An Action is an event, that occurs in the scene when a trigger is activated. 

आपको क्या चाहिए

Creating an Interactive AR Button

Use Play animation, Play images and Play audio actions to create a fully interactive AR button. 

What you learned: How to use the Play animation, Play images and Play audio actions in your augmented reality scene.

  • A Behavior is the combination of a trigger and an action
  • Play animation applies an animation that comes with the imported assets. 
    • You can embed animations onto a single imported object or import separate animation files onto that object as FBX or GLB assets. Ensure the animations are created on the exact same object/rig that you are importing them on.
    • Embedded animations show in the Clip drop down.
  • Play images allows you to play 2D animated GIFs or PNG sequences.
  • PNG sequences must be zipped into a single zip file and imported into Aero as a .ZIP.
  • Transition will create a simple blend between actions. This allows you to chain together multiple Play animation actions on the same object while ensuring a smooth visual transition between them.
  • Learn more about the Play animation and the Play image action by visiting the Add animated assets in Adobe Aero page. 
  • Learn more about the Play audio action by visiting the Add audio to digital assets in Adobe Aero page.

Adding Motion to Objects in Aero

Animate objects in your scene and dive deep into Actions.

What you learned: How to add motion to objects in AR and what properties are available to you in the Behavior Builder properties panel.

  • Hide and unhide objects in the scene by clicking the eye icon in the Scene Graph.
  • The Easing drop down menu gives you options on how the motion will play on the subject:
    • Ease in-out will ease slowly into the action, accelerate in the middle, and ease slowly out of the action. 
    • Ease in will ease slowly into the action and accelerate towards the end.
    • Ease out will accelerate into the action and slowly ease out as it reaches the end of the action. 
    • Linear maintains the same speed from start to finish. Use this option if you plan on looping an action using the infinite box.
  • Clicking the Infinite box will tell Aero to play that action forever.
  • Change the Play count to 2 if using the Back and forth option.
  • The Aim action will cause the object to always aim towards a target down the Z axis.
    • Billboard option when checked, will only rotate around the objects Y axis.
  • Add spatial audio to an object with the Play audio trigger.

Putting it All Together

Mixing and matching actions and triggers in Behavior Builder can generate awesome results.

What you learned: How to build an immersive Augmented Reality experience using multiple actions on a single object.

  • You can stack multiple actions on a single object.
  • The Starter Assets panel is full of great objects to get you started in augmented reality.  
  • If the Starter Asset thumbnail has an icon with three circles in it, it means that asset has animations associated with it.

Experience the scene in augmented reality by scanning the QR code below!

QR code pointing to

Pro tip

Use the Ease out option under the Easing dropdown if you are working on an asset that needs to feel responsive. This will cause the asset to accelerate into the animation and slow down, or “ease out”, towards the end of the animation.

Published 23 जन॰ 2023

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