Paskutinį kartą atnaujinta 2025-02-25

Explore the workspace and tools available in Photoshop on iPhone.

Adobe Photoshop deeplink

Try Photoshop on iPhone
Start creating right on your phone with the powerful, all-new app.

Launch the Photoshop application on iPhone, and you'll find the homescreen.


Photoshop on iPhone homescreen is shown with different tools like From your photos, New blank canvas, Generate an image, and From Adobe Stock
Find your recent work on the homescreen.


  • From your photos: Select a photo from the camera roll to make edits.
  • New blank canvas: Select a custom blank canvas to begin editing.
  • Generate an image: Create custom and complex images using descriptive text prompts.
  • From Adobe StockSelect a custom size Adobe Stock image.
  • Files: Access, open, and organize the Creative Cloud files.


  • Must know: Learn the core Photoshop concepts and techniques to get started with photo editing on iPhone.
  • Made with Photoshop: Explore the creative journey of creators as they share their process and the final artwork.
  • How-to: Follow easy step-by-step guides to master Photoshop tools and workflows.


On the homescreen, select Create new   and then choose from the following options to create or import content:

  • Create a new canvas  : Start with a blank canvas to begin editing.
  • Add from Photos  : Import an image directly from your device's photo library.
  • Add from Adobe Stock  : Access and import images from Adobe Stock.
  • Generate image  : Create complex and custom images using descriptive text prompts.
  • Take a photo  : Capture a new photo with your device's camera for quick editing.
  • Add from Lightroom  Import images directly from your Lightroom library for enhanced editing.
  • Add from Files  : Select images or assets from your device's file storage for editing.

Once you're done, you'll enter the editing workspace, where a variety of tools, panels, and options are available to retouch photos or create a composite on the go.

Photoshop on iPhone canvas is shown, displaying tools like Select area, Retouch, Paint, and Transform.
Easily refine your image using Retouch and Paint tools.

Layer properties

  • Blend and opacity  : Blend refers to the blending mode that determines how a layer’s pixels interact with those beneath it. By adjusting the blending mode, you can create various visual effects such as changing colors, brightness, and contrast. Opacity refers to the transparency level of a layer, controlling how visible the layer is. A layer with 100% opacity is fully visible, while a layer with 0% opacity is completely transparent.
  • Modify mask  : Alter the properties of a mask.
  • Transform  : Resize, rotate, skew, distort, or change the perspective of a layer or an object. 
  • Delete  : Delete the active layer.

For more information, view Layer properties overview.

Select area

Isolate and select a specific area of the photo using the given selection tools, like Tap select, Quick select brushLasso, and more.


Refine your photo with core retouching tools, including Spot healRemoveClone stampLighten, and Darken.


Draw lines, strokes, and shapes with a variety of brushes and adjust the brush SizeHardnessOpacity, and Flow for precise control.


Adjust the aspect ratio or size of the photo before uploading to social media platforms.


Select Undo   to revert the last action performed.


Select Redo   to restore the last action undone.


Select Share  to export the image as a PNG file or in multiple formats.


Select Learn   to browse through quick videos and tips.


Select Settings   to sync the file to the cloud and customize app settings on your phone.