Do one of the following:
- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
- Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- Adobe Connect Events
- Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
Learn how to join a meeting as a participant or a Host, use a pod, manage participant entry, and manage in-meeting notifications and user requests.
Login and joining experience
Adobe Connect 12 features a revamped and reimagined login and joining experience.
If the Enhanced Audio/Video Experience option is enabled for a room, users can enter the room either in browser or in Adobe Connect desktop application depending on whether they have the application nstalled on their computer.
After clicking or entering a room URL in the browser, a check is performed to see if the Adobe connect desktop application is installed on users machine.
Adobe Connect application is installed
The room launches in the Adobe Connect application.
If you have already logged in to the application, you can enter the room directly without any intervention.
If you have not already logged in to the application, the application checks if you are logged in the browser. If yes, then you are redirected to the room. If you have not logged in to the browser, you must enter your credentials, and then you can enter the room.
When the application is installed and not logged in to both browser and app, then login page opens in the app for entering the credentials.
Adobe Connect application is not installed
If the Adobe Connect application is not installed and you have entered the room URL in the browser, the browser checks if browser access is enabled for the room.
If browser access is enabled, then the room launches in the browser.
If browser access is not enabled, then you will see a dialog prompting you to download Adobe Connect desktop application.
Participant login
A participant can join a meeting on the browser if the option Enable Browser access is enabled while creating the meeting.
Participant access
While creating the meeting, if both the options below are selected, then the participants must sign in with their credentials.
If the option Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room is enabled while creating the meeting, then any participant can join the meeting without entering the meeting credentials.
While creating a meeting, host have some rights with them to change settings for the participants to enter the room.
Hide Entry screen
If you select this option, all participants can’t set their microphone, speaker, or camera before entering a meeting. If you're using a telephony-only audio conference, select this option.
If this option is selected, for every meeting created, all participants cannot view the entry screen before attending the meeting. The selection of this option applies to this meeting only. The host need to select this option every time while creating the event as per the requirement.
Connect Administrator
If the Hide Entry Screen at the account level from Compliance checked, then the Hide Entry Option at room level should not be visible, and all the meetings created for this account will not have an entry screen.
If the option Hide Entry Screen is selected in Administration > Compliance and Control > Advanced Settings, the Hide Entry Screen option in the meeting is disabled.
Entering the meeting room
Entering Room
After all the settings are complete, you can enter the room. It can take some time to join a meeting room. While waiting to enter, your preferences for the virtual meeting are visible on the screen.
Requesting Entry
You would see this screen if you have joined as a guest, or the meeting has restricted the entry of participants.
Once you click on Enter Room, a notification is sent to the host requesting entry, which they can grant or deny.
Entry requested
Once you have requested to enter the room, the request goes to the host for further action. You need to wait until the host accepts your request.
Access denied
Once you place a request to enter the meeting room, it’s the host’s choice to grant or deny access, then the following message displays on your screen.
Session not started
When someone creates a meeting invite, they become a host. Till the time host doesn’t start the session, it redirects to the below screen. Only the host has this authorization to start the session according to the schedule.
Entry blocked
Hosts have the right to block the entry of participants. Generally, entry gets blocked when there is some confidential discussion is going or host has decided to have strict entry timing.
If you land on the above screen, your request is notified to the host and only the host can let you enter the meeting room.
Session on hold
Sometimes during the session, the host has a right to hold the meeting room for any reason during the meeting. While on hold, gets redirected to the following screen.
Once the host continues the session, you can enter the meeting room again.
Start meetings
If you are a host, start a meeting by logging in to your meeting room and then invite others through email or instant message. Meetings can be spontaneous or prearranged.
When you enter a meeting room, you can perform setup tasks for attendees. For example, specify conference information, accept or decline requests to join the meeting, rearrange pods, and type notes. You can also check all the settings and pods in the Host and Presenter Area for a streamlined session.
Enter a meeting room
From the home page in Adobe Connect Central, click My Meetings, and click the Open button for the desired meeting.
In Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the Meeting Information page for a specific meeting and click Enter Meeting Room.
Click the meeting URL in the email invitation that you have received. Type your Adobe Connect login and password, and then click Enter Room.
- Enter the meeting URL in your browser. Type your Adobe Connect login and password, and then click Enter Room.
- You can also choose to opt for another meeting by clicking "Select another room/content" at the bottom of the login page. Click on the desired meeting room, and you are redirected to enter the credentials for the selected meeting. You can also manage your meetings room by adding them to your favorites. For more details, see Manage meeting rooms.
Pastaba:The first time you visit a meeting room, bookmark it for quick access the next time you want to start a meeting.
You can launch an Adobe Connect meeting room in the Adobe Connect application for desktop. If you do not have the required Adobe Connect application, Adobe Connect prompts you to download and install it. An administrator can make it mandatory for everyone to install the Adobe Connect application to join an Adobe Connect session.
Manage meeting rooms
All of your meeting room get automatically stored under the Room/Content link in Recents and Favorites tabs.
Your Recent list is a record of all your meeting rooms that you’ve joined, with the most-recent listed at the top.
Additionally, you can perform any of the following actions in your Recent tab:
- Add the meeting to your Favorites list
- Remove the meetings individually
- Clear all the meetings in one go
You can add any of your meeting rooms to your Favorites list so that they are easy to access whenever you need them. Simply click a meeting your Recent list, and then click on the Star button to add them to your Favorites list.
To remove a meeting from the Favorites list, click the meeting and select Remove or Clear All.
Invite attendees and grant or deny access
While in the meeting room, hosts can invite people to attend a meeting. A host can choose to block access to a meeting, and allow or disallow requests to enter a blocked meeting.
Invite attendees while a meeting is in progress
Hosts can invite people to a meeting from inside an Adobe Connect meeting room.
Select Manage Access & Entry > Invite Participants from the drop-down next to the Meeting room on the title bar.
In the Invite Participants dialog box, do one of the following:
Click Compose Email to open your default email application and send invitees an automatically generated email message with the meeting URL.
Copy Link from the Invite Participants dialog box into an email or instant message and send the message to invitees. Return to the meeting room and click Done to close the dialog box.
Allow participants to join without Hosts permitting each entry
You can set up a meeting room to automatically allow the participants in the meeting room, without any intervention from the meeting hosts. When creating a meeting, select Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room in the Access section. For an existing meeting, go to Edit Information and make the same selection.
When you select the option Anyone who has the URL, your room is publicly available. Any content uploaded to your room, is also publicly available. Any user who has the URL can access the uploaded content without your knowledge.
Block incoming attendees
Select Manage Access & Entry > Block Incoming Attendees from the drop-down next to the Meeting room name on the title bar.
To allow incoming attendees to request entry to the meeting, select Let incoming attendees request to enter.
(Optional) In the text box, edit the message for incoming attendees. Select Save Message to save the message for future use.
Block guests who lack registered Adobe Connect accounts
Select Manage Access & Entry > Block Guest Access from the drop-down next to the Meeting room name on the title bar.
Work with pods
Hosts can show and hide, add, delete, rearrange, and organize pods. More than one instance of a pod (except the Attendees Pod, Q&A Pod, Video Pod, and Engagement Dashboard) can be displayed in a meeting at the same time.
Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
Show or hide a pod
- To show a pod, select from the menu
at the top of the title bar. (For pods that can have multiple instances, select the instance name from the submenu.)
A check mark appears next to the name of pods that are currently visible in the meeting.
- To hide a pod, deselect it in the menu
. Or, choose Hide from the options menu
in the upper-right corner of any pod.
Add a pod
In the menu bar
, select Pods and select the name of a pod.
From the pod submenu, select Add New [pod name] Pod.
Move and resize pods
In the menu bar
, select Move And Resize Pods. A check mark appears next to the option when it is selected.
To move a pod, drag it by its title bar. To resize a pod, drag the lower-right corner.
Display a pod at maximum size
When you maximize a pod, it expands to fill the current browser window.
In the upper-right corner of the pod, click the options menu
, and select Maximize.
To restore the pod to its original size, click the options menu
again, and select Restore.
To expand the Share pod beyond the current browser window to the edge of the display, click the Full Screen button.
Organize pods
Choose Manage Pods from the menu
at the top of the title bar. A check mark appears next to the option when it is selected.
Do one of the following:
- To edit the name of any of the pods, select them from the list, and click Edit (
- To delete the pods, select them from the list, and click Delete (
- To locate all unused pods, click Select Unused. Any unused pods are highlighted in the list on the left. Click Delete (
) if you want to remove the unused pods.
- To edit the name of any of the pods, select them from the list, and click Edit (
Click Done to close the Manage Pods dialog box.
While having meetings, Adobe Connect allows hosts to pause the chat. They can pause and resume the chat accordingly in a meeting room.
To pause or resume chats, follow the steps below:
From the chat pod, launch options menu .
Select Pause chat to halt the ongoing chats in the selected chat pod.
Once a pod is in pause state, it is resumed by selecting Resume chat from the pause chat pod or from the options menu.
If host has paused chat, participants and presenters can’t type or post any message in chat pod.
Pause chat halts all public and private chats of that chat pod only.
You can switch pods in the meeting room without hiding a pod and adding a new one from the pods menu. Only hosts can switch pods during a session.
You can only switch between pods of the same type. For example, if you have four different chat pods, you can switch between them.
Use the following steps to switch pods:
From any pod, select
to view the names of all pods of the same type. For example, by selecting the icon in the chat pod, you can see a list of all active chat pods.
Switch pods Switch pods -
From the drop-down, select the pod you want to switch.
By selecting New chat pod, you can add a new chat pod too. For more details, view Chat pod.
Manage different pods used in the meeting room. Hosts can edit, sort, or delete the pods used in the meeting room.
From the Manage pods.
pod menu, select
This opens Manage pod dialog box. -
Sort pods based on Type and Name.
Hover over pod name, select
icon to edit the pod name, or select icon to delete the pod. -
To delete unused pods together, select the option Select unused in the top-right of the dialog box.
It selects all the unused pods in the meeting room.Select Select unused to delete the selected pods.
icon next to
In the confirmation box, choose Delete. -
Click Done to close the panel.
Hosts can clear the content from the pods opened in the meeting room with One-Click Clear. This action will clear content history from all open Chat pods, Poll pods, Q&A pods, and Chat panel.
This action will not remove pods from layouts and doesn't affect pods not used in layouts.
From the Clear content from pods.
pod menu, select
This opens Clear content from pods dialog box. -
Select the pod or panel that requires content clearance.
For example, if you select Chat pod, this action clears the chat history. If you select the Poll pod, this action ends any open poll and clears the content.
Click Clear Content to clear the content.
To turn off One-Click Clear for the Connect account, go to CCM>Admin>Compliance and Control>Pod Management, and select Disable One-Click Clear.
Join as a first-time Adobe Connect user
New users, who log in for the first time, are guided through the user interface depending on their role in the system. The rules that govern a new users’ destination in Adobe Connect, upon their first login, are listed below.
Group membership |
Directed here upon first login |
Meeting Hosts only |
New system generated meeting |
Meeting Hosts, along with any other membership |
New system generated meeting |
Training Managers only |
Training tab |
Authors only |
Content tab |
Seminar Administrators only |
Seminar tab |
Learners only |
Home tab |
Event Managers only |
Events tab |
Event Administrators only |
Home tab |
Any combination of two or more memberships, not including Meeting Hosts group |
Home tab |
Administrators, Administrators – Limited, or both |
Home tab |
Any role along with one or more of the administrator roles (Administrators, Administrators – Limited, and Event Administrator) |
Applicable tab depending on the role |
When a user is taken to a new system generated Meeting room, the user can either enter a more meaningful name and URL for the Meeting room. Alternatively, the user can continue with the system generated name and the URL. Also, the user can click More Settings, in the left pane, to launch Adobe Connect Central and configure the meeting room. For example, if the user, as a meeting host, wants to associate an audio profile with the meeting room.
In a new user account, if a meeting is created in the My Meetings folder, the new user is taken to My Meetings folder, instead of a system generated meeting room.
Join a meeting
Attendees join a meeting as a guest or as a registered user, depending on the options chosen by the meeting host.
If your connection to the server fails, Adobe Connect displays an error message. It provides a link to a test wizard, which leads you through a series of steps to test your connection status.
Do one of the following:
If you have been invited to a meeting by someone in your organization, on the Adobe Connect Home tab, click My Meetings. In the list of meetings on the left, locate the meeting you want to join and click Enter.
Click the URL for the meeting, most likely received in an email or instant message.
Log in to the meeting room as either a guest or an Adobe Connect user:
Select Enter As A Guest. Type the name to be used as your identifier in the meeting. Enter appropriate values in the guest access fields, for example email id and contact number and click Enter Room.
Select Enter With Your Login And Password. Enter your login name and password. Click Enter Room.
Connect directly opens the room in the HTML client if the app is not installed.
Once you enter the room through browser application, you are prompted to download the app. You can click on the Download app to install the new CEF-based installer. The CEF installer gets downloaded and the user can switch into the meeting using the CEF application.
Download app to install the new CEF-based application Download app to install the new CEF-based application If the user clicks on Cancel, and decides later during the meeting to switch to CEF application, he can click on the options menu
at the right side of the screen, and choose Switch to Desktop Application, and then download Adobe Connect.
Switch to application Switch to application Pastaba:Adobe will continue to support any server prior to 11.0 for the existing customers. That means, existing customers may continue to open their meetings succesfully in this application.
If you are the administrator of a hosted account, Adobe Connect displays the terms of service (ToS) by default. To log in to a meeting, first acknowledge that you have read and agree to the ToS.
If you are a user, ToS is not displayed for hosted accounts. You can log in to a meeting before the ToS expires even if the administrator hasn’t accepted the ToS yet.
For shared site accounts, the ToS are displayed when you first log in to Adobe Connect either as an administrator or a user. To proceed, acknowledge that you have read and agree to the ToS. Select the check box on the screen to indicate that you have read and agree to the ToS and Adobe Online Privacy Policy.
Pastaba:If the administrator for your meeting has activated client-side certificates, the Select Certificate dialog box appears when you attempt to enter a meeting. The dialog box prompts you to select a certificate to verify your identity. An administrator may have enabled a compliance Term of Use notice. Accept this notice to enter a meeting. (For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.)
Place a meeting on hold or end a meeting
Hosts can place participants on hold to temporarily restrict meeting room access to hosts and presenters, letting them prepare materials. Audio conference calls are placed on hold.
Hosts can end a meeting to remove everyone, including hosts, presenters, and participants. Audio conference calls are disconnected. If an Adobe Connect account is billed by the minute, you can prevent unnecessary charges by explicitly ending a meeting when a meeting is not in session.
Place participants on hold
Select Manage Access & Entry > Place Participants on Hold from the drop-down next to the Meeting room name on the title bar.
Revise the message for participants, if you want, and click Place on Hold to place the meeting on hold.
An illustration how to place Participants on Hold An illustration how to place Participants on Hold
Attendees who log in to a meeting that is on hold automatically enter when the meeting resumes.
Exit a meeting Exit a meeting -
A host has the ability ot craft the exact message that attendees will see on ending the session for all using the drop down icon at the top right corner
The host can click craft the message and then Save Message. This will not end the meeting and will return the host to the meeting interface again.
An illustration of how to exit the session An illustration of how to exit the session -
If the host checks the box beside Open this URL for all attendees after session ends then a text field for entering a URL appears. The host can type in an address will be presented to the attendees.
After the host exits the room, participants will remain in the session unless the host had ended the session for all. Participants can exit the meeting room using the exit room icon. They will be presented with the dialog box as shown below.
Participants and guests will not be able to enter the room until a Host opens the room.
Save an On Hold or End Meeting message for future use
You can write an On Hold or End Meeting message without interrupting the meeting. This feature lets you compose the message during the meeting and then send it at the appropriate time.
Select Manage Access & Entry > Place Participants on Hold from the drop-down next to the Meeting room name on the title bar.
Revise the message in the message box.
Click Save Message to save the message for future use and return to the meeting.
Restarting a meeting that is on hold or ended
In the upper-right corner of the meeting room, click Resume in the Participants placed on hold window.
Pastaba:If you’ve closed that window, choose Manage Access & Entry, and deselect Place Participants on Hold.
Working with notifications and requests
Pending requests and notifications are displayed in the menu bar. This feature gives you a unified view of requests and notifications, and you can act on them. Notification and request icons display if you have pending requests.
Click a request or notification button to view details and respond as required. Raise hand requests and access requests are indicated separately. Other notifications are displayed under the bell icon.