Creative Cloud file sync | Known issues

  1. Panduan Pengguna Creative Cloud
  2. Pengantar Creative Cloud
    1. Pertanyaan umum | Creative Cloud
    2. Persyaratan sistem Creative Cloud
    3. Sinkronisasi file Creative Cloud | Masalah umum
  3. Unduh, instal, atur, dan perbarui
    1. Mengunduh aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
    2. Membuka aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
    3. Memulai Workspace
    4. Memperbarui aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
    5. Mengubah bahasa aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud Anda
    6. Menghapus instalan aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
    7. Menghapus instalan atau menghapus aplikasi Creative Cloud
  4. Mengelola akun Anda
    1. Mengubah uji coba Creative Cloud menjadi keanggotaan berbayar
    2. Mengatur ulang kata sandi Adobe Anda.
    3. Mengubah paket Adobe Anda
    4. Memperbarui kartu kredit dan alamat penagihan
    5. Melihat, mengunduh, atau mengirim faktur Adobe Anda melalui email
    6. Memperbaiki pembayaran yang gagal atau terlewat
    7. Membatalkan uji coba atau langganan Adobe
  5. Layanan kreatif
    1. Menggunakan Adobe Stock di aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
    2. Menggunakan Adobe Fonts di aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
    3. Creative Cloud Market tidak tersedia lagi
  6. Layanan kolaborasi dan penyimpanan
    1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan dokumen cloud
    2. FAQ dokumen Cloud
    3. Membuat atau mengonversi file menjadi dokumen cloud
    4. Menyiapkan dokumen cloud untuk digunakan secara offline
    5. Mengembalikan dokumen cloud ke versi sebelumnya
    6. Membagikan pekerjaan Anda untuk diulas
    7. Mengapa saya tidak dapat melihat dokumen cloud saya secara offline?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Berkolaborasi pada Creative Cloud Libraries dan folder
    10. FAQ kolaborasi
    11. Menyinkronkan file menggunakan penyimpanan cloud
    12. Mengetahui kapasitas penyimpanan cloud yang Anda miliki
    13. Menetapkan opsi sinkronisasi
    14. Penghentian file Creative Cloud Synced
    15. Unduh file dan konten Synced
  7. Proyek
    1. Ikhtisar proyek
    2. Membuat Proyek
    3. Membagikan Proyek
    4. Membuat folder dan pustaka baru
    5. Memindahkan folder dan pustaka
  8. Mengatur pustaka
    1. Membuat grup di pustaka
    2. Menghapus grup di pustaka
    3. Menghapus elemen di pustaka
    4. Memindahkan elemen di pustaka
  9. Aplikasi seluler Creative Cloud
    1. Pertanyaan umum | Aplikasi seluler
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud untuk seluler
  10. Perusahaan dan tim
    1. Pembelajaran dan Dukungan Perusahaan
    2. Pembelajaran dan Dukungan Teams
    3. Panduan memulai cepat untuk anggota tim
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Alat inspeksi pada Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    3. Ekstensi browser Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
    4. Preferensi pelatihan dan penggunaan AI Generatif Content Credentials

Mulai 11 Desember 2023, organisasi dan pengguna baru tidak berhak atas File yang disinkronkan Creative Cloud. Mulai 1 Februari 2024, File yang disinkronkan Creative Cloud akan dihentikan untuk akun pribadi yang ada sebelum 11 Desember 2023 (selengkapnya di sini). Mulai 1 Oktober 2024, File yang disinkronkan Creative Cloud akan dihentikan untuk akun bisnis yang terkait dengan organisasi yang ada sebelum 11 Desember 2023 (selengkapnya di sini).

Adobe hopes that your use of the Creative Cloud file sync feature is seamless, but there are a few known issues that some have experienced using the app. If you run into one of these problems, and are unable to resolve it, ask an expert on the File Hosting, Syncing, and Collaboration forum or contact support.

Syncing in batches

The Creative Cloud file sync feature uses a serialized batch mode of syncing, so sometimes, it doesn't immediately show up-to-date notifications/accurate values. This issue is only temporary and resolves as each of your queues is synced.

For example, if you drag hundreds of files into the folder on your desktop, it processes them in groups. When each batch is complete, it begins syncing remaining batches.

If you make changes in the web browser, or on another device, the first operation is processed and completed before subsequent queued requests. Therefore, you don't always see all requests you have initiated immediately update in every context (your iPhone, Laptop, or other syncing devices).

If you encounter unexpected results in one context, let the pending sync operations complete. Each request is updated, and reflects your request when previous batches have been completed. Improvements to these behaviors are in progress, so it will be more seamless soon.

Syncing Large Files

If you copy a large file to your Creative Cloud Files folder, the file doesn't sync until it is copied completely into folder. As the file is copying, the file is flagged, and your Creative Cloud app notifies you that it is "Unable to sync file(s)". Once the copy completes, it begins syncing to Creative Cloud.

File sync time estimations

During sync of a large number of files, you can see a disproportionately large amount of time remaining. As the sync engine processes the files, it provides a progressively more accurate estimate of time remaining. If you see an unexpectedly large value for time-remaining-to-sync, wait a few moments. As the sync engine updates remaining time values, you see more reasonable estimates.

To free up quota, permanently delete files

Quota usage is calculated including deleted files. To free up storage, permanently delete files from the Creative Cloud Files page. Permanently deleting a large number of files from the Creative Cloud website trash can take a while.

Permanently deleting files on Windows

After permanently deleting files from the web client and then syncing, quota usage isn't always updated correctly on Windows. Turn sync off and then back on to see an accurate update.

Syncing over quota

Your last sync operation can enable you to exceed quota with a single file by up to 1 GB before sync shows an over quota error. For example, the menu could show: 150% used (3 GB of 2 GB).

Windows first launch experience

Upon first launch, Windows Explorer restarts. The restart enables sync status icons. In addition, after first launch, or after sign out or sign in, there is a 30-45 second delay for the Sign In Dialog to appear.

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