उपयोगकर्ता गाइड रद्द करें

Asset conversion using the Export panel

Learn how to use the Export Panel in Bridge to export all supported file types as image files.

With the Export panel in Bridge, you can now convert your assets such as videos, PDFs, or images and export as an image file format. By default, the Export panel is in focus when you work in the Essentials and Output workspaces in Bridge

To access the export panel:

  1. Simply navigate to Window in the menu bar.

  2. From the drop down options, select Export Panel

  3. Adjust the position and width of the Export panel that opens as per your preference. In the Export panel, you can select — Custom Export or Create New Preset to begin your export process.

Select export panel from Window option in the menu bar
Select the Export Panel from Window in the menu bar.

The Export panel in Bridge lets you export your assets in the .jpeg format to your disk.
The Export panel in Bridge lets you export your assets in different image format to your disk.

How to export your assets

To export your files using the Export panel, you can either Custom Export or Create New Preset.

Custom Export

  1. Select assets from the Content panel that you wish to export and do any of the following:

    • Drag and drop the selected assets from the Content panel to the Custom Export option in the Export panel.
    Custom export in Bridge.
    Custom export in Bridge

    • Ctrl-click (mac) or right-click (win) to bring up the context menu. Select Export To > Custom Export.
    • Go to File (menu bar) > Export to > Custom Export.
  2. In the Export dialog that opens, type a preset name and set your preferences for — Saving Options, Image Format, Image Size, and Metadata.

    Saving Options:

    • Export To: Expand the drop-down option to choose a location — Original File Location and Specific Folder
    • If you select the Specific Folder option, you can further use the Browse field to set a location for your exported files. 
    • Enable the Save to subfolder named checkbox and type in a name to specify a subfolder location. 
    • You can also Manage Conflicts by selecting any of the options from the drop-down — Create unique file name, Overwrite existing file, or Skip file.
    Explore various Saving options in Bridge.
    Explore various Saving options in Bridge.

    Image Format: Use this option to select a format using the Export panel. Bridge supports JPEG, DNG, TIFF, and PNG for export. Based on the format selected, you can choose from further settings.

    Select the desired image format basis your requirement.
    Select the desired image format basis your requirement.

    Image Size:

    • Scale: Select Scale to set a scale percentage in the Image field.
    • Resize to: Select this option to resize your assets to fit or fill a target rectangle area and set the dimensions. You can resize images based on Long Edge, Short Edge, or Width/Height in the Export panel. You can also enable the Don't enlarge option to make sure your image doesn't get enlarged on exporting. By default, Don't enlarge is enabled for Fit and disabled for Fill.
      • On selecting Fit, you can fit your image to resize on the basis of Long edge, Short edge, or Width Height.
        1. Long Edge: You can manually change the Dimension and Resolution before you export your images.
        2. Short Edge: You can manually change the Dimension and Resolution before you export your images.
        3. Width Height: You can manually change the Width, Height, and Resolution before you export your images. When you select Width/Height as your Fit option, your image is resized as per a target rectangle.
      • On selecting Fill, you can resize on the basis of Width Height. You can also view image thumbnails under Resize To having the original and new sizes of the images mentioned below each thumbnail.
      • You can specify the Resolution of your image in Pixels/inch or Pixels/cm and Dimension metrics in pixels/inches/cm.
    • Image preview: You can also see a preview of your images beside the resize options to quickly look at your applied changes for Width/Height options.
    • Resample Method: Choose any of the available Resample Method — Bilinear, Bicubic (best for smooth gradients), or Bicubic Sharper (best for reduction).
    Select Resize to Fit option in Adobe Bridge.
    Select Resize to Fit option in Adobe Bridge.

    Select Resize to Fill option in Adobe Bridge.
    Select Resize to Fill option in Adobe Bridge.


    • Include Original Metadata: Select this checkbox and use the drop-down menu to choose from the metadata associated with the files that you wish to keep.
    • Select the Remove Location Info checkbox to remove location specific metadata from the exported files.
    • Apply Metadata Template: Select this checkbox and choose from the following field:
    1. Name: Choose any of the available metadata from the Name drop-down. 
    2. Method: Select a method — Append Metadata, or Replace Metadata.
    3. Additional Keywords (Separated by semicolon): Use this field to add additional keywords to the files you wish to export.

    To learn more about applying metadata templates, see Work with metadata templates.

    Explore various options related to Metadata in Adobe Bridge.
    Explore various options related to Metadata in Adobe Bridge.

  3. Select Start Export in the Export dialog or from the bottom of the Export panel to start the export process.

    Explore the Export Progress dialog box in Adobe Bridge.
    Explore the Export Progress dialog box in Adobe Bridge.

Create new preset

You can create customized presets with your frequently used export settings and save them for easy accessibility in the future.

To create a new preset, do any of the following:

  • Select the Create new preset option in the Export panel.
  • Select the add preset () icon from the bottom of the Export panel. 
  • Ctrl-click (Mac), or right-click (Win) in the Export panel to bring up the context menu. Select Create new preset.

Once the Create New Preset dialog opens, you can type a preset name and set your preferences for — Saving Options, Image Format, Image Size, and Metadata, just as you would do in Custom Export (steps 2-3). Select the Save button in the Create New Preset dialog to save your preset and find it listed in the Export panel.

Learn how to Create new preset in Adobe Bridge.
Learn how to Create new preset in Adobe Bridge.

Rearrange export presets

In the Export panel, you can easily drag export presets to arrange them in the desired order for easy access. The order of your presets remains unchanged across default or custom workspaces in Bridge. Also, the order of presets is unchanged on the next launch of Bridge. By default, new presets are added to the bottom of the preset list in the Export panel.

Learn how to reorder your Export presets in Adobe Bridge.
Learn how to reorder your Export presets in Adobe Bridge.

Supported image formats


Image Quality: Use the slider to set your image quality for export. The values can vary from 1 (minimum image quality) to 12 (maximum image quality). You've the option now to export the file in .jpg/.jpeg extension for export and workflow builder.

Select the JPEG image format and set the desired file extension.
Select the JPEG image format and set the desired file extension.


Images can be exported in PNG, you can configure the following options before you export to PNG:

  • Bit Depth: 16-bit or 8-bit version 
  • Color Space: For most color-managed workflows, it is best to use a preset color setting that has been tested by Adobe such as sRGB. Choose a color space option based on your requirement.
  • Save transparency: Allows you to preserve the transparency of your image.
Select the PNG image format.
Select the PNG image format.


TIFF is another popular format in the publishing industry and creative professionals like graphic designers, artists, and photographers. You can configure the following options before you export to TIFF:

  • Compression: When exporting images in TIFF, you can choose to compress and zip files.
  • Color Space: For most color-managed workflows, it is best to use a preset color setting that has been tested by Adobe such as sRGB. Choose one based on your requirement.
  • Bit depth: Users can choose to store color information in two schemes — 8 bits per component or 16 bits per component.
  • Save transparency: Allows you to preserve the transparency of your image.
Select the TIFF image format.
Select the TIFF image format.


Once you select DNG — the raw image format developed by Adobe, you can configure the following options before you export:

  • JPEG Preview: You can select a preview option — None, Medium, and Full.
  • Embed Original Raw File: Enable this to embed the original raw file while exporting.
  • Delete Original File: Enable this to delete the original file after successful export.
Select the DNG image format.
Select the DNG image format.

Export to DNG Preset: This is an in-built sample preset for exporting your files, with default options configured for export to DNG format. You can readily work with this preset, edit it, or even delete it. However, once deleted, this preset will not be available in the export panel.

Learn how to Export to DNG in Adobe Bridge.
Learn how to Export to DNG in Adobe Bridge.

Disabled options in Export to DNG: When you export your files to DNG, the Image Size and the Metadata > Include Original Metadata options are disabled in the export dialog.

Edit your export presets

In the Export panel, ctrl-click (Mac) or right-click (Win) to bring up the context menu options:

  • Duplicate: Use this option to duplicate an export preset while making minimal changes and save for later use.
  • Rename: Use this option to rename an export preset.
  • Delete: Use this option to delete an export preset.
  • Edit: Use this option to edit all settings in your export preset and save for future use.

You can also select the edit preset () icon from the bottom of the Export panel to edit your export settings. Select the delete preset () icon to delete a preset if required.

Learn how to edit desired settings in your export preset.
Learn how to edit desired settings in your export preset.

View export progress

You can view your entire export job list that includes pending jobs, active jobs, and completed jobs.

To check the progress of your export jobs, perform the following steps:

1. Select View Progress from the bottom of the Export panel.

2. In the Export Progress dialog that opens, you can observe the progress status of your export jobs.

3. Select Clear to remove the job list. > Select Close to exit the progress window.

View the progress of your export jobs in the Export Progress window.
View the progress of your export jobs in the Export Progress window.

Cancel export

In the Export Progress dialog, select the cancel () icon visible next to a selected job status to stop the export process at any time. Select Close to exit the progress window.

Once an export job is completed, selecting the cancel () icon only removes the job information from the list and does not impact the export process.

Learn how to 'Cancel export' process in Adobe Bridge.
Learn how to 'Cancel export' process in Adobe Bridge.

Set export preferences

To set your export preferences, do the following:

1. Navigate to Adobe Bridge > Preferences > Export (Mac) or Edit > Preferences > Export (Win).

2. In the Options panel, you can set your preferences for the information that appears in the Export Progress dialog.

  • Maximum number of export jobs to keep in job list: Manually enter a desired value. The maximum number of job details in the job progress dialog defaults to a max value of 100. Bridge deletes the older history beyond 100 job details.
  • Maximum number of export jobs in progress: Manually enter a desired value. You can queue 20 export jobs at a time.
Learn how to set Export Preferences in Adobe Bridge.
Learn how to set Export Preferences in Adobe Bridge.

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