Edit in other apps


Learn more about how to edit images in other apps.

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Try it in the app
Edit in other apps in a few simple steps.

Send a photo from Lightroom to any third-party application for additional editing, and it will automatically return to Lightroom when you're done.

  1. Open the image in Grid view or Detail view.

  2. Right-click on the image and select Edit in from the menu that appears.

  3. Select Edit in to browse and choose a third-party editing application. Afterward, the Edit in menu will keep track of the last five applications you've used, with the most recent one appearing first.

  4. The image will open, allowing you to perform further edits.

  5. Save your changes in the application. 


    If Lightroom detects no edits, it will prompt you to make changes before saving the image.

  6. Open Lightroom, select Finish, and the image will automatically open in Lightroom.

    Finish button is highlighted in Edit in dialogue box.
    Select Finish to notify Lightroom that the edit is complete in another app.


When using third-party applications with Lightroom, some apps may not permit direct saving of an image file after edits. In such cases, you must manually save a copy of the edited file to a new location. Lightroom will not automatically detect the changes made in the third-party app. To link the edited file with Lightroom, select Browse to manually select and import the modified version into Lightroom.

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