Last updated on
Aug 21, 2023
Also applies to Adobe Aero, Adobe Fresco, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD
- Creative Cloud User Guide
- Introduction to Creative Cloud
- Download, install, set up, and update
- Download Creative Cloud apps
- Open Creative Cloud apps
- Start workspace
- Update Creative Cloud apps
- Change the language of your Creative Cloud apps
- Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app
- Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps
- Fix errors installing Adobe apps
- How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
- Apps available for download
- Manage your account
- Convert a Creative Cloud trial to a paid membership
- Reset your Adobe password
- Change your Adobe plan
- Update credit card and billing address
- View, download, or email your Adobe invoice
- Fix a failed or missed payment
- Cancel Adobe trial or subscription
- Find support for free and discontinued products
- Sign in to your Adobe account
- Sign in to your company or school account
- Understand Creative Cloud subscription terms and refund policies
- Convert a Creative Cloud trial to a paid membership
- Creative services
- Collaboration and storage services
- What are cloud documents
- Cloud documents FAQ
- Create or convert files to cloud documents
- Set up cloud documents to use offline
- Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
- Share your work for commenting
- Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
- Collaboration FAQ
- Sync your files using cloud storage
- Find how much cloud storage you have
- Set sync options
- Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
- Download Synced files and content
- Projects
- Organize libraries
- Creative Cloud mobile apps
- Enterprise and teams
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Occasionally you don’t see a document listed when you want to work offline. Find out the most common reasons a cloud document might not be available offline.
Why can't I see my cloud documents when I'm offline?
The document was not opened recently before you went offline
Before you can use a document offline, ensure that you open it and the cloud icon is not displayed next to it.
Adobe XD does not display the cloud icon.
In Adobe Fresco, you can make a document available offline without having to open it. Tap the More options icon on the cloud document thumbnail, and select Make available offline.
You are trying to open the cloud document on a different device
Before you go offline, always open the cloud document on the device and in the app in which you want to work offline.