well as what percent of the total each number of users represents. Finally, the chart totals the users by number of users and percent of users. Below the graph is a table that provides an overview of all questions, listing each question by number, name, number of correct answers, number of incorrect answers, percentage of correct, percentage of incorrect, as well as the score.

    By Answers

    A table provides the maximum score, the passing score, the average score, and the high score for the quiz. For each question, the table also shows the question number, the question itself, and the answer distribution; that is, how each question was answered, if at all. Click the View Answers link to display a pie chart with a table that provides the answer key and answer distribution. The answer key lists all of the possible answers for the selected question and their corresponding answer number or letter. The answer distribution lists all of the answer choices selected for this question, flags the correct answer, and shows the number of users who selected each answer, as well as what percent of the total each number of users represents. Finally, the chart totals the users by number of users and percent of users.

    The Hide Answer Distribution/Show Answer Distribution button is a toggle for showing and hiding the distribution of answers for each question.


    Adobe Connect resets content scores for quizzes and surveys each time the user retrieves the content. If a user closes the quiz or survey without completing it and returns to it later, all the previous answers are lost. If you do not want the score to reset, and you have access to the Training tab, you can create a course and select the content in question as the course content. This converts the content into a course.

  4. Click Download Report Data to export the report data to a CSV file. You can either save or open the report. If you are running Adobe Connect Central in an Internet Explorer browser and choose to open the report, Windows automatically opens it in Microsoft Excel. In this case, double-click each cell to see its information.

    Another option is to save the CSV file to your desktop, select Notepad from the Accessories menu (select Start > Accessories > Notepad), and open the file from Notepad, which makes it easier to read.

    In addition, if the Printable Version button appears for a report, you can click the button to export the report to a browser window and print the report.

Remove report filters

  1. Access the information page (for example, the Content, Meeting, Course Information page, and so on) for the file whose report filter you want to remove.
  2. On the information page, click the Reports link above the Content Information title bar.
  3. Click a report type, either By Slides, By Questions, or By Answers.
  4. Click the Report Filters link.
  5. In the Set Filters page, do either of the following:
    • To clear all filters, click Reset.

    • To clear a specific filter, deselect the check box and click Save; if it’s a group, click Add/Remove Groups, deselect the group check box, and click Save.

