Learn about Content Credentials


Discover how creators in Lightroom can use Content Credentials to obtain proper recognition and promote transparency in the content creation process.

Learn more about Content Credentials, including what they are, how they work, and when you may want to include them with your work.

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Apply Content Credentials to your photos in a few simple steps.

How to use Content Credentials in Lightroom


Content Credentials are supported only in JPEG file format. 

  1. Open Lightroom on desktop and select the photo that you want to Export

  2. Select   > Custom Settings and select the Apply Content Credentials option.

  3. To change the information included in the Content Credential settings, select About Lightroom > Preferences > Export and make changes to the following information:

    • Storage method: Select your desired method from the available options. The options include Publish to Content Credentials cloud, Attach to files, and Attach and publish to cloud.
    • Producer: Select this to include your name. If you wish to change this information, select Manage.
    • Connected accounts: Selected the connected social media accounts. If you haven't linked them yet, select Manage.
    • Edits and activity: Select this to include all the information about the editing history.
    • When using an Export shortcut: Select All Content Credentials to include them, even when you export a photo with export shortcuts. 
    the preferences settings in Lightroom with Export options selected.
    The Content Credentials default settings are available in the About Lightroom Export preferences.

  4. All the Storage method options except Don't include have ProducerConnected accounts, and Edit and activity checkboxes.

  5. Select Export to export the photo with the attached Content Credentials. You can also export multiple images together with attached Content Credentials by selecting them in the Grid and then selecting  


Once the content credentials are uploaded, you can check them on Verify

Where do Content Credentials go when exporting or adding images to a shared album? 

When you’re ready to export your images from Lightroom or add them to a shared album, the Apply Content Credentials option will appear in the Export or Add to Shared Album dialog. Select it to include Content Credentials with your content.

Content Credentials can be:

  • Published to Content Credentials Cloud: This is separate from the cloud file storage included in your Adobe plan. This makes Content Credentials persistent and recoverable and keeps files smaller but less private — Content Credentials published to the cloud may appear in results when people search for content that matches or closely resembles your own.
  • Attach to files: This embeds the information in the exported file.
  • Attach and publish to cloud: This gives you the benefit of both the methods mentioned earlier.

You can also choose not to include Content Credentials with your Lightroom images. 

Will Content Credentials data be lost if you edit Lightroom photos in Photoshop? 

Currently, using the Edit in Photoshop option in Lightroom to edit images across Lightroom and Photoshop isn't supported by Content Credentials. To preserve the Content Credentials information of images you want to edit across both Lightroom and Photoshop, follow these steps:

  1. Export the image from Lightroom with Content Credentials after making any desired changes
  2. Open the image in Photoshop and enable Content Credentials before making changes
  3. Once desired changes have been made in Photoshop, Export As with Content Credentials
  4. If you want to make further changes in Lightroom, you must import the file exported from Photoshop in the previous step back into Lightroom to preserve its Content Credentials information.

You can turn Content Credentials on or off for an individual Photoshop document by right-clicking or option-clicking its tab. If Content Credentials is turned off or encounters issues during editing, your image's Content Credentials will note that some edits and activity may not have been recorded. 

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