Adobe Sign for SharePoint Online - Workflow Installation Guide



This SharePoint Workflow package is no longer available for new installations.

Microsoft is now supporting the idea of workflows using the Microsoft Flow application.

Flow is  now integratedinto SharePoint, and is supported by Adobe Sign.


This documentation persists to support legacy Workflow customers.

Adobe Sign Workflow Actions for SharePoint Online allows SharePoint workflow administrators to add Adobe Sign actions into SharePoint Workflows through SharePoint workflow designer. The solution is available for Microsoft SharePoint Online instances as a plugin. It enables users to create a list workflow on a custom list or a document library, which can be used by SharePoint users to

  • Send documents to a single recipient or sending to a batch of recipients using SharePoint lists, and mapping data from SharePoint lists into documents when the documents are sent for signature.
  • Check status of the agreement.
  • Cancel the agreement after it's been sent out for signature.
  • Download the signed agreement into a list attachment (in case of custom lists) or as a document with a different name (in case of document libraries)



The Adobe Sign solution can only be installed and configured by a Microsoft SharePoint administrator; you also need administrative privileges on the SharePoint server to install the solution. Please consult SharePoint documentation and your organization’s SharePoint administrator for additional systems permissions that may be required to install SharePoint plugins. To configure the solution, you also need to be an account administrator on Adobe Sign and have access to your Adobe Sign account API Key. System requirements below encompass both the server and client components required to successfully install and run Adobe Sign for SharePoint.

  • Microsoft SharePoint hosted
  • Internet Explorer 11+

The Get Agreement Status and Cancel Agreement actions are only functional for customers on the NA1 instance.

How to find your instance

Install the Adobe Sign WSP on Site Collection

Upload and Activate the .wsp Package

1. Obtain the latest .wsp package from your success manager (existing installations only)

  • Note: Workflow has been depreciated, and is not available for new installations. Instead, please refer to the Microsoft Flow instructions

2. Navigate to Site Collection > Site Settings > Web Designer Galleries > Solutions

Note: _catalogs/solutions/Forms/AllItems.aspx


3. Upload the .wsp file


4. Activate site feature manually:

  • Navigate to Site Settings > Site Actions > Manage site features
  • Click the Activate button next to Adobe eSign Workflow Actions
  • Click the Activate button next to Adobe eSign Workflow Actions Config List
active features

Populate the eSign Config List

Populating the eSign Config list requires you to generate and input several unique fields. 

It is recommended that you open Notepad or some other text editor so you can save the generated keys, then input them all at one time.

You need to:

  • Generate the eSignIntegrationKey (done in the Adobe Sign app)
  • Obtain the spTenantID in SharePoint
  • Generate the spClientID and spClientSecret keys in SharePoint
  • Grant the new service principal permissions in SharePoint
  • Insert the eSignConnectorURL

Step 1: Generate the eSignIntegrationKey

To generate an Integration Key in Adobe Sign:

1. Log in to your administrative user for your Adobe Sign account

2. Navigate to Account > Adobe Sign API > API Information

3. Click the Integration Key link in the middle of the page

The Create Integration Key interface loads:

1. Provide an intuitive name for your key (e.g. SharePoint)

2. The Integration Key must have the following elements enabled:

  • agreement_read
  • agreement_write
  • agreement_send
  • library_read


3. Click Save once the key is configured.

The Access Tokens page is exposed showing the keys defined in your account.

4. Click the key definition created for SharePoint

  • The Integration Key link is exposed at the top of the definition.

5. Click the Integration Key link


The Integration key is exposed:

6. Copy this key and save it to add to the eSign Config List

7. Click OK

  • You are now done in the Adobe Sign application and can log out

Step 2: Obtain the spTenantID

To obtain the spTenantID value:

1.        Navigate to Site Settings > Users and Permissions > Site App Permissions.

2.       Under the App Identifier, copy the part after @

  • ie: i:0i.t|ms.sp.ext|d559ac84-d8e6-4515-9229-89w01@870fe83b-ye9d-96d3-n1d0-9et51ar2e792e

3. Save this value to insert into the eSign Config List

Step 3: Generate the spClientID and spClientSecret keys

To generate the spClientID and spClientSecret keys:

1. In the URL for your SharePoint site, after{yoursite} paste the following string: _layouts/15/appregnew.aspx


Don’t miss the underscore leading layouts

  • A new page opens that allows you to generate both keys

2. Click the Generate buttons for both Client ID and Client Secret

3. Copy both keys and save them to enter into the eSign Config List

4. Insert the following literal values into the remaining fields:

  • Title – Adobe Sign
  • App Domain –
  • Redirect URL –
Generate Keys

5. Click Create

  • This puts a new service principal in Azure AD
  • You can reuse the same principal across site collections

Step 4: Grant the new service principal permissions

Grant the new service principal permissions to the site by

1. In the URL for your SharePoint site, after{yoursite} paste the following string: _layouts/15/appinv.aspx

  • This has to be done on every site where workflows are expected to run


Don’t miss the underscore leading layouts

The fields should contain the content for the application from the previous step:

  • App Id – This is the Client ID you just generated
  • Title – Adobe Sign
  • App Domain –
  • Redirect URL -

2. Copy and paste the below code into the Permission Request XML: field

<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="FullControl" />
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true"> <AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="FullControl" /> </AppPermissionRequests>
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection" Right="FullControl" />


The app elevates the user to run with app permissions (Full control in the example above. You can reduce the permission grant to allow full control of a site or lesser level)


3. Click Create

4. Click Trust It when the page reloads



You can see the resulting permissions in Site Settings > Site App Permissions

Site Permissions

Step 5: Insert the eSignConnectorURL

The eSignConnectorURL is the literal value:

Configure the eSignConfig List

1. In the Site Contents of the site where the Adobe eSign Workflow Config List feature was activated, find and click on the eSignConfig list

2. Create new item to open a new config form

3. Fill in the following values:

  • Title - "Config"
  • spClientID – Insert the ClientID value from Step 3
  • spClient Secret – Insert the ClientSecret value from step 3
  • spTenantID – Insert the TenantID from step 2
  • eSignIntegrationKey – Insert the Adobe Sign Integration Key from step 1
  • eSignConnectorURL – Enter:
  • debugStatments – No

4. Click Save

Security Considerations for Reading the eSignConfig List from Workflow Action

It is best practice to only allow site collection administrators access to eSignConfig list.

If the workflow is started by the user who has access to eSignConfig list, then the workflow runs without problems. However, if the user does not have access to the list, then the workflow actions need to be wrapped into app step.

1. On the site where the workflow is published

  • Navigate to Site Settings > Site Features
  • Activate Workflows can use app permissions feature.

2. Get the id of the workflow service principal

  • Navigate to Site Settings > Site App Permissions

Example: Workflow i:0i.t|ms.sp.ext|d55e6c84-d8e6-4515-9229-896we4554601@870f107b-dc9d-47d3-9ad0-9d851rr2e762e

3. Give the workflow service principal permissions in _layouts/15/appinv.aspx similar to what we did with the actual application

app step

4. Trust the Workflow service principal


Now the app step should be available in SharePoint Designer (restart is required):


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