Guidelines for sharing PPTX files

Best practices and cautions when sharing Microsoft Powerpoint presentation files in an Adobe Connect room.

You can upload PPT or PPTX files directly into a Share Pod in an Adobe Connect room using the Adobe Connect application or your browser. Using your browser, you can also upload files to the Adobe Connect content library.

When uploading directly to an Adobe Connect room, you have two options: 

  1. From an empty Share pod, select the Document button to open the document selection window and select the Browse my computer button. Navigate to your file and select it, then select Open.
  2. Drag and drop your PPT or PPTX file into an empty Share pod. 

When uploading content to the Adobe Connect content library, select the Content tab, select the New Content button, and use the form to add your files to your library. 

PowerPoint file font conversion

If the PowerPoint file uses custom fonts, the Adobe Connect display might differ from MS PowerPoint's view. Standard fonts replace custom fonts, which can lead to the text not rendering as expected. To avoid conversion issues, ensure that custom fonts are embedded in the PowerPoint file before uploading it to Adobe Connect.

  1. Open the PPT or PPTX file in MS PowerPoint presentation.

  2. Choose File > Save As.
  3. In the Save As dialog box, choose Tools > Save Options.

  4. From Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation, select Embed fonts in a file.

  5. Choose one of the following:
    • Embed only the characters used in the presentation
    • Embed all characters (choosing this will lead to an increase in the size of the file)
  6. Select OK, and then select Save.

  7. Use this new file to share within the Share pod.

Features supported in uploaded PPT or PPTX files:

PowerPoint Feature

Adobe Connect Display Result



Stacked Text (Text Direction)


Smart Art




Text Effects (Gradient/Picture/Texture Fill, Shadows, 3D, Bevel, Glow, Transforms, Outlines)

Preserved (text color animations, bullet animations, and 3D effects not supported)

Effects on Shapes/Images (Shadows, Reflection, 3D, Bevel, Soft Edges, Glow, Outline)

Preserved (animations supported except the slide entry animations)

PowerPoint 2007 Fonts (Cambria, Calibri, Candara, and so on)

Fonts supported

Custom Fonts

Fonts substituted

PowerPoint presentation best practices

  • After uploading, navigate through each slide to confirm fonts, graphics, and animations are displaying as expected.
  • Open the sidebar by clicking the Show Sidebar icon, then select Outline to view your slide titles. Select any slide title to jump to that slide.
  • Show Sidebar to view your PowerPoint notes or search for a word on a slide.
  • Show Presentation Playbar to control playback of animations, audio, and video.
  • If your slides don't convert as expected, select Stop Sharing and switch to screen sharing your slides.

Caution when using these PowerPoint features in Adobe Connect

  • The slide outline may not list all slide titles correctly.
  • Animations are skipped if a host or presenter clicks on the next slide button before completing.
  • Multilingual content on slides may not display correctly.
  • Clicking on the Play button in the Playbar will only play to the end of the current slide.
  • Hyperlinks on grouped objects are not preserved.
  • Inserted GIF files will appear static and will not animate in the slide.
  • Color-based animations are not supported.

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