Control Key Shortcuts
Fixed issues in RoboHelp (2019 release)
The following is a list of issues resolved in RoboHelp (2019 release) and subsequent patch releases.
Check the RoboHelp forum for solutions, workarounds, or any late-breaking information.
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- Search does not work for Responsive HTML5 output when generated using RH2019 Classic Update 13. (Ref - 7436)
- Javascript errors when opening the generated .chm file.
- Bookmark links are not working in Responsive HTML5 output.
- The security issues fixed for RH Classic in Update 13 have been reverted in Update 14.
Fixed Issues
- The topic content disappears on moving images from one folder to another in the Contents panel. (Ref - 7303)
- RoboHelp fails to generate Word output if empty inline tags like <strong> or <italic> tags are available inside the empty table cells. (Ref - 7279)
- In Indigo skin, the breadcrumbs are not shown when a topic is opened, and also, the topic is not highlighted in TOC. (Ref - 7269)
- The CSS styles are not recognized in Word output if the <style> element is included inside the <head> of the document. (Ref - 7262)
- In Frameless output, the bookmark inserted in a paragraph within a drop-down does not redirect the user to the right place. (RH - 7259)
- The Responsive HTML5 search does not find the German umlaut characters correctly. (Ref - 7221)
- The Responsive HTML5 is taking too long (over 10-20 minutes) to generate the output. (Ref - 7217)
- Long topic names get truncated in the TOC of Frameless output. (Ref - 7215)
- Framemaker Book and RH linking issue while saving the style names having special characters. (Ref - 7029)
- The variables containing images are not included in topics as variables; instead shows the variable text and image as duplicate. (Ref - 6921)
- This release fixes multiple bugs while upgrading from Classic to RH2019. (Ref - 7264, 6854)
- Search indexing for .doc files does not work.
- Search indexing for .doc hangs output generation at "Indexing References".
- In charcoal grey skin, auto search suggestion is not displayed during the search.
- Issue with breadcrumbs when coming from snippets in Responsive and Frameless output.
- Cellspacing attribute was not handled properly in table upgrade.
- Attribute flag value for collapsible data is lost in the upgrade.
- Issues applying counter-reset to elements to match with Classic numbering.
- Issue with importing a multi-level list with different styles.
- Empty lines are appearing in miniTOC in the output.
- Glossary term with new line in between does not work in output.
- The topic in Microsoft HTML Help (.chm) output gives an error if using “&” symbol in the filename of the topic. (Ref - 6853)
- Only the file parentdata.js is generated on choosing any language (except English) in the output settings of Responsive HTML5 and Frameless. (Ref - 6845)
- Numeric characters do not work in a Responsive HTML5 output search for German Projects. (Ref - 5692)
- This release fixes few security bugs in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs. (Ref - 6957, 4539)
Feature enhancements
Publish Frameless output to RoboHelp Server
You can now publish Frameless output to Robohelp Server 10 (Version 10.0.2).
For more information, see
Please review the updated system requirements for RoboHelp Server (Version 10.0.2) at”
Fixed Issues
- Performance issues while searching and selecting the opened topic in TOC of large projects in Frameless Output. (Ref - 6509)
- When clicked on a book pointing to a topic, the TOC doesn't expand to show its nested items in Frameless Output. (Ref - 6583)
- JavaScript reserved words e.g., "Constructor," are not handled correctly in search if present in the topic's content. (Ref - 6590)
- Search parameters are added at the wrong location in page URL after searching from the home page. (Ref - 6611)
- While generating Responsive HTML5 or Frameless output, search results show the variable name instead of its value, when used in the topic title. (Ref - 6632)
- In Frameless output, search keywords do not work for a topic with applied conditional tags. (Ref - 6624)
- Heading defined inside Drop-down link title doesn't appear in Mini TOC in Frameless output. (Ref - 6591)
- Mini TOC doesn't display heading items included inside of a snippet. (Ref - 6603)
- Backslashes get added before the straight quotes in the glossary panel in Frameless and HTML5 output. (Ref - 6631)
- Encountering application error when publishing output to the SFTP server. (Ref - 6622)
- The Custom-sized and Auto-sized popups inserted in an image do not work in Responsive HTML5. (Ref - 6642)
- Issue with minimum width of Custom Sized Popup in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 output. (Ref - 6716)
- The dropdown title in the text does not recognize the expand/collapse button and remains constant.
(Ref - 6724) - The help topic prints without the applied formatting from the CSS in the generated Frameless output. (Ref - 6643)
- Defining the font-size property with em values fails to generate the Word output. (Ref - 6738)
- Using custom color for bullets does not carry over into the Word output. (Ref - 6738)
- The Word output does not handle the images used in numbering. (Ref - 6738)
- The Word output does not display the character styles. (Ref - 6738)
- Performance issues in loading topic properties due to the long list of Index Keywords in the project. (Ref - 6620)
- The spell checker is not working for the French language. (Ref - 6587)
- Sort by Map number is not working in Map Files editor. (Ref - 6700)
- Glossary Term converter script is not working on words containing French characters. (Ref - 6677)
- Local image files do not get copied in Assets > images folder after import of markdown file. (Ref - 6629)
- The HTML head section in a RoboHelp topic is missing on importing a Markdown file. (Ref - 6542)
Fixed Output Issues
- The Responsive HTML5 and Frameless presets do not generate lower case in the referenced file names. (Ref - 6404)
- The image size changes in Word output if the image resolution is not set to 96 DPI. (RH-6393)
- The Decimal separator specified in CSS values is not recognized in Word output for German Projects. (Ref - 6386)
- RoboHelp fails to generate Word output if a topic contains a table with partly transparent background. (Ref - 6384)
- The Word output does not handle superscript and subscript styling correctly. (Ref – 6331)
- In Responsive HTML5 Output, text in the search box cannot be reset without manually removing from URL. (Ref - 6382)
- In Frameless output, the search by phrase does not return any results if part of the search query in the target topic is formatted text, such as bold or italic. (Ref - 6332)
- The search results in the Frameless output that uses merged projects do not return relevant results at the top. (Ref - 6330)
- The search with dynamic content filters doesn't find correct results in merged projects. (Ref - 5724)
- The small images are stretched out horizontally in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs. (Ref - 6380)
- The drop-down does not open when creating and outputting a drop-down in a snippet. (Ref - 6374)
- The <script> tags are not copied from Master Page into the Topics. (RH - 6359)
- Mini-TOC in Frameless output does not indent different heading sizes correctly. (RH - 5474)
- The search container is inside the TOC tiles area in Frameless output home page. (Ref - 6329)
- Drop-down expanded by default on publish in Frameless output. (Ref - 6288)
- In Frameless output, the thumbnail image, when expanded, hides the close button fully or partially behind the header or bookmark bar. (Ref - 6256)
- Only .htm extension can be created for index.htm page. Index.html is not supported in output presets. (Ref - 6407)
- Creating a new topic using a master page does not patch the relative paths present in the master page topic body. (RH - 6396)
- The option to map hyperlink styles in Word to styles in RoboHelp is not available. (RH - 6338)
- In topics imported from Word document, language attribute is not handled properly. (RH - 6297)
- The hyperlinks containing '#' are imported empty from Word. (RH - 6290)
- Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) operation for TOC drag-drop is completely disabled. (Ref - 6333)
- Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) operation are completely broken from the menu. (Ref - 6292)
- Embedding a video in drop-down text breaks the source when the Author view is displayed. (RH - 6310)
- Encountering application error in Sharepoint authentication (Ref - 6511)
- Table of Contents does not work correctly in IE11 in Responsive HTML output. (Ref - 6507)
- Header and footer do not apply to all the pages in PDF. (Ref - 6521)
- The variables in the variable set do not display the updated variable value, in spite shows the value as overridden. (Ref - 6502)
- Performance drop in search and sync in Table of Contents for large projects in Frameless output. (Ref - 6509)
- Topic filtered message appears even if the filter is not applied at the topic level. (Ref - 6505)
- The front cover of a PDF is inserted at the start and end of the document resulting in erratic page numbering. (Ref - 6304)
- In Frameless output, a pair of warning messages are processed for every merged project, causing a significant delay in topic loading time. (Ref - 6301)
- Stability issues with RoboHelp instance on large projects (~1000 topics) caused by memory leak. (Ref - 6508)
- PDF download file name is getting renamed in Frameless Output. (Ref - 6533)
- Missing newer HTML5 tags for example, <mark>, <i> and so on, in the styles panel. (Ref - 6534)
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in "searchMsg" and "rhsearch" parameters in Responsive HTML5 output. (Ref - 6535)
- Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) does not output the TOC of 2-byte characters correctly. (Ref - 6538, 6554)
- Text pop-up boxes are overlapped in Frameless output. (Ref - 6562)
- Links to large topics with multiple pages do not go to first page of those topics. (Ref - 6568)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- Missing content in widgets.min.css in Responsive HTML5. (Ref - 6548)
Feature enhancements
Use the new Spell Check feature
You can now run spell check for your complete project and in opened topics. It simplifies the experience for correcting the topics by adding, ignoring, or correcting the misspelled words. Users can also manage User Dictionary words and Ignored words list now.
Use the new side-by-side editing feature
You can open and edit multiple topics, TOCs, output presets side-by-side, both horizontally and vertically, at the same time. You may drag and drop one of the topic next to the other, or above or below the other.
To enable this view, right-click on the file tab opened in the editor, and choose the option to Split Up/ Split Down/ Split Left/ Split Right.
Use the new Auto save feature
Auto save is a new feature that allows you to save your files automatically, every few seconds, as you work. Auto save is disabled by default.
To enable Auto save, click Edit > Preferences > Enable auto save. Set the time (in seconds) to save the contents of the document automatically. By default, the timer is set to 60 seconds.
PDF/Word preset enhancements
Include Expanding Text content Including Expanding Text let you collapse the content and allow you to add extra text adjacent to the specific content in a content-heavy topic. Select this option to include Expanding Text in your Word / PDF Document output.
Include Drop-down Text content Including Drop-down Text let you add drop-down text to any content-heavy topic and then allows you to select an option from a series of choices. Select this option to include Drop-down text in your Word / PDF Document output.
Word output enhancements
Include All Referenced Topics Includes topics that are not part of the Table of Contents but are referenced from topics in the Table of Contents. Deselect this option to exclude the referenced topics in your Word Document output.
Authoring enhancements
Import Markdown content
You can now import a Markdown (.md) file and convert to HTML topics.
Use the Keyboard shortcuts
Assigning keyboard shortcuts for defining Heading styles can streamline the document authoring process. To quickly apply heading styles to a topic, you can use the following shortcuts:
Function |
Ctrl + Alt + 1 |
Heading 1 |
Ctrl + Alt + 2 |
Heading 2 |
Ctrl + Alt + 3 |
Heading 3 |
Ctrl + Alt + 4 |
Heading 4 |
Ctrl + Alt + 5 |
Heading 5 |
Ctrl + Alt + 6 |
Heading 6 |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Convert the text to normal paragraph text |
Hyperlink options in the editor
Open Hyperlink Right-click the hyperlink and select Open Hyperlink on the context menu.
Ctrl + Click To open the file in the hyperlink, press Ctrl + Click on that hyperlink in the topic.
Edit Hyperlink To change the address or display the text of a hyperlink you added, right-click the link and click Edit Hyperlink.
Use Cut/Copy/Paste in Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is a snapshot of the headings in your document. At any time, you can now cut, copy, paste by right-clicking on any of the TOC items in the author and editor view. You can also drag and drop to make a copy from one table of contents into another table of contents.
Use customized Screen Tips
The Screen Tip lets you display helpful information about your links present in your topics..
You can now add a Screen Tip as you add or edit a hyperlink. After adding a screen tip, it will show as tip text on hovering over that hyperlink.
Use Eye Dropper tool with multi-monitor setup
Added Multiple Monitors support for Eye Dropper tool in color picker. You can pick the colors from any part of the multi-monitor setup using the left mouse button. You can close the eye dropper using the right mouse button or pressing the Escape key.
More Index options
You can now choose index keywords from the existing keywords while adding to a topic in Topic Properties.
Enhancements in Dark Theme
You can now benefit from the latest enhancements in Dark theme to work efficiently in low-light environments.
Use vertical-align on table cells
You can now easily change the vertical-alignment of text in a cell using the CSS editor.
Project enhancements
- RoboHelp now supports Azure DevOps Services, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).
- RoboHelp now enables GIT access via HTTPS.
- You can now delete unused files by selecting and right-click > Delete in Unused Files report.
Output enhancements
- You can now rename skins in the Skins panel. It automatically updates the new names, if used in any Output presets.
- TOC images are shown on the TOC tiles in Indigo Skin. You can set these images for each page or book in Table of Contents.
- In Frameless output, you can now reset the applied dynamic content filters to the default value.
- The Quick Generate dialog now shows the "View log" option to view the error log for failed output generations.
- In the case of merged project entry in the table of contents, the user can now choose the default topic from the child project as well.
- The breadcrumb separators can now be configured in Frameless Skin Editor.
- You can now generate merged CHM ouput.
- The Output Generation progress bar experience has improved with enhancements in cancelling the generation and progress messages.
Fixed Output Issues
- The drop-down title text is displayed twice in Word Output with an error message at the end of each topic. (Ref - 5763)
- In Word Output style mapping, all the styles from the Word template are not listed. (Ref – 6179)
- In merged projects, search with dynamic content filters finds either no topics at all or returns topics that are excluded by the content filter and thus do not open. (Ref - 5724)
- Numeric characters do not work in a Responsive HTML5 output search for German Projects. (Ref - 5692)
- The search experience of the end-user has significantly improved by making search results appear on top of the page. (Ref - 5583)
- The baggage file added in the Table of Content (TOC) does not get copied to the output folder when the "Hide in output" option is switched on. (Ref - 5699)
- JPG image scaling issue in Microsoft HTML Help (CHM) output. (Ref - 5667)
- The index tab appears in the CHM output, even if no index terms are available. (Ref – 5790)
- Indentation does not work for headings h4, h5, and h6 in mini TOC in Frameless Output. (Ref - 5474)
- PDF generation fails with special characters like double quotes in the filename. (Ref - 4833)
- Quick Generate panel gets truncated for a large number of presets due to missing scrollbar. (Ref - 5791)
- In Responsive HTML5 Output, the whitespace and parentheses disappear on searching a term. (Ref – 5787, 5802)
- The character limit for topic description in search results of Frameless, Mobile, and Responsive presets cannot be set to zero. (Ref – 5779)
- TOC in Frameless output does not expand on single click. (Ref – 5804)
- The homepage of the Frameless output doesn't show linked CSS or multimedia files. (Ref – 6072)
- The image is zoomed out in the ePub output, irrespective of the size inserted in the project. (Ref – 6168)
- The PDF output does not display German umlaut characters correctly. (Ref – 6136)
- Moving topics from the default topic folder to another folder create broken links. (Ref - 5670)
- Condition name tooltip is missing in Contents Panel, TOC, Index, and Snippets. (Ref - 5569)
- Multiselect in Table of Contents does not apply to sub-pages and books but only applies to the last selected item. (Ref - 4352)
- When performing find operation in the dark application theme, the keyword highlighted is not visible in search results. (Ref - 5408)
- Team Foundation Server error for topics with accented characters in the file names. (Ref - 5293)
- The search field on the Variables pod is unworkable in RoboHelp 2019 Classic. (Ref - 3508)
- Table cellspacing and borders do not retain formatting when importing the Word documents.. (Ref - 5505)
- URLs with "#" are imported empty from Microsoft Word. (Ref - 4791)
- Navigating with arrow keys in the editor's view leaves out empty lines and empty paragraphs. (Ref - 5704)
- The parent table inherits the CSS style of the nested table. (Ref - 5700)
- Copy pasting a drop-down or expanding text does not maintain unique data-target values. (Ref - 5681)
- Ctrl + Z undoes the last two changes in source code editing. (Ref - 5653)
- The character styles cannot be applied in French and German locales. (Ref - 5628)
- Copy-pasting drop-down text with the image does not display anything. (Ref - 5624)
- YouTube video embedding does not allow GDPR-compliant video tags. (Ref - 5473)
- Unable to link Excel file as a hyperlink. (Ref - 5789)
- SVG files are missing from the Word output. (Ref - 6194)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- On creation, the RoboHelp window appends a div with id="dataDiv" to the Document Object Model (DOM), leading to layout and accessibility issues. (Ref - 5266)
- In the classic version, after updating to, building a responsive output removes parentheses in the output while still existing in the project. (Ref - 5479)
- The "Parameter is incorrect" error observed while trying to generate Printed Documentation to Word or PDF. (Ref - 5888)
Feature enhancements
Use the new Word output feature
From RoboHelp, you can now generate output in DOCX format regardless of whether MS Word is installed on your machine. You can also choose a Word template for your output. RoboHelp maps all styles according to the default Word format; however, you can also specify a style sheet for mapping. Additionallly, you can start every topic on a new page.
Use the new global find and replace feature
You can now use the find and replace feature across these text files in your project—topics, snippets, master pages, TOC, and CSS. You can use regular expressions in both find and replace, and various filtering options. You can also back up your files before replacing.
Use the new Oceanic Frameless skin
You can now use the new Oceanic skin for Frameless output. You can also edit and preview the skin in the skin editor.
Other enhancements
- You can easily launch the condition tag group editor from the Add Condition Tag or the Edit Condition Tag dialog box.
- You can now enable search for sub-strings in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs.
- You can now use your mouse to easily change table and column widths.
- On renaming a topic, RoboHelp now updates whatever is visible in the Contents panel—filename or topic title.
- The Back button on the home page of the Indigo layout no longer appears as a tile. The button is placed below the output logo and title.
- In Responsive HTML5 output, RoboHelp now displays a message to indicate that the current topic is hidden because the topic is filtered out by the applied dynamic content filters.
- In Frameless skin, you can now specify search highlight text and background colors.
- You can now select multiple glossary terms and use the new Select All button in GlossaryTermConverter.js script file.
- You can now move deleted items to the recycle bin, which is the default behaviour. However, you can change this behaviour in Edit > Preferences > General.
- You can now remove currently applied fonts by selecting the None option in the Font family style in the Properties panel and the CSS editor.
Fixed Issues
- Cannot access full help with layout when a topic in Responsive HTML5 output is opened directly or in a new tab.
(Ref - 4110) - RoboHelp now automatically uses the correct drop-down image when a drop-down text or an expanding text is expanded by a search in Responsive HTML5 and Frameless outputs.
(Ref - 4419)
- RoboHelp fails to generate Responsive HTML5 output when using Favicon.
(Ref - 5223) - Frameless output does not display UTF-8 characters correctly on the Edge browser.
(Ref - 5070)
- The search in HTML5 output partially returns wrong results.
(Ref - 5062) - Project does not open if a topics contain hrefs starting with /.
(Ref - 5060)
- Files are missing after upgrading a RoboHelp 2015 project to RoboHelp 2019 project.
(Ref - 5058)
- Homepage content topic in Frameless output is not patched for components such as related topics, mini TOC, See Also, and snippets.
(Ref - 5046) - After installing RoboHelp 2019 Update 8, command-line output generation stopped working with a Javascript API error.
(Ref - 5041) - Word import creates a buggy file in case of multiple headers with the same name.
(Ref - 5037) - If an image is missing in a topic in author or preview mode, the missing image placeholder does not appear.
(Ref - 5035) - When a drop-down text is created at the end of a sentence, RoboHelp adds a space between the ending period and the drop-down text title.
(Ref - 5016) - When a topic is opened in a new tab or window of a web browser, the Indigo layout header gets cut.
(Ref - 4847) - Words added to the dictionary are not retained across sessions for the English (UK) project language.
(Ref - 4573)
- Predictive search terms do not appear when modifying a search term with underscores in the search field.
(Ref - 4270) - If the Contents page in a child project contains links to websites, after the merging the child project with the parent project, such links do not work in Indigo layout.
(Ref - 4151) - In a Topic List report, sorting date-based columns by last modified dates returns incorrect results.
(Ref - 4034) - Thumbnail images do not expand when a topic is open in a new tab in Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref - 3981) - The order of dynamic filtering terms is broken in Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref - 3223) - Table of contents does not synchronize in merged outputs for Internet Explorer 11.
(Ref - 3171) - Index does not get sorted correctly in Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref - 2862) - Mini TOC does not display when topic contents are filtered by condition expressions.
(Ref - 5363)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- WebHelp local output does not load in Firefox after updating to 68.0.1.
(Ref - 5053) - CSH Data Div and
iframe are not visible when Help pop-up window is displayed.
(Ref - 5338)
Feature enhancements
Use the new frameless output
RoboHelp Update 8 introduces frameless output with sleek layout designs and an improved user experience. The frameless output significantly improves Google search for online help as it does not use iframes or framesets for the layout. In the frameless output, every topic has a unique URL, which improves access to context-sensitive information. The frameless output includes a built-in Mini TOC, an improved dynamic content filter experience, the capability to present a PDF version of the online version, and enhanced security and accessibility features. You can also easily control GDPR compliance.
The skin editor is greatly enhanced to help you easily control every aspect of a skin. You can also provide custom content on the homepage. For advanced users, editing the skin outside RoboHelp is also supported.
Frameless output also comes with complete support for merged projects.
For more information, see Generate Frameless output.
Enhanced Responsive HTML5 layout
The WebHelp output type is now merged with Responsive HTML5. You can toggle responsiveness for different screens from the skin editor. You can import RoboHelp Classic Indigo skins with all layout customizations in the improved skin editor. Selecting a skin in an output preset is no longer mandatory—Azure Blue is the default selection.
For more information, see Generate Responsive HTML5 output.
Glossary import
You can now import glossary to your project from any glossary file in RoboHelp and RoboHelp Classic projects.
Use the enhanced Word import feature
You can now automatically create a Table Of Contents from topics generated from Word documents. Or add these topics to an existing Table Of Contents.
For more information, see Advanced Word import settings.
Use the enhanced insert special characters capability
You can now insert special characters, formerly known as symbols, from a larger selection of characters, which are now organized in categories and annotated with tooltips. You can search for specific special characters. You can also press Ctrl + 4 to insert special characters.
Scripting support
You can now extend the scripting capability of RoboHelp to easily create workflows using RoboHelp JavaScript APIs in your custom scripts. You can also create a custom UI using your scripts. You can manage your scripts through the new Scripts panel. RoboHelp provides several sample scripts to get you started. You can register these scripts to be run on specific application events such as after output generation and document import.
Use the enhanced source code editor
In the enhanced source code editor, you can now auto-insert and rename closing tags; quotes are auto-inserted for attribute editing. The source code editor comes with new keyboard shortcuts and multi-cursor support.
Enhanced color editing dialog box
The Color dialog box is redesigned for better performance. Color names are now displayed as tooltips on color tiles. You can now use the eyedropper tool to select colors from images for further use. You can also specify colors in more flexible ways, including by name.
Table enhancements
You can now add or remove the header row. You can use the new auto-fit option to quickly resize columns to fit to content or window. Table navigation using the Up and Down arrow keys is improved.
Label enhancements
In the Labels panel, the Common section, which housed strings common to all output preset types, is removed to avoid confusion. Now all strings are added under respective output preset sections. Additionally, the Frameless and Mobile App output sections are added and the WebHelp output section is removed.
Map ID enhancements
You can now view the Map IDs associated with a topic in the Properties panel > Topic tab > General drop-down section. In the map file editor, when a map file is open, the Map Number column in the top row is auto-populated with the next available map number. Also, instead of displaying the filenames of associated topics, RoboHelp now displays topic titles in the map file editor.
Other enhancements
- In merged projects, you can now cross-link child topics in Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs.
- The image style editor is enhanced to display image previews also, instead of the previous text-only previews.
- In the mail link dialog box, you can now separately specify the To and CC fields.
- If you rename or delete condition tags, all tag references are automatically updated.
- You can view the full version number, including RoboHelp update release number, in the Help menu.
- Output generation now happens in the background, allowing you to simultaneously continue working in the RoboHelp application.
- In PDF output, you can set margins below headers and above footers to better control your page layout.
- RoboHelp automatically refreshes topics that are open in the editor, if those are updated on your computer.
- Labels are reorganized according to output types to help with translation.
- All dialog boxes are now movable and the last-moved positions are stored for future sessions.
- The expand/collapse buttons in the Author and Output panels are moved to the top of the panels. You can now toggle these buttons to expand or collapse the panels.
- You can now style the existing thumbnail images in a smaller size instead of generating separate thumbnail images.
Fixed Issues
- A margin applied to the body tag doesn't show in author mode or topic preview.
(Ref - 4881) - Reduce the minimum width of the Contents and Properties panels to increase the topic authoring area.
(Ref - 4871)
- If a single condition tag is applied to a topic, select/deselect on the condition tag doesn't work in topic preview.
(Ref - 4810)
- Context-sensitive help opens in a new tab instead of a pop-up window.
(Ref - 4797) - The updated name of a renamed condition tag does not reflect in master pages, reports, dynamic content filters, and condition expressions.
(Ref - 4752)
- Remove topic-level tags from master pages as those are not required.
(Ref - 4745)
- A single click does not remove a condition tag from the Properties panel > Topic tab.
(Ref - 4744)
- For image styles, instead of displaying an image in preview, RoboHelp shows text, which is not relevant.
(Ref - 4739) - Ctrl+T does not create a topic.
(Ref - 4735) - Using accented words on a folder's name and using a topic of this folder as a link in another topic fails to generate PDF output.
(Ref - 4730) - If a glossary term is created with the same name as an imported glossary term but with a different case, the definition in the new glossary term does not reflect in the topic.
(Ref - 4722) - LI list styles are not getting upgraded from RoboHelp Classic CSS.
(Ref - 4717) - Fonts with white spaces and numerals, such as 'Wingdings 3,' do not work.
(Ref - 4716) - In the Contents panel, if you drag-and-drop an open topic that has no content changes from one folder to another, RoboHelp incorrectly displays content change indicators such as * on the topic tab.
(Ref - 4711) - After a project is created, updating its RHPJ file name and title does not rename the RHPJ file.
(Ref - 4708) - The error 'Index cross references have cyclic dependencies' appears while generating output for a Responsive HTML5 project.
(Ref - 4697) - Search for topic links does not work in Responsive HTML5 output if the 'Show result in Topic Area' field is selected in a skin.
(Ref - 4696) - Get latest version in SharePoint does not work properly in a multi-user scenario.
(Ref - 4680) - RoboHelp shows an invalid character = error in source code view when adding a link to an e-mail address.
(Ref - 4677) - When inserting a drop-down into a topic through the drop-down tool, RoboHelp does not create a unique identifier for each drop-down.
(Ref - 4637) - In Responsive HTML5 output, clicking a drop-down text link expands all drop-down text links in the topic.
(Ref - 4633) - Mini TOC is not visible in the output after Update 7 release.
(Ref - 4631) - A topic inserted as a pop-up hyperlink is not visible in Microsoft HTML Help output.
(Ref - 4619) - In upgraded projects with Indigo layout, the value of the 'TOC Label Font hover color' field is not upgraded correctly.
(Ref - 4614) - Ctrl+Alt+S does not save an open topic.
(Ref - 4599) - A See Also keyword added from the Properties panel is not saved in the keywords.seealso file.
(Ref - 4590) - Background image files added to inline styling in a topic are not copied to the output.
(Ref - 4577) - Topic title of the first new topic in non-English projects displays the filename rather than the topic name.
(Ref - 4575) - Words added to the dictionary are not retained across sessions.
(Ref - 4573) - Table styles for odd even rows are not upgrading correctly.
(Ref - 4557) - Variable sets are not working in output when variables are renamed.
(Ref - 4555) - Index cross-references are not updated if the index keyword is renamed.
(Ref - 4552) - The Replace command replaces the next searched result rather than the current.
(Ref - 4551) - Clicking a glossary term with style as tooltip navigates to the top of the page in the output.
(Ref - 4518) - If a topic is open in the editor and it has changed on the disk, the topic does not automatically reload in the editor.
(Ref - 4444) - If a nested index keyword and subkeyword has topics, deleting the top-level keyword did not delete subkeywords.
(Ref - 4301) - In PDF output, the content is overwritten by header in some cases.
(Ref - 4253) - In Responsive HTML5, image maps work correctly only if the browser is resized so that the image is a certain size.
(Ref - 4040) - Index displays poorly on very large monitors.
(Ref - 3982) - Skin editor: Swatches do not display when clicking the color button.
(Ref - 3957) - Navigation of the Up/Down arrow keys in tables is incorrect.
(Ref - 3598) - RoboHelp does not prompt to regenerate output in case there are changes between the last generated output and current state.
(Ref - 3455) - Some index entries do not appear in compiled Responsive HTML5 Help when index entries are filtered.
(Ref - 1857)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- Search for topic links does not work in Responsive HTML5 output if the 'Show result in Topic Area' field is selected in a skin.
(Ref - 4696)
Feature enhancements
Generate output in command-line mode
Like RoboHelp Classic, you can now invoke RoboHelp 2019 as a command-line utility for output generation without launching the GUI. For example:
Robohelp.exe --cl "C:\Latte.rhpj" -o "My Responsive Output"
-l "C:\logfile.html" -p "C:\outputfolder"
Argument values containing spaces must be enclosed in double quotes.
For more information, see Generate output using a command-line utility.
Rename glossary terms and variables
You can now edit glossary terms and variable names. RoboHelp simultaneously updates all references of these items wherever applicable in a project, such as topic titles and content, Table of Contents, and output presets.
Fixed Issues
- On generating HTML5 output, RoboHelp user interface becomes blank if the TOC includes a DOCX file.
(Ref - 4562) - When the Hide in output option is selected for baggage files in TOC, those files are not generated in the output.
(Ref - 4561)
- Glossary terms inserted in a topic do not work in Microsoft HTML output.
(Ref - 4560) - Removing a glossary term in a topic removes the text also.
(Ref - 4559)
- A glossary term created from a topic does not show in the Glossary panel and is broken in the output.
(Ref - 4558)
- While using Find and Replace in a topic, the next searched result is replaced rather than the current highlighted result.
(Ref - 4551)
- Word Import: Paragraph/Heading styles with auto-numbering do not appear for style mapping and get converted to list styles.
(Ref - 4465) - Glossary pop-up does not open near a glossary term when clicked.
(Ref - 4453) - If two consecutive elements are excluded from the output, only one is getting excluded in output with condition expressions.
(Ref - 4448) - Import of large Word files freezes RoboHelp if it is split into topics at any style.
(Ref - 4446) - Lists from Classic projects do not upgrade properly if there is a block element like h1 in between.
(Ref - 4445) - Predictive search shows a space instead of characters like “ä”.
(Ref - 4434) - No visual representation of condition tags in the Contents panel when multiple tags are applied.
(Ref - 4407) - RoboHelp shows the Save prompt if an open topic without any changes is closed.
(Ref - 4404) - Clicking triple dots against a TOC item does not show the context menu.
(Ref - 4399) - Application error appears on clicking Properties in TOC.
(Ref - 4398) - Removal of condition tags on selected text inside a paragraph shows application error.
(Ref - 4394) - RoboHelp removes hyperlinks when editing files with many hyperlinks.
(Ref - 4388) - Selecting a list and removing the list style does not work.
(Ref - 4393) - When adding a bookmark to a TOC, RoboHelp shows a missing TOC link message.
(Ref - 4364) - CHM: Search tab does not appear in the default window and it appears empty if a window (with Search on) is applied.
(Ref - 4355) - Problem in getting out of a particular list level.
(Ref - 4305) - Issues with drag/drop placeholder in the Table Of Contents panel.
(Ref - 4304) - Problem with spellchecker and French text with accents.
(Ref - 4298) - No visual representation in the Snippets panel if a snippet-level condition tag is applied.
(Ref - 4271) - Selecting text and inserting an internal hyperlink does not work.
(Ref - 4247) - Color changes made to Sidebar (Indigo layout) are not applied.
(Ref - 4197) - If the value of a variable is changed, it does not reflect in an open topic until the topic is reopened.
(Ref - 4006) - When a topic name and a topic/project title are edited, the updated Field values are not shown in an open topic.
(Ref - 3833)
Feature enhancements
List enhancements
In CSS editor, you can now define the spacing between a list number and text, and the indentation of list items. The alignment between double- and triple-digit list numbers and text in numbered lists has now improved.
In topics, you can now use the new list template for round numbers. In numbered lists and auto-numbers, you can restart numbering of any list item at any level.
PDF output enhancements
PDF output is now enhanced to include a Table Of Contents based on the project Table Of Contents. The Total Pages field is also added for use in master pages. PDFs also include CSS-based styling for TOC, Index, and Glossary pages. You can choose to exclude referenced topics from the PDF. A sample style sheet (pdf.css file) and a sample master page for PDF are added to new projects created in RoboHelp.
For more information, see Generate PDF output.
Skin enhancements
The Indigo skin now contains three custom buttons—Remove Highlight, Expand All, and Print. You can also add more custom buttons. When scrolling through a large topic, you can now use the back-to-top functionality in the Indigo skin. You can also customize the size of the logo and the font of the title in the Title bar in all skins.
A Coffee skin is now added to the skin gallery. The Charcoal Grey skin is revamped to RoboHelp 2019 structure. Except for the Coffee skin, all skins are now 508-compliant. Several other issues are fixed in all skins.
Version control enhancements
RoboHelp now includes an option to remove a project from version control. You can use the new lock-unlock feature in Team Foundation Server version control. Version control messaging is also improved, among other fixes.
For more information, see the version control Help—Team Foundation Server, Git, and SharePoint.
Fixes for upgraded projects
For projects upgraded from RoboHelp Classic, RoboHelp now includes several fixes. Lists and auto-numbers are correctly upgraded. Multimedia (mp3 and mp4) objects are converted as audio and video tags respectively, in conformance with HTML5 standards. All CSS files with the same name but in different folders are now retained after the upgrade.
If you require the above-mentioned fixes for your previously upgraded RoboHelp Classic projects, you can upgrade the projects using the Update 6 release.
Other fixes
In Microsoft HTML Help (CHM) and PDF, the list and table styles created in RoboHelp now appear correctly.
Fixed Issues
- Clicking a bookmark from the Contents panel or a TOC does not open the topic and automatically scroll down to the bookmark.
(Ref - 4343) - If an apostrophe is included in a glossary term definition, in the output, the definition is truncated after apostrophe.
(Ref - 4287) - The condition tags report displays only content-level tags.
(Ref - 4255) - Upgrading a project wipes the existing CSS, making it blank.
(Ref - 4240) - Add restart auto-numbering for the paragraph element in topics.
(Ref - 4234) - Error in skin editor.
(Ref - 4205) - Out of multiple pages selected for inserting in a TOC, only the first page is inserted.
(Ref - 4181) - Failed to rename a file if only the case is modified in the Topic Properties dialog box.
(Ref - 4180) - HTML values used in user-defined variables are not resolved.
(Ref - 4109) - The default CHM window shows different buttons as compared to RoboHelp Classic.
(Ref - 4074) - [SharePoint] The check-in progress bar does not show which files are getting uploaded.
(Ref - 4061) - The width of auto size pop-up is not calculated based on the content of the pop up.
(Ref - 4043) - In Responsive HTML, if an image is larger or smaller than a specific size, image map links are incorrect or non-existent.
(Ref - 4040) - Multi-select is not allowed in the Add Related Topic dialog box.
(Ref - 4023) - Home button does not work in CHM output.
(Ref - 4016) - PDF shows different text size though the same CSS is applied to all topics.
(Ref - 4011) - Printed output ignores TOC folders.
(Ref - 4004) - PD chapter name variable of master page should get upgraded to title field in RH 2019.
(Ref - 3993) - Images are not resized if the HTML5 output window is resized.
(Ref - 3976) - Printed documentation - PDF - custom page width and height are shown as px but calculated as mm.
(Ref - 3965) - When importing multiple HTML topics, the progress bar shows continuous progress even after the topics are imported.
(Ref - 3935) - Image title is not updated in RoboHelp 2019 German and French versions.
(Ref - 3909) - [SharePoint_Publish] For second-level index entries, the link points to .htm and shows 404 error.
(Ref - 3894) - Even if a filename without extension is specified in a preset, PDF/CHM/EPUB files should be generated with extension.
(Ref - 3831) - Incorrect list upgrade.
(Ref - 3805) - Incorrect handling of logo image.
(Ref - 3798) - CXEP - RoboHelp 2019 Classic shows error while generating PDF from Word using Office 2019.
(Ref - 3554) - 508 Compliance: When viewing the Indigo skin with the JAWS screen reader, JAWS does not detect the icons in the banner.
(Ref - 3383) - Bookmarks with broken paths are not shown as broken links in TOC.
(Ref - 3327) - Clicking the Search Bar in Indigo skin shows a distorted layout in the preview.
(Ref - 3155) - TOC appears flat in printed doc output in RoboHelp 2019.
(Ref - 2888) - Some index entries do not appear in compiled Responsive HTML 5 Help when index entries are filtered.
(Ref - 1857) - Skin editor: Need another label category for the tablet/phone view menu.
(Ref - 1833) - Mobile App output shows the default icon even if it was changed before generating the output.
(Ref - 1195)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- HTML5 layout: Header background color modification is not applied to direct linked page view.
(Ref - 4150)
Feature enhancements
Select and work with multiple files
A most-requested feature in RoboHelp Classic is now a part of RoboHelp 2019. You can select multiple files in the Contents and Table Of Contents panels and move files and folders in the hierarchy, delete, set properties, and use drag-and-drop.
Publish to SharePoint Online and other publishing enhancements
You can now easily publish Responsive HTML5 and WebHelp output to SharePoint Online in the native ASPX format. You can use relevant publish options from all output presets. You can easily view the result in a browser for RoboHelp Server and SharePoint Online.
Work with an enhanced topic list
The topic list header row is now fixed and visible while scrolling through the list. You can resize all columns in the list. The topic list view is live now so changes in the project are automatically reflected in the topic list, without having to refresh the list manually. You can clear all filters and also view new columns for Master Page and See Also. You can launch Topic List from the Reports panel or from the View menu. It is removed from the Author toolbar.
For more information, see Topic List in Reports in RoboHelp.
Work with enhanced style sheets
You can now create borders with rounded corners and use the radius capability in border styles.
For list styles, you can define the styling of the prefix (such as rounded borders) and the contents of a list separately. You can also set a different style for each level in a list.
Use an enhanced spell checker
The spell checker is now available through the F7 key and the Edit > Spell Check menu option. You can see indicators of misspelled words and implement, ignore, or add suggestions to dictionary.
Associate project files with external applications
You can associate external applications with a file type for opening and editing. From RoboHelp, you can double-click a file or click Edit to open it in an associated application.
Use enhancements in Word import
You can now import multi-level lists and use enhanced list numbering formats. Table import is improved to import width and border styles without issues. Inline styles are a part of the HTML file in style attribute.
Work with enhanced fields
You can now use additional formats available for Date, Time, Title, and other fields. Values of fields are visible according to your project language. You can edit and add new fields, and choose to automatically update its values.
PDF enhancements
Header and footer definitions from master page now get converted to page header/footer in PDF. Support for the page number variable is added. In PDF preset Layout tab, the master page user interface is improved. The broken links issue that caused PDF generation failures is fixed; RoboHelp generates a PDF and displays a warning in the log.
Report enhancements
Table Of Contents editor enhancements
The drag-and-drop experience in Table of Contents is improved, drop-over-an-item to overwrite is removed. In the Table of Contents properties, an indicator displays if the title is overridden.
Table Of Contents and Merged Project placeholder properties are corrected, irrelevant options are removed. Edit option is added to the drill-down view.
Import HTML files
You can now import existing files in the project along with all associated assets.
Other enhancements
You can now press F2 to rename a topic or a folder from the Contents Panel and other areas. You can now duplicate a skin in the Skins panel.
Fixed Issues
- Topics with .html extension in RoboHelp Classic projects do not upgrade properly.
(Ref - 3732) - Some formats of field variables from RoboHelp Classic projects are not upgraded properly.
(Ref - 3699) - The project title is not updated in the Application title bar if you change from Project Settings.
(Ref - 3726) - I cannot add root folder if the Contents panel does not have an empty space.
(Ref - 3719) - Sync menu options for linked documents are shown for non-linked files also.
(Ref - 3752)
- The last tab becomes blank when other tabs are closed.
(Ref - 3691, 3628) - Cannot check in a modified file to SharePoint.
(Ref - 3127) - If you select multiple files from Topic List and try to bulk update the style sheet file using the Properties dialog box, the relative path of the CSS file is not resolved correctly.
(Ref - 3725) - I cannot switch back to Author view even after correcting the error in Source view.
(Ref - 3751) - Context-sensitive help map number specified in hexadecimal format is not upgrading properly.
(Ref - 3757) - Drag-and-drop of Table Of Contents is erratic, all folders expand too fast.
(Ref - 3692) - Cannot type before the variable if it is the first item in the topic.
(Ref - 3720) - Find text box does not work properly in Source view when you type fast.
(Ref - 3766) - End of paragraph marker is not there for list items.
(Ref - 3706) - Tool tips for glossary term, conditions text, and hyperlinks are not there in the Author view.
(Ref - 3690) - Inserting Title field in the topic does not work.
(Ref - 3683) - Deleting text from the selected row deletes the row instead. Selecting all the rows and pressing Delete deletes the table itself.
(Ref - 3594) - Context-sensitive help not working for generated CHM file.
(Ref - 3756) - Azure Blue - the 'Open by Default' option under sidebars is not working.
(Ref - 3615) - When Publishing a RoboHelp project, imported CSS is not copied to the output.
(Ref - 3093) - Not all files are added to SharePoint.
(Ref - 2639)
Feature enhancements
Import and link FrameMaker files
You can now import and link FrameMaker files (.fm, .mif, and .book) in Robohelp. You can map styles from FrameMaker documents using a custom CSS file during import. You can save and reuse import settings.
FrameMaker 2019 Update 2 or later is required for this feature to work.
For more information, see Import FrameMaker documents into a project.
Publish to RoboHelp Server
You can now publish WebHelp and Responsive HTML5 outputs to Robohelp Server 10. You can also easily manage information about multiple servers across projects.
For more information, see Publish to a RoboHelp Server.
Publish output to FTP server, Secure FTP server, or File System
You can now publish WebHelp and Responsive HTML5 outputs on any FTP or Secure FTP server. You can also publish to a local or a shared folder. Easily manage and share all publish locations across projects.
For more information, see Publish to an FTP server, a Secure FTP server, or a File System.
Generate XML output
You can now use the new output preset for XML to generate topics in the XHTML5 format and all other files in the XML format.
Work with See Also and Related Topics
You can now work with new and modern See Also and Related Topics in RoboHelp.
You can manage See Also keywords, associated topics, and which topics to use them in, in a single location. You can control the styling of See Also using CSS classes. You can access See Also in author view from the Author toolbar. You can add See Also keywords to topics from topic properties.
You can use Related Topics in a similar way, but the information is limited to a topic only.
During a project upgrade from RoboHelp Classic, RoboHelp migrates the controls for See Also and Related Topics to the new structure.
For more information, see Work with See Also and Related Topics.
Use an enhanced topic list
You can now access topic lists in author view from the Author toolbar. You can filter topic information as required, create duplicate topics, and more in the topic list. You can also drag-and-drop topics from the topic list to a Table of Contents and an index. The Properties panel shows the number of topics present in the Topic list; you can use this information while filtering specific topics. RoboHelp remembers all filtering and column selections across sessions.
For more information, see Topic List in Types of reports.
Fix broken links
You can now fix broken links in open topics through a dialog box that displays the list of broken links and their locations. You can point broken links to other topics or create a topic. You can also fix broken links from the Broken Links report using context menu options.
For more information, see Fix broken links.
Work with enhanced Team Foundation Server
You can now easily check in all files, as all files are selected by default, and optionally enter check-in comments. Internal files are not visible during check-in.
For more information, see Team Foundation Server.
Work with an enhanced Word import feature
You need not select a topic name pattern now as <$paratext> is the default topic name pattern. "User-defined HTML tag" is merged in the paragraph style mapping list, which also has an option to map to "pre". List import now supports auto-number and complex multi-level lists.
Use an improved Mini TOC styling
Topic TOC is renamed as Mini TOC to maintain consistency with Adobe products. You can use a new option to collapse the Mini TOC from the General tab of the Properties panel. You can control all aspects of Mini TOC styling in a new project by copying new classes from default.css.
For more information, see Insert and customize a Mini TOC.
Work with an enhanced table style editor
Easily remove character styles
You can now simply select text and clear formatting of any text within that selection. After selecting text, you can use an option to remove formatting in the General tab of the Properties panel.
Experience improved variable and field deletion
You can now press Backspace or use a context menu option to delete a variable or a field. If a variable is used in a topic, snippet, or master page, a warning dialog box appears with three options–delete a variable and its references; delete a variable only; and delete a variable and replace it with content.
Import an existing map (.h) file in your project
You can now import a .h file in your project through the Import option in the Map Files panel.
Define dynamic filters without a group
You can now choose to create dynamic filters without or without a group. You can define dynamic filters without tag groups and drag-and-drop condition tags without associating those to tag groups. You can also change previously defined filters to remove tag groups or add to tag groups.
Use the new toolbar in output preset editor
If an output preset is open for editing, you can now use the new toolbar at the top to generate preset, view output, and publish.
Fixed Issues
- A style is not applied to a selection of multiple paragraphs in one go.
(Ref - 3417) - Complete filenames are not visible when inserting images or links. Size is not remembered if the insert dialog is resized.
(Ref - 3300) - Unexpected behavior in style sheets and properties panels when decimal values are used.
(Ref - 3198) - A table style with an undefined class name is getting created.
(Ref - 3424) - Styles tab in the Topic Properties panel does not remember the last selected state.
(Ref - 3410) - For the elements that have the ID attribute, green text is visible while authoring.
(Ref - 3401) - In the new topic creation dialog box, the default topic title text is not removed automatically when trying to type new text.
(Ref - 3302) - An inserted snippet does not open for editing on double-click.
(Ref - 2068) - Adding a book without a link to the TOC creates an application error.
(Ref - 3392) - In the browse sequence editor, undo and redo do not work using Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y keys.
(Ref - 3336) - In the Word Import Settings dialog box, the Character and Paragraph drop-downs are empty.
(Ref - 3403) - Could not create a project at locations other than the "Documents" folder.
(Ref - 3521) - The "Project already exists" error appears on creating a project in an empty folder.
(Ref - 3414) - Unable to create Team Foundation Server connection on French, German, and Japanese OS.
(Ref - 3075) - In the generated output, there's no space between a glossary term and definition.
(Ref - 3373) - Inter-topic links are not working in EPUB output.
(Ref - 3442) - Extra numbers are added to the URL in the TOC of the Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref - 1192) - Output generation fails if a merged project is present in the Table of Contents.
(Ref - 3396) - Email link is broken in the generated HTML5 output.
(Ref - 3426)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- Linking FrameMaker 2019 files to RoboHelp Classic 2019 launches FrameMaker 2017.
(Ref - 3356) - Extra numbers are added to the URL in the TOC of the Responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref - 1192) - Spell check is not working.
(Ref - 3541)
Feature enhancements
Use user-defined variables in output title
You can now use variables in the title of any output type.
For more information, see Insert a variable.
Generate output in lowercase filenames
You can now generate WebHelp and Responsive HTML5 outputs in lowercase filenames.
For more information, see Configure a WebHelp output preset and Configure a Responsive HTML5 output preset.
Use new keyboard shortcuts
You can now toggle between Author, Source, and Preview modes using Ctrl + e, Ctrl + r, and Ctrl + w keys. You can also switch tabs in Author and Output views using Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page Down keys.
For more information, see RoboHelp keyboard shortcuts.
Use an enhanced style sheet/CSS editor
The editor now provides an easy way to remove list styles from content. New context menu options are added, pseudo classes are grouped to reduce clutter, hyperlink states such as 'hover' and 'visited' are added by default. Unordered list styling is enhanced to create multi-level lists easily. Table editor is enhanced to handle the editing of upgraded tables from RoboHelp Classic projects.
Use an enhanced index
You can now drag-and-drop index keywords in a topic or use bookmarks in the Index panel to create content-level index terms.
Create and publish image maps
Now you can resize and move hotspot areas while creating image maps. RoboHelp displays tool tips with links and areas are numbered. You can also control the layering of overlapped areas.
Work with an enhanced glossary
In expanded view of a glossary file, you can now access options for each term by right-clicking or clicking . You can also drag-and-drop a glossary term on selected text, create a glossary term out of highlighted text, and remove glossary by right-clicking a glossary hotspot.
Work with enhanced bookmarks
A bookmark created on selected text is inserted at the beginning of the selection. The bookmarks symbol is now displayed if there is selected text also. In the Bookmark dialog box, you can see the list of bookmarks with associated paragraph text.
Work with an enhanced image insertion capability
You can now use Ctrl+G to quickly insert an image. The Insert Image dialog box is improved–the Recent Files tab is moved below the Contents tab, and the last used paths and tabs are remembered.
JavaScript file editing
Now you can edit a JavaScript file in RoboHelp. The new source editor highlights syntax and shows errors.
Work with enhanced topic properties
In the Topic Properties dialog box/panel, RoboHelp now remembers master page usage information for subsequent use. The default options for Language, Status, and Master Pages are streamlined. All drop-down sections are closed by default and their previous state is remembered.
Use an enhanced link feature
You can now sync individual or all linked files from source location to project and conversely if files are modified in RoboHelp. You can see the source location and other information about each linked file through the new Properties option.
Work with an enhanced browse sequence
Use an enhanced topic TOC
The styling of topic TOC is now enhanced. You can easily control the formatting, show/hide behavior, caption removal, and more.
For more information, see Insert and customize a Mini TOC.
New skin added to a sample project
A new skin named Coffee, which is based on the Indigo layout, is added to the Learn a Latte sample project.
Fixed Issues
- If a number is specified in the Start From field during list editing, the list starts from one number higher than the specified number.
(Ref - 3206) - On linking an index keyword to a bookmark in a topic, the index keyword disappears from the list of index keywords.
(Ref - 3176). - If style sheets or inline styles use an Adobe-unapproved unit, it does not appear in the style sheet or the Properties panel.
(Ref - 3199) - Clear formatting does not work for selections.
(Ref - 3200) - Background image selections are not remembered on closing and reopening a style sheet.
(Ref - 3151) - On trying to exit from RoboHelp if there's an unsaved file and you click Cancel in the prompt, RoboHelp closes without saving the file.
(Ref - 3204) - Deletion of an empty folder requires restarting RoboHelp.
(Ref - 3205). - Topic TOC entries show truncated text.
(Ref - 3185, 3192) - Multiple topic TOC issues.
(Ref - 3115) - Cannot remove background color without manually editing the CSS code.
(Ref - 3108) - Clicking in a style sheet can accidentally select large chunks of the interface.
(Ref - 3109) - The image map dialog boxes do not show the current link destination for image map areas.
(Ref - 3111) - When a bookmark is created in a topic and inserted in another topic, it displays the filename not the topic title.
(Ref - 3174) - A few keyboard shortcuts are missing.
(Ref - 3147) - FrameMaker topic alias markers are not converted correctly after importing to RoboHelp.
(Ref - 619) - After upgrading a RoboHelp Classic project to RoboHelp 2019, some table styles are missing.
(Ref - 3154) - Favicon images do not appear in upgraded projects.
(Ref - 2613) - Multiscreen HTML5 SSL is not a part of upgraded projects; it should come as Responsive HTML5 with all settings preserved.
(Ref – 3183) - The option New in some project component panels does not automatically open files for editing.
(Ref – 3150) - Text selected in Author mode displays incorrectly in Source mode.
(Ref - 3164) - When a duplicate topic is created, its title does not change.
(Ref - 2732) - When generating a mobile app output if you change the default icon, after output generation, the new icon path should be saved.
(Ref - 1195) - Issues with the Splashscreen field <Application Details> while generating mobile app output.
(Ref - 1252) - A twisty image does not twist when a drop-down is opened with search highlight.
(Ref - 1229) - On clicking the Search icon at the left in Responsive HTML 5 output (Azure Blue and Charcoal Grey), the search box does not get automatic focus.
(Ref - 864) - TOC updates are not synced with the expanded TOC in the Table of Contents panel unless it is collapsed and expanded again.
(Ref - 3097) - Umlaut characters in TOC/Glossary do not load correctly in Microsoft HTML Help output.
(Ref - 3156) - In an Indigo skin, there are no spaces or separators between breadcrumb elements.
(Ref - 3094) - Search sidebar does not open when a search is run in Azure Blue layout.
(Ref - 1831) - Images embedded in snippets display absolute path, instead of relative path, in the Responsive HTML output and the snippet directory is not included in the output.
(Ref - 3197)
Fixed issues in RoboHelp Classic (2019 release)
- Search results are not highlighted in single and merged projects, and in all browsers.
(Ref - 2703) - Multi-level list is corrupted.
(Ref - 3210, 3240)
Workaround: After installing Update 3, save the affected topics and reapply the multi-level list style. - On clicking the Search icon at the left in Responsive HTML 5 output (Azure Blue and Charcoal Grey), the search box does not get automatic focus.
(Ref - 864) - If side bar is collapsed, search sidebar does not open when a search is run from top bar in Azure Blue and Charcoal Grey layouts.
(Ref - 1831)
Feature enhancements
Work with an enhanced TOC
Topic titles in the Table of Contents panel now automatically sync with changes in actual topic titles. You can now detect broken links in TOC through red x marks against topics. On auto-creating a TOC, a prompt lets you decide if you want to delete the content of the current TOC first.
For more information, see Create and manage a Table of Contents.
Team Foundation Server (TFS) support
You can use TFS version 2018 for version control from RoboHelp. You can check in, check out, view differences between versions, resolve merge conflicts, and sync files using TFS.
For more information, see Collaborate using Azure DevOps (Team Foundation Server).
Easily insert and work with multi-level lists
Multi-level lists from RoboHelp Classic projects are now seamlessly upgraded in both topics and style sheets in RoboHelp 2019 projects. You can now use templates in the numbered and bulleted formats to easily insert a multi-level list from the standard toolbar.
For more information, see Work with lists.
Use enhanced bookmarks
You can now toggle the display of bookmarks in the Contents panel and in topics. You can easily create hyperlinks in topics by dragging bookmarks from the Contents panel. You can also create TOC entries for bookmarks, and use bookmarks in context-sensitive help (CSH) map files.
Work with twisties
You can now use the inbuilt style sheet editor to add twisty images to Hyperlink Style and apply the style to expanding and drop-down texts.
For more information, see Add or edit twisty images.
Close text in expanding and drop-down hotspots
You can now have separate text for titles in expanded and collapsed states. You can also provide a more meaningful title for collapsing an expanding or drop-down text.
For more information, see Work with expanding text and Work with drop-down text.
Work with enhanced Author and Output views
Now, all open project components that are launched from the Author toolbar are visible and accessible only in Author view. If you want to switch to Output view, RoboHelp first prompts to save open components, and then launches Output view. The same behavior is applicable to components launched from the Output toolbar and when you switch from Output to Author view.
Use the Eyedropper tool to pick colors
You can now use the Eyedropper tool to pick colors of your choice from anywhere on the screen.
Work with image maps
You can now create, edit, and publish image maps. Image maps defined in RoboHelp Classic projects are also upgraded to the RoboHelp 2019 project structure.
Use an enhanced table editor
Selection of rows, columns, or cells in a table is now prominent and easily distinguishable. You can now select an entire row or a column in a single click.
Use context-sensitive help
While using context-sensitive help, you can now map topics or bookmarks to unique map IDs. You can also import map files, edit and create mappings with unassigned topics, and see the list of topics with bookmarks during mapping. Also, you can export mappings in a .h file, and publish mappings in WebHelp, Responsive HTML5, and Microsoft HTML Help output types.
For more information, see Work with context-sensitive help.
Work with enhanced style sheets
Updates to a style sheet now instantly reflect in open topics that use the particular style sheet.
Auto-numbering in style sheets
You can now apply auto-numbering to all paragraph and heading styles in your topic by editing the associated style sheets. Also, after you install the Update 2 release and open topics, old auto-numbering is automatically upgraded in style sheets and topics.
Use images as bullets in bulleted lists
Now, you can apply images, such as arrowheads , as bullets in bulleted lists.
Define and preselect dynamic content filters
You can now define and preselect a dynamic content filter for your WebHelp and Responsive HTML5 outputs. Content tagged with the preselected filter gets displayed in the output by default.
Work with an enhanced topic TOC
Now, the default style of a topic TOC is not a numbered list. You can also show and hide the display of a topic TOC.
For more information, see Insert and customize a Mini TOC.
Customize Windows settings for select output types
You can now customize and publish Windows settings for the Microsoft HTML Help output type. Custom settings from previous versions of RoboHelp are retained during upgradation to RoboHelp 2019.
Work with enhanced condition tags
You can now select multiple paragraphs in your topic and use drag-and-drop to apply condition tags. The color of the tag is visible in the Author view and preview.
Work with an enhanced Import Word document feature
While importing a Word document, you can now specify table style settings in the import Word dialog box.
Use a pass phrase (password) for Git SSH key
You can now use an SSH key with a pass phrase to connect to a Git repository.
For more information, see Collaborate using Git.
Work with an enhanced skin editor
You can now undo and redo changes in skin editor.
Use the new context menu to remove hyperlinks
You can now use the Remove Hyperlink context menu option to remove a hyperlink in Author view.
Work with enhanced context menus
The appearance of the context menu in a topic in Author view now matches other context menus and the menu options are reorganized.
Use keyboard shortcuts to insert components
You can now use keyboard shortcuts to insert variables, snippets, and fields that are displayed on clicking the Insert Variables/Snippet/Fields icon in the standard toolbar.
For more information, see Insert a variable and Insert a snippet.
Fixed Issues
- Skin preview does not reflect changes in layout settings.
(Ref - 2863) - Expanding and drop-down texts are displayed in expanded form in Microsoft HTML Help output.
(Ref - 2839). - The Properties > Styles panel in an open topic does not reflect updates made to style sheets.
(Ref - 2767) - The TOC in Responsive HTML5 output does not sync when navigating using a browse sequence.
(Ref - 2716) - Search for favicon files is restricted to the assets > images folder instead of all system folders.
(Ref - 2673) - Images do not appear in skin editor preview if RoboHelp is installed and the project is saved in different drives in your computer.
(Ref - 2464) - Cannot customize the Indigo layout to only use the Topic page instead of the default home page.
(Ref - 2403) - On clicking a duplicate topic, the filename is displayed without an extension.
(Ref - 2301). - Empty paragraphs between content do not appear in topic preview and output.
(Ref - 2073) - All project component (such as condition tags, variables, and topics) creation dialog boxes require clicking fields to be able to type; the Enter key does not work.
(Ref - 1846) - In Responsive HTML5 skin editor, the tablet/phone view menu button is incorrectly labeled as Close.
(Ref - 1833) - Dynamic content filters do not load if stand alone child or parent projects are generated.
(Ref - 708) - Multi-level lists with dynamic content filters do not work as expected in the output.
(Ref - 693) - Multi-level lists inside drop-down text do not work.
(Ref - 688) - Numbered lists lose numbers inside DHTML drop-down boxes.
(Ref - 338) - Rename Hyperlink Popover verbiage to Popup.
(Ref - 2859) - Coding CSS Cursor Property does not work in Rh11 Preview Topic pane or CHM browser.
(Ref - 961) - Topic search is not working on files with an uppercase extension.
(Ref - 531)
Feature enhancements
Access Output and Author views in a single screen
In RoboHelp 2019 release, Author and Output views opened as two separate windows.
Now, Author and Output views are merged and accessible through respective tabs in the standard toolbar in RoboHelp workspace.
For more information, see Get to know the RoboHelp workspace.
Work with an enhanced expanding and drop-down text
You can now collapse or expand an individual or all the expanding/drop-down texts in your topic in Author view and topic preview. You can also toggle the display of the expanding/drop-down text boundary.
For more information, see Work with expanding text and Work with drop-down text.
Work with enhanced master pages
You can now access master pages through the Author toolbar in Author view instead of Output view.
You can also apply a master page to a topic during topic creation. Topic preview also displays the master page applied to the topic.
For more information, see Work with master pages.
Work with browse sequences
You can now add, edit, and delete browse sequences. In a browse sequence, you can drag-and-drop topics from the Contents panel and TOC, change the sequence of topics, and delete topics.
For more information, see Create and manage browse sequences.
Work with topic TOC
You can now insert, edit, or delete a topic TOC in topics and master pages.
For more information, see Insert and customize a topic TOC.
Work with breadcrumbs
You can now insert and edit breadcrumbs in master pages.
For more information, see Insert breadcrumbs.
Work with language-specific labels
You can now edit and delete language-specific labels, and undo or redo the edits. You can also export languagewise labels as XML for localization, and import a translated copy for a specific language.
For more information, see Work with labels.
Cancel the generation of output
You can now cancel output generation from both the Quick Generate and Presets panel.
For more information, see Generate output.
Work with an enhanced Table of Contents
While working with Table of Contents (TOC) in your project, you can now expand only one TOC at a time. You can also undo or redo changes, and use the Delete key to delete a TOC, book, or page.
For more information, see Create and manage a Table of Contents.
Automatic upgradation of skins
When you upgrade your RoboHelp Classic project to RoboHelp (2019 release) application, all Responsive HTML5 skins are automatically upgraded. If skins are customized outside the RoboHelp Classic skin editor, use the Layout tab of the Skin Components panel in RoboHelp 2019 to add a custom JavaScript or CSS file.
For more information, see Upgrade a skin.
Rename output presets
You can now rename output presets.
For more information, see Rename an output preset.
Toggle the display of paragraph markers
In your open topic, you can now toggle the display of paragraph markers.
For more information, see Add content to or edit a topic.
Work with an enhanced glossary
In the Glossary panel, you can now expand only one glossary at a time. In the expanded view, you can use context menus against each glossary and glossary term.
For more information, see Create and manage a glossary.
Spaces in topic filenames are converted to underscores
When you add a topic in your project and type the topic name, RoboHelp automatically converts the spaces in the filename to underscores. You can change this setting if necessary.
For more information, see General tab in Topic Properties.
Use new topic closing options
If multiple topics are open, use a topic tab's context menu to close a topic, close other topics except for the current topic, and close all topics. While closing multiple topics, you can save the changes in a specific topic.
For more information, see Topic tab context menu options.
Edit specific output presets from the Quick Generate panel
From the Quick Generate panel, you can now select and open an output preset to edit it, instead of having to search for the output preset in the Output Settings window. You can select and edit multiple output presets.
For more information, see Generate output.
Work with an enhanced index
You can now cross-reference an index keyword or a subkeyword to another keyword and publish the cross-references. You can also add project variables while creating or editing index keywords. You can use index keywords associated with topics in search. Index keywords have the same ranking as search keywords.
For more information, see Create and manage an index.
Locate a topic in a TOC from the Contents panel
You can now use the context menu in the Contents panel to view all the TOCs linked to a topic and locate the topic in a specific TOC.
For more information, see Locate a topic in a TOC.
Fixed Issues
- RoboHelp does not support Internet Explorer 11.
(Ref - 2551) - An error appears on connecting to Git for the first time after creating the SSH key.
(Ref - 2507) - While importing a Word file with tables and lists, the List and Table tabs in the Word Import Settings dialog box are disabled.
(Ref - 2612) - Sync issues between the files/folders on your computer and in the Contents panel, especially after renaming.
(Ref - 2332) - Images are not displayed in skin editor preview.
(Ref - 2464) - In an open topic, in the Properties panel > Styles tab, the (none) option in all the styles had the Edit icon.
(Ref - 2532) - An application error message appears on trying to view the log file during output generation or after output generation failure.
(Ref - 2442) - While duplicating a topic with unsaved changes, RoboHelp does not prompt to save the document and creates the duplicate copy without the unsaved changes.
(Ref - 2567) - In merged projects, RoboHelp search returns results only from some child projects instead of all projects.
(Ref - 831) - While working with condition expressions, stop words, synonyms, and skins, the asterisk (*) that indicates unsaved changes does not appear in the respective tabs.
(Ref - 2090) - RoboHelp does not remember the modified position or size of the application window and does not allow resizing or minimizing the Output Settings screen.
(Ref - 2399) - An incomplete index is visible in the output and filter keywords does not work.
(Ref - 2398) - Favicon files selected in output settings do not appear in the output.
(Ref - 2397) - Tool tips for glossary terms do not work in the output.
(Ref - 2400) - A JavaScript error appears on uninstalling a previous version of Robohelp and installing and launching RoboHelp 2019 for the first time.
(Ref - 2278) - Operations such as image and multimedia insertion, and copy paste happen multiple times.
(Ref - 2314) - While resizing an image using the General tab in the Properties panel, its aspect ratio is not maintained if the unit is %.
(Ref - 2312) - While generating a Mobile App output, there's a Splashscreen image issue.
(Ref - 1252) - Non-minified versions of core JS files (rh.js, layout.js, topic.js, and common.js) are included in HTML5 output.
(Ref - 2357) - Browse sequences and glossary are not working in CHM output.
(Ref - 2295) - On upgrading a RoboHelp 2017 or 2019 Classic project with baggage files in the TOC to RoboHelp 2019, links in the TOC are not updated correctly.
(Ref - 2446) - Output generation fails without displaying any error message if the TOC has broken links.
(Ref - 2445) - While generating output using the Quick Generate window, unselected presets get generated and incorrect status is displayed.
(Ref - 2605) - In multiple open topics, the tabs bar occupies more than one line.
(Ref - 2496) - RoboHelp search does not work for content in some languages.
(Ref - 1873)