Discover how to create crisp lines and artwork in your UI/UX projects as well as your web, screen, and other digital designs.

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Never wrestle with anti-aliased icons and fuzzy art again — create paths that automatically align to the pixel grid as you draw them, or align art to the pixel grid in just one click. Here’s how.

Set up pixel-snapping

First, choose View > Pixel Preview. Now when you zoom to 600% or higher, you’ll see the pixel grid.

Note: Pixel Preview lets you preview what your artwork will look like when rasterized. It’s especially helpful when you want to control the placement, size, and edge appearance of objects in a rasterized graphic.

With nothing selected on your artboard, click the Snap to Pixel button in the Snap Options section of the Properties panel.

Pixel Preview is enabled to show how the image of a ship will appear when rasterized.

Draw pixel-perfect artwork every time

Now as you draw, paths and vector shapes with straight edges automatically align to the pixel grid. Imagine the time you’ll save when you draw clean, sharp lines from the start.

Animated GIF shows rectangles being drawn and aligned to pixel grid.

Art stays pixel-aligned even when moved around

Your paths and shapes align to the pixel grid as you move them, so you don’t have to worry about changing their appearance. You can also fix anti-aliased art just by moving it.

Tip: If any anti-aliased edges remain, select the Direct Selection tool and move the affected anchor point or path segment to the nearest pixel grid.

Animated GIF shows anti-aliased drawing being fixed by moving it.

Fearlessly scale artwork

Anchor points, path segments, and shapes automatically align to the pixel grid as you scale your art.

Animated GIF shows drawing of a building being scaled and aligned to the grid.

Make any artwork pixel-perfect with just one click

For anti-aliased icons or art with fuzzy edges, simply right-click and choose Make Pixel Perfect.

Note: Straight edges in your art will look sharper, but curved lines and diagonal lines are not improved.

Pixelated ship drawing is made crisper by selecting Make Pixel Perfect

That’s it! Now you can make all your web art and icons look tack sharp for any screen.

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