Video pod

Discover how to stream and control camera video feeds in Adobe Connect.

The video pod in Adobe Connect allows users to stream live video from their cameras. It provides multiple video layouts to organize various video streams, making it perfect for discussions and interactive sessions.

Key features of the video pod

  • Multiple video streams: The video pod supports multiple video streams, allowing multiple presenters or participants to share their cameras simultaneously. 
  • Customizable layouts: The video pod offers flexibility in how videos are displayed. Hosts can adjust the size and position of the video feed, change the layout to focus on one or several speakers, and even switch to full-screen mode.
  • Video quality and bandwidth control: Hosts can manage video quality based on bandwidth availability. Lowering video resolution reduces data usage, helping participants with slower internet enjoy smooth streaming without affecting performance.
  • Camera control: Hosts can also manage participants’ camera permissions, allowing or restricting camera use as needed.

Share camera video

View the Share camera video in Adobe Connect to learn more about your camera video, setting up virtual backgrounds, and other related topics.

Add a video pod

From the Pods menu  , select Video. If you haven't switched on your camera, the Video pod will be empty.

Video pod settings

You can access the various settings from the video pod options.

Video pod options
Video pod options

Option Description
Mirror Use mirror    to toggle mirroring of your video. Camera videos are mirrored by default.
Full screen 
 Use   to go full screen.
Grid view
Select Grid view to view all the videos in a grid. 
Filmstrip view Select Filmstrip view to view all the videos in a horizontal or vertical strip. 
Single speaker view Select Single speaker view to display only the active speaker's video on the screen. In the video pod, only the active speaker's video will be visible. 
Set main video Select Set main video and then select the name of the attendee whom you want to set the primary focus for everyone in the session.
Spotlight speaker Select Spotlight speaker to direct the attention of all attendees to the speaker. 
Pause incoming videos Select Pause incoming videos to halt the incoming video streams from all attendees. The videos will display the last captured image frame when the pause was activated. Select Resume incoming videos to resume the videos.
Pause your camera Select Pause your camera to stop streaming your video. When the pause is activated, your video will appear to everyone as a static freeze-frame of the last captured image. To resume streaming, select Resume your camera. This feature is handy when you're not actively participating in group interactions but still want your video image to remain visible.
Force presenter view Select Force presenter view to show the presenter's view on every attendee's screen. 

Change video layout

The video pod supports different layouts (e.g., Filmstrip or Grid), which hosts can select based on the meeting's needs. They can maximize the video pod for better visibility during presentations.

From the Video pod options  , select from the following layouts:

  • Grid view: Shows all participants' video feeds in a grid format.
  • Filmstrip view: Shows the video feeds as a row of thumbnails, focusing on the speaker or selected participant.
  • Single speaker view: Highlights only the active speaker or a selected participant.

Adjust video settings

Video quality

The host can control the quality of the video feed. Higher quality settings will increase the bandwidth requirements for all attendees. 

  1. From the Room menu  , select Preferences.

  2. Navigate to Video and then select the video quality for the video pod in the session.

    Meeting preference for HD video sharing
    Meeting preference for HD video sharing

    Choose the video quality from the following:

    • Low: 240p  
    • Medium:360p
    • High: 480p
    • HD: 720p
    • Full HD: 1080p 

    This is the maximum bandwidth specified in Adobe Connect. If the quality is set to HD, the highest resolution supported will be 720p. You can attempt to stream video at 720p for all participants. However, if someone sharing their video is on a lower-bandwidth network, their video may be streamed at a lower resolution.

Video cell aspect ratio

The host can control the aspect ratio setting of individual video cells in the video pod. A Standard (4:3) aspect ratio can fit more videos in a video pod. Set the Aspect ratio accordingly.

Manage video sharing for participants

By default, only hosts and presenters can share their videos. As a host, you can enable participants to share their videos, either for all participants or for selected individuals. To allow participants to share their video, perform one of the following:

  • To enable all participants to share their video, select the camera dropdown and select Allow participants to use camera. This will allow all participants to share their videos, and the camera button will appear in their menu bar. To revoke this permission, deselect the option. 
  • To enable specific participants to share their video, select the attendees from the Attendees pod and select Video share.

Supported video layouts

Video feeds in a meeting are displayed in the Video pod in either Filmstrip, Grid, or Single Speaker layout. Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video from among all the video feeds. 


Filmstrip layout

Grid layout

Single Speaker layout

Display in the Video pod

The main video occupies most of the pod area with other videos being smaller in size.

All videos occupy equal area.

Displays only the main video in the pod area.

When Host switches layout

Host's video is main video.

All videos are equal in size.

Displays only the main video.

Primary feed

Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video.

All videos are equal.

Hosts, Presenters, and participants with enhanced video rights can set a video feed as the primary video.

Aspect ratio on Windows




Aspect ratio on macOS

Widescreen displayed in 4:3 ratio.

Widescreen (16:9) with pillar boxing.

Pillarboxing is a video display technique that involves adding black bars to a video's left and right sides to make it fit on a wider screen.

Widescreen displayed in 4:3 ratio.

Network and CPU performance

Better than Grid mode.

May deteriorate depending on the load.

Better than Grid mode.

Modes supported

Supported in both Standard View and Enhanced Audio/Video Experience

Supported in both Standard View and Enhanced Audio/Video Experience

Supported only in Enhanced Audio/Video Experience

When a meeting host switches to a Filmstrip layout, the host’s video is the primary video. However, a host can mark any video as the main video by selecting Set main video from the video pod options. If any feed is hidden from the strip, a scroll icon appears at the end. Users can scroll the strip on either side to view other available feeds. 


Aspect ratio on Windows

Aspect ratio on macOS



Widescreen (16:9) with pillar boxing



Widescreen (4:3)

Single Speaker


Widescreen (4:3)

