- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
- Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- Adobe Connect Events
- Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
Learn how to share a document in a share pod during Adobe Connect session.
Sharing documents in Adobe Connect is an excellent way to collaborate and present information to your participants. As a host or presenter, you can share documents uploaded to the Content Library or share documents directly from your computer. Sharing documents from the Content Library has the following advantages over sharing your screen:
Better and higher fidelity viewing experience for participants.
Lower bandwidth requirement for presenters and participants.
More navigation options with the Adobe Presenter sidebar.
Pre-loading and organizing documents in the meeting room.
Easier presentation when multiple presenters are involved.
If you turn off sharing, change the content in a Share pod, or close the Share pod, the document remains part of the meeting room and can be displayed again.
To edit a shared document, edit the source document and reload it into the meeting.
Share documents
You can share the supported file types from the Content Library or your computer as a host or presenter. The Content Library is available in Adobe Connect Central. In a meeting, you can share GIF content from the Content Library. However, GIF format isn't supported when you share content by browsing your local file system using the file picker dialog.
You can create presentations using PowerPoint presentations using Adobe Presenter. Adobe Connect does not support progressive-scan JPEG files.
Use the following steps to share documents during sessions.
Do any of the following:
Drag and drop the file to start sharing in an empty Share pod.
In the upper-right corner of the Share pod, select the options
and choose Share > Document.
Select one of the following:
Displays whiteboards created for the current meeting.
Uploaded Files
Displays content uploaded for the current meeting.
Select Browse My Computer to upload content for the current meeting. The document is added to the Uploaded Content folder for the meeting in Adobe Connect Central. An administrator can move the document to the Shared Content folder to make the document available for other meetings.
My Content
Displays content in your user folder in Adobe Connect Central.
Share History
Displays content in other user folders in Adobe Connect Central. To view the content in another user’s folder, you must have view permission from that user.
Megjegyzés:File types supported with the new CEF application, the Browse My Computer function defaults to showing only JPG or JPEG file types.
We are working on this and will release a fix shortly with all the other file formats supported in the updated CEF application.
Shared Content
Displays content in Adobe Connect Central that is available to all account holders with the appropriate permissions.
Select the document that you want to share, and click OK.
The selected document appears in the Share pod. The document name appears in the title bar of the pod.
Adobe recommends
PDF files in Desktop application
PDF files are stored in the content library as they are. When shared in a meeting room, they are converted to SWF files to allow synchronized navigation and whiteboard capabilities.
Hosts and presenters can download PDF files from the Share pod. Participants can download PDF files if hosts and presenters select the Sync button to turn off display synchronization.
PDF Portfolios and password-protected PDF files cannot be converted into SWF files, preventing them from being shared in Adobe Connect. In addition, certain PDF features are not supported when sharing PDF files in Adobe Connect. In some cases, objects within the PDF are either dropped or only a simple image preview is displayed.
The following objects can be dropped in Adobe Connect:
Comment text (only the sticky note icon is shown)
Audio clips (only the play button icon is shown)
The following objects retain a simple image preview (an image representing the object) in Adobe Connect:
3D objects
Multimedia objects (audio, video, and SWF files)
When shared in the shared pod, PDF files in HTML application, by default, open in the synchronized mode.
Download PDF
By default, participants cannot download PDFs from the Files share pod. Only hosts and presenters can enable this feature. Use the following steps to download the PDF from the Files pod.
With the PDF displayed in a Share pod, select the Sync navigation with participants button at the upper-right corner to turn off synchronization.
Turn off sync navigation with participants Turn off sync navigation with participants -
Once disabled, the participants will view an option to download the content with Save as from the options in the upper-right corner of the Share pod.
Save options Save options
Print PDF
You can also print PDFs uploaded to the Content Library as hosts or presenters. To do so, use the following steps.
With the PDF displayed in a Share pod, select the Draw
button at the upper-right corner to turn it on.
Turn on Draw button Turn on Draw button -
Once turned on, the participants will see an option to print from the options Share pod.
in the upper-right corner of thePrint options Print options
Turn off display synchronization for documents
By default, Adobe Connect synchronizes the display of documents so that attendees see the frame that the presenter sees. A host or presenter can use the sync button to turn off synchronization. This functionality lets attendees go through presentations or PDF documents at their own pace.
The Sync button appears only when you have multi-frame content loaded in the Share pod.
With content loaded in the Share pod, select the Sync navigation with participants at the upper-right corner to disable synchronization. Controls for presentation playback appear at the bottom of the Share pod.