New features summary

Update to Dreamweaver CC available

For more information, see the New features summary.

Color Picker

You can now use the Color Picker to choose a wide range of colors while using Dreamweaver features such as CSS Designer, Assets panel, and Preferences.

Color Picker

A. Selected color B. Original color C. Color swatch D. Add color swatch E. Opacity slider F. Lightness slider G. Color slider H. Eye dropper tool I. Color models J. Color well 

The new Color Picker in Dreamweaver lets you:

  • Choose colors from different color models (RGBa, Hexadecimal, or HSLa). Adjust the lightness (F) and opacity (E) of the colors as required. Then, save different color combinations as color swatches.
    • To reset the new color to the original color, click the original color (B).
    • To change the order of the swatches, drag the swatches to the required position.
    • To delete a color swatch, drag the swatch out of the panel.
  • Use the eye dropper tool (H) to sample colors from anywhere on your computer screen. To choose colors from applications other than Dreamweaver, hold down the mouse button, drag the mouse over the required color, and release the mouse button.
To close the Color Picker, press Esc.

Cloud Sync enhancements

Keyboard shortcuts and workspace synchronization

You can now synchronize keyboard shortcuts and customized workspaces with the cloud (and another machine running Dreamweaver CC on the same oprating system).

Keyboard shortcuts and workspaces are set for synchronization by default. You can choose not to synchronize them by deselecting the options in the Preferences dialog box.

Preferences dialog box

Preferences dialog box enhancements

The OK button in the Preferences dialog box is replaced with the Apply button to let you modify setting in mulitple categories and apply the changes before closing the dialog box.

Preferences dialog box enhancements

CSS Designer enhancements

Live Highlight

While editing the properties of a CSS Selector prior to Dreamweaver 13.1, there was no way to identify the elements on the page that would be affected by the changes.

Now, using Live Highlight, you can easily identify the page elements associated with a CSS Selector. You can then choose to continue to edit the properties, or if you want to change the properties of only a specific element, create a new CSS Selector for that element, and then edit its properties. 

For more information, see Identify page elements assoicated with a CSS Selector.

Context save and restore

Context save and restore is now implemented in Dreamweaver to preserve the original context of the CSS Designer panel in all Edit/Add/Delete workflows.

Earlier, when you Edit/Add a property within a selector in the computed list of selectors, the properties pane used to switch to the computed list of properties. Or editing/deleting margin values used to move the margin property block down.

Context Save and Restore addresses these issues.

You can see Context Save and Restore in action in the following scenarios:

  • CSS Rule tracker – Click on any selector in the Selectors pane. IP is updated in the CSS code
  • Delete properties in the text/border or any other categories. The properties pane will not lose the context.
  • Scrolls and tabs inside the properties pane is maintained across selectors – if you move to border in one selector and then change to another selector, you will still see the properties pane displaying the border category.

Apart from these, you will see that Editing/Adding of properties within a selector in the computed list of selectors and editing/deleting margin values working all the more better.

Code View improvements

Line number highlighting

Line numbers where the IP is present are highlighted in code view, live code, design view, live view, and code inspector. Line numbers are also highlighted in case of syntax error.

Line number highlighting

Tag and attribute highlighting

The tag on which the Insertion Point (IP) is present is highlighted. If IP is on the opening tag, the closing tag is also highlighted and vice-versa. Highlighting works with mouse clicks as well as keyboard navigation keys. Tag highlighting works with Live code and code inspector as well.

You can change the color of the tag highlighting in Preferences (Code Coloring).

Preferences (Code Coloring)

Code hinting for CSS Selectors

Code hints for class and IDs that are present in the parent HTML files can now be seen on CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS files along with the inline style tag.

Dreamweaver provides code hints when you type . or # in a related CSS file or in inline style tags of the parent HTML file.

Preferences (Code Hints)

Keyboard shortcut to move to start or end of current line

  • On Mac: Cmd+Left arrow to move to start of current line Cmd+Right arrow tomove to end of current line.
  • On Win: Ctrl+Left arrow to move to start of current line Ctrl+Right arrow to moveto end of current line

The keyboard shortcuts can be customized in the Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Commands > Code Editing section.


CEF integration

Dreamweaver is now integrated with the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), an open source framework based on the Google Chromium project. This integration enables Dreamweaver to control resource loading, navigation, context menus, printing and more, while taking advantage of the same performance and HTML5 technologies available in the Google Chrome Web browser.

For more information, see CEF integration.

Note: Due to CEF integration, the way you use <mm:browsercontrol> while developing extensions requires a change. See this article for detailed information.

PHP 5.4 support

Full support for PHP 5.4 (no syntax errors).

Updates to Adobe Extension Manager

Adobe Extension Manager 7.1 provides new features that enhance the experience of downloading extensions and keeping them up-to-date.

Enhancements in Adobe Exchange

  • Previously any content for Adobe Exchange had to be packaged as a ZXP file using a utility like Adobe Exchange Packager. Adobe Exchange and Extension Manager have been updated to allow any file type to be submitted and installed. This means that Adobe Exchange can support more Adobe CC applications and significantly more content. Adobe Exchange will include selected compatible content from Adobe Exchange Classic and Photoshop Marketplace.
  • Anyone can now submit files at the Adobe Exchange Producer Portal. When you choose this option, Adobe Exchange packages the content automatically as an unsigned ZXP, and Extension Manager installs it in the user's Downloads folder, where it is available for loading in the same way as more complex dynamic extensions. This new content support works with any Exchange compatible CC desktop app, such as Photoshop® CC, InDesign® CC, Illustrator® CC, Dreamweaver® CC, InCopy® CC, Prelude® CC and Premiere® Pro CC.

Update extensions directly through Adobe Extension Manager

An extension that is offered through Extension Manager can now provide an update link, pointing to update information on the provider's update server. Extension Manager shows updates that are available at this location, and allows the user to initiate updates. You can provide a download URL for the ZXP package, in which case Extension Manager downloads and installs it automatically, or you can point to a page with instructions that allow the user to download and install the update manually.

Extension Manager shows updates are available

Click the Update button to start an update

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