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Adobe RoboHelp | Fixed issues

  1. RoboHelp User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. Get to know RoboHelp workspace
    2. What's new in RoboHelp 2022 release
      1. What's new in Update 5
      2. What's new in Update 4
      3. What's new in Update 3
      4. What's new in Update 2
      5. What's new in Update 1
    3. Fixed Issues in RoboHelp
    4. RoboHelp System Requirements
    5. Download RoboHelp on Windows and macOS
    6. Download and install Adobe app
    7. RoboHelp FAQs
    8. What's new in RoboHelp 2020 release
      1. What's new in Update 8
      2. What's new in Update 7
      3. What's new in Update 6
      4. What's new in Update 5
      5. What's new in Update 4
      6. What's new in Update 3
      7. What's new in Update 2
      8. What's new in Update 1
  3. Projects
    1. Plan your RoboHelp project
    2. Create a project
    3. Manage projects
    4. Work with topics and folders
    5. Generate reports
    6. Work with context-sensitive help
    7. Manage References
    8. Set preferences in RoboHelp
  4. Collaborate with authors
    1. Collaborate using Git
    2. Collaborate using SharePoint Online
    3. Collaborate using Azure DevOps (Team Foundation Server)
  5. PDF Layout
    1. PDF templates
    2. Design a page layout
    3. Publish PDF output
    4. Work with the common content styles
    5. Components of a PDF template
    6. Support for language variables
    7. Customize PDFs
  6. Editing and formatting
    1. Format your content
    2. Create and manage cross-references
    3. Create and manage links
    4. Single-source with snippets
    5. Work with images and multimedia
    6. Create and use variables for easy updates
    7. Work with Variable Sets
    8. Use Find and Replace
    9. Auto save your content
    10. Side-by-side editing in Split View
    11. Use the Spell Check feature
    12. Create and Edit Bookmarks
    13. Insert and update fields
    14. Switch between multiple views
    15. Autonumbering in CSS
  7. Import and linking
    1. Import Markdown files into a project
    2. Import Word documents into a project
    3. Import FrameMaker documents into a project
  8. TOCs, indexes, glossaries, and citations
    1. Create and manage a Table of Contents
    2. Create and manage an index
    3. Create and manage a glossary
    4. Create and manage citations
    5. Create and manage browse sequences
    6. Work with See Also and Related Topics
  9. Conditional content
    1. What is conditional content
    2. Create and apply condition tags
    3. Configure output presets for conditional content
    4. Optimize and manage conditional content
  10. Microcontent
    1. Microcontent
  11. Review and Collaboration
    1. Review and Collaboration
  12. Translation
    1. Translating content to multiple languages
    2. Configure a translation framework for a service provider
  13. Generating output
    1. Generate output
    2. Generate Frameless output
    3. Generate Knowledge Base output
    4. Generate PDF output
    5. Generate Responsive HTML5 output
    6. Generate Word Document output
    7. Generate Content Only output
    8. Generate eBook output
    9. Generate Microsoft HTML Help output
    10. Generate Mobile App output
  14. Publish output
    1. Publish to a RoboHelp Server
    2. Publish to an FTP server, a Secure FTP server, or a File System
    3. Publish to SharePoint Online
    4. Publish to Zendesk Help Center
    5. Publish to Salesforce Knowledge Base
    6. Publish to ServiceNow Knowledge Base
    7. Publish to Zoho Knowledge Base
    8. Publish to Adobe Experience Manager
    9. Publish to Atlassian Confluence Knowledge Base
  15. Appendix
    1. Adobe RoboHelp Scripting Reference
    2. RoboHelp keyboard shortcuts

The following is a list of issues resolved in RoboHelp (September 2022 release) and subsequent patch releases.

Check the RoboHelp community for solutions, workarounds, or any late-breaking information.







  • The "Restart Numbering from" option for the "p" tag under Content Properties is missing. (Bug ID: 12474)


CHM output

  • CHM output displays invalid characters. (Bug ID: 12462)

HTML5 output

  • In the Responsive HTML5 output, line breaks get removed. (Bug ID: 12465)


  • Invalid characters appearing in PDFs generated via the Save As PDF option. (Bug ID: 12454)


  • Unable to import translated files if non-XLIFF files are present in the translation folder. (Bug ID: 12488)
  • Cross-references in a translated project don't update automatically and continue to display in the source language. (Bug ID: 12489)






For more information about new and enhanced features, view What's new in RoboHelp (2022 release) Update 4.


  • After upgrading to RoboHelp 2022, the FrameMaker linked documents fail to preserve the mapped styles and require configuring the styles again before creating topics in RoboHelp. (Bug ID: 12256)
  • Under Preferences "Move deleted files to recycle bin" option not working as expected. (Bug ID: 12248)
  • Editing map numbers not working properly, and it displays an error "this number already exists" if the initial digit matches any other map number. (Bug ID: 12219)
  • CSS with grouped styles appears in the CSS editor but not in the Style panel. (Bug ID: 12198, 12033, 11994) 
  • The mapping from the Word table style to the table style included in the .CSS file doesn't get created as expected. (Bug ID: 12141)
  • After upgrading from Classic to new version, hierarchy of baggage files was not maintained inside assets/docs folder. (Bug ID: 12125, 12082)
  • Filename(filename.htm) appears instead of topic title in TOC sometimes. (Bug ID: 12112, 11913, 11627) 
  • Certain images are listed in both Used In column and Unused Images column in Images Report. (Bug ID: 11263) 
  • Label for "Hide in output" renamed under TOC Content Properties. (Bug ID: 12089)
  • Non-snippet files being incorrectly added to snippetcategories.xml (Bug ID: 12069, 12039)
  • Conditions tag not honored in table headers. (Bug ID: 12065) 
  • Merge conflict issues with RoboHelp 2022 and GitHub integration. (Bug ID: 11928)


  • Experiencing prolonged delays and receiving failure messages on the SharePoint publishing side. (Bug ID: 12318) 
  • A deleted topic is still visible in RoboHelp after checking in and updating to the latest version. (Bug ID: 12264)
  • Search functionality isn't working in the Frameless output when using the top navigation template on SharePoint. (Bug ID: 12086) 
  • Topic synchronization with SharePoint displays a message " Check if username and site permission is correct" upon opening RoboHelp. (Bug ID: 12035)
  • Performance improvement for time taken to synchronize server changes on opening a project synced with SharePoint Online for collaboration. (Bug ID: 12034)
  • Hyperlinks are not working on SharePoint. (Bug ID: 12031)
  • Hyperlink between two child projects is broken when the output is viewed from SharePoint online. (Bug ID:11615)
  • RoboHelp not adhering to Graph Throttling process. (Bug ID: 11357)



  • Microcontent "Reply" not using proper formats in output. (Bug ID: 11480, 10814)


  • The TOC takes longer time to load when the project is published in Frameless output. (Bug ID: 12154)
  • Print functionality in the Frameless output cuts off the last couple of lines of a topic that is longer than 1 page. (Bug ID: 12135, 10766)
  • Preserve additional <head> tag entries in Frameless output for SEO purposes. (Bug ID:11710)
  • After accessing Frameless output from context sensitive help, it hides both TOC and miniTOC (Bug ID: 11258)


  • Support for CMYK color space conversion not working. (Bug ID: 12101)
  • Unable to generate Microcontent using JSON file format. (Bug ID: 12002)
  • On adding new terms to an existing glossary, the term is appended to the end of the glossary instead of being added alphabetically to the PDF output. (Bug ID: 11938)
  • When a PDF format cover is used in a PDF template, RoboHelp inserts a blank page before the cover. (Bug ID: 11885)

Content Only

  • The topics and their references included in the TOC do not appear in the XHTML output. (Bug ID: 12168)
  • On generating XHTML output the topic and title names are mixed up in the “_prj.xml” file in the output folder. (Bug ID: 12167)
  • The glossary is not being selected from Content only preset. ( Bug ID: 11573)


  • Bookmarks are not handled correctly in the export XLIFF process. (Bug ID: 12164) 
  • Importing XLIFF files are getting stuck indefinitely. (Bug ID: 12037)
  • Translation issues with Trados regarding glossaries and variables. (Bug ID: 12010)


  • Security vulnerabilities in Responsive output. (Bug ID: 12255)
  • Users facing vulnerability issues with RoboHelp_CSH.js. (Bug ID: 12124)






For more information about Adobe RoboHelp 2022 Update 3, view What's new in RoboHelp (2022 release) Update 3.


  • When selecting a CSS pseudo-class in the template editor, an application error is displayed. (Bug ID: 11703)


  • For some files, content panel is displaying filename instead of topic title. (Bug ID: 11277)
  • In some cases, some items are showing with file name in the content panel. (Bug ID: 10855)



  • Option for  "Do not show page count for the first level in TOC" isn't working. (Bug ID: 11613)
  • Publishing content to the File System takes a long time. (Bug ID: 11576)

Frameless output

  • When a topic from the TOC is opened in a new tab by right-clicking, the navigation pane is blank in the published output on RoboHelp Server. (Bug ID: 11654)
  • Filter tab isn't working on the homepage on mobile devices. (Bug ID: 11254)
  • When deleting expand all button from page layout, share button is deleted from the output. (Bug ID: 10738)
  • Breadcrumbs function TopNavigation doesn't work when parent folder has same name as topic folder. (Bug ID: 10583)
  • TOC isn't loading in output when "Merge Project of same Type" is checked in RoboHelp Server. (Bug ID: 9944)

HTML5 output

  • When a particular topic is opened in a new tab by right-clicking, the topic title appears as header. (Bug ID: 11575)

Word and PDF output

  • In some templates, layout.css and content.css aren't added to all page layouts for Word and PDF templates. (Bug ID: 11723)


  • Body tag and content is lost on importing an XLIFF file. (Bug ID: 11850)
  • Snippets are lost on importing an XLIFF file. (Bug ID: 11327)






For more information about new and enhanced features, view What's new in RoboHelp (2022 release) Update 2.


  • When changing topics, on the Style panel, the stickiness of the Preview button does not work as expected. (Bug ID: 11471)



  • In the German locale, after setting Publish Profiles for File System, the error message, "Invalid destination path", displays. (Bug ID: 11482)  

   PDF output

  • In some cases, the PDF metadata is missing after upgrading from Adobe RoboHelp 2022. (Bug ID: 11460)
  • A notice about the evaluation version of the PDF reactor is displayed when using the Save As PDF option. (Bug ID: 11473)
  • Headings are missing for Front Matter and Back Matter items in TOC. (Bug ID: 11492)
  • In the PDF template, the Use Headings up to Level option under TOC Structure is not working. (Bug ID: 11495)


  • Project files (.rhpj), PDF, and Word template files (.plt and .wlt) are not exported during translation. (Bug ID: 11502)

Known issue:

Issue: If you are using RoboHelp Update 1, then the regular update process from the RoboHelp application (Help > Check for Updates) does not work.

Solution:  To update RoboHelp, you must manually download and install Update 2 from here: Windows and macOS.






For more information about new and enhanced features, view What's new in RoboHelp (2022 release) Update 1.


  • On creating a topic, after changing the title and filename in the Topic Properties panel, an extra topic is created. (Bug ID: 1184)
  • When syncing from project to source, an incorrect message is displayed. (Bug ID: 11223)

Word Import

  • Auto number settings and style are not applied correctly in the imported Word document. (Bug ID: 11164)
  • After importing a Word document, styles are not applied to a few tables as expected. (Bug ID: 11163)
  • The content inside the shape with style information in Word Document Drawing Canvas is importing incorrectly. (Bug ID: 6781)
  • After importing a Word document, some content is missing from the text area inside the shape in RoboHelp. (Bug ID: 11123)
  • A hyperlink created in Word does not work when imported into RoboHelp. For example, the source URL has topic.html, and it got added as a prefix in the URL. (Bug ID: 11221)
  • In some cases, external hyperlinks created in Word do not launch in RoboHelp. (Bug ID: 11119)


  • An issue in inserting a child HTML Help in TOC. (Bug ID: 11220)
  • MiniTOC does not handle bookmarks placed at headings. (Bug ID: 11198)



  • Issues related to Dynamic Content Filters in sections with missing or no topics in TOC. (Bug ID: 10888)

    PDF output

  • After upgrading the application and generating a PDF output, a few topics are duplicated in the output. (Bug ID: 11174)
  • In some cases, an image in a topic does not get displayed in a PDF output. (Bug ID: 11278)

    Word Output

  • In a Word output, tables are not always properly aligned. (Bug ID: 9765)
  • In case sections are not set up, then topic titles were not considered chapter names. (Bug ID: 10431)
    Frameless Output
  • The "Use lowercase file names" option is not correctly applied to thumbnails(Bug ID: 10431)
  • In the Japanese locale, Expand All and Favorites buttons are not translated. (Bug ID: 11131)
  • The search result does not display the code in multiple lines. (Bug ID: 11135)
    Responsive HTML5 output
  • csh-trigger.min.js file is being flagged by Checkmarx security software as a security risk. (Bug ID: 11289)


  • For new profiles, the Google Translation API Key does not work as expected. (Bug ID: 11159)
  • For the EN-GB locale, the locale code is set to EN-UK. (Bug ID: 11279)
  • The XLIFF translation suspends when there is any numeric value in a paragraph. (Bug ID: 11145)


  • Users facing content security policy violation. (Bug ID: 10938)






For more information about new and enhanced features, view What's new in RoboHelp (September 2022 release).


  • After upgrading a project to RoboHelp 2020, the Drop-Down title values appear as duplicate in the output. (Bud ID- 10774)


  • When entering a link in the skin editor Layout > Header Links, an absolute path is required. Add a browse button to create a relative path. (Bud ID-10539)
  • There’s duplicate text in a cross-reference link in a Word output. For example, the cross-reference "See point 5 point 5", where the first instance of "point 5" is text, and the second is a link. (Bug ID-10519)
  • A CSS that contains @media styles does not get parsed as expected. If the line is commented out, the CSS parses as expected. (Bud ID-10142)
  • In RoboHelp, add an option to insert a paragraph space inside list items, for example, a bullet list, numbered list, or a multi-level list. (Bud ID-9859)
  • In the authoring view, introduce a button to add a generic <div>...</div> section in a topic. (Bud ID-9821)
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you're unable to apply styles on a Text Box, for example, the height/width, margins or border width, or colors. The default design of .text-box is defined in the output in /template/styles/topic.min.css. You can override it with a custom CSS, however removing attributes (for example, height) doesn’t allow the custom CSS to override the styles, and falls back to the default CSS, topic.min.css. (Bud ID-9217)
  • If you have a two-column style with some text, and you click the left column, you cannot see the cursor. If you click the other column, you can see the cursor. (Bug ID-8553)
  • In RoboHelp 2020, in Topic Properties, the keywords appear in the order they are added in the Index section. In RoboHelp 2022, the keywords are sorted alphabetically after insertion in a topic. (Bug ID-7115)



  • Added version number (<major>.<minor>.<build>) in generated output for Frameless and Responsive HTML5 outputs. (Bug ID-10922)
  • In a responsive HTML5 and Frameless output, a mini TOC does not honor conditional tags used in topic sub-headings and displays all heading text. In addition, the captions remain the same when the TOC collapses. (Bug ID-10402)
  • Conditional columns in a table that need to be excluded do not get excluded as expected in any output. (Bug ID-10561)
  • If a search finds more than 10 results, then the panel gets paged. When skipping backward, the content does not get updated. The content is always from the last page that was entered. (Bug ID-10556)
  • In RoboHelp 2020, after importing the map files, you are unable to import an updated version later to add new entries. (Bug ID-10308)
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you are unable to import map IDs that have a length of 31 characters or more. The line on which the ID is defined will be split. A backslash is added after the Map ID name, and the Map ID number will be on the line below. (Bug ID-10307)
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you are unable to import map files that contain comments. (Bug ID-10303)
  • When you add a second SFTP publish profile to a project, the system defaults "http://" into the Address field. The SFTP publishing fails. (Bug ID- 10021)

    PDF output

  • When outputting to PDF, RoboHelp places each H1 on a new page. In the case of smaller topics, a large amount of whitespace gets added to the PDF. The content must continue on the same page instead of forcing a page break. (Bug ID-10370)
  • In RoboHelp 2020, you are unable to generate chapter-wise output in a PDF output. (Bug ID-9710)
  • After generating a PDF output from a RoboHelp project, the bookmarks do not always maintain the hierarchy of sections and topics under it, and the hierarchy does not appear as expected. (Bug ID-8760)
  • In some cases, in RoboHelp 2020 Update 7, the PDF output produces blank pages. (Bug ID-10819)

    Word output

  • In a multi-level index, the indentation of keywords and sub-keywords do not appear as expected in a Word output. (Bug ID-10686)
  • A line break is added before and after all variables, hyperlinks, and cross-references in a table row in a Word output. (Bug ID-10533)
  • Add Chapter names or titles in a Word document like the way in RoboHelp Classic. (Bug ID-10431)
  • In a Word output, the links that are in tables are not formatted correctly and are placed in a separate line. (Bug ID-10362)
  • You are unable to set the depth of the TOC for a Word output. (Bug ID-9901)
  • The 'inherit' value on padding causes an MS Word output to fail. (Bug ID-9878)
  • In some cases, a merged table in the author mode does not appear correctly in an MS Word output. (Bug ID-9732)

    Framless output

  • When you click an index item, the text collapses each time. (Bug ID-10344)

    HTML5 output

  • The thumbnail for the close button appears blank for Studio skin. In addition, you're unable to close the thumbnail in a Responsive HTML5 output. (Bug ID-10894)
  • Add Expand All and Collapse All buttons for text on devices for HTML5 output. (Bug ID-10029)
  • In some cases, when performing a search, the browser becomes unresponsive, and requires that the page be closed. (Bug ID-10017)
  • A search used to take longer than expected in a Responsive HTML5 output, upon entering a query. In this release, we’ve improved the search performance by pre-loading the search database. (Bug ID-10923)


  • A shared review task does not open on a Safari browser as expected. On browsers, a task opens as usual. (Bug ID-10833)
  • After creating reviews, sometimes, you are unable to receive comments for the reviews. An error message appears. (Bug ID-10543)
  • There are intermittent issues with RoboHelp reviews, for example: 
    • Delete a review. 
    • A topic added to a review appears blank. 
    • When you attempt to open a topic in a reciew, an error message appears. 
    • After creating a review, you or other added users are unable to add any remarks. (Bug ID-9827)


  • When creating a Salesforce Knowledge Base preset, sometimes, an error message appears. (Bug ID-10564)

Word Import

  • Import a Word document that creates several new topics. If you import another Word document right after the first Word document, the title of the new topics is inherited from the first Word document. (Bug ID-10361)
  • In RoboHelp, if you import a Word topic with blank paragraphs, the lines show as paragraphs. However, those lines are lost when you generate any output. (Bug ID-9946)
  • Cross-reference links in a Word document are not recognized as being links, when linking or importing a Word document. (Bug ID-6789)

For any fixed issues related to RH2020, please visit Fixed Issues in RoboHelp 2020.


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