Built-in group
- Adobe Connect User Guide
- Introduction
- Adobe Connect Meeting
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Host and Presenter Area in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect application for desktop
- Adobe Connect pre-meeting diagnostic test
- Adobe Connect Central home page
- Share content during a session
- Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings
- View meeting reports and analytics data
- Work with Pods
- Reactions in Adobe Connect room
- Accessibility features in Adobe Connect
- Create virtual meeting rooms and arrange layouts
- Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect meetings
- Manage meeting attendees in Adobe Connect
- Start, attend, and manage Adobe Connect meetings and sessions
- Adobe Connect administration and maintenance
- Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client
- Enabling single sign-on in Adobe Connect
- Change the timeout period
- Configure audio providers for Universal Voice
- Create and import users and groups in Adobe Connect
- Enhance Adobe Connect account security
- Generate usage reports in Adobe Connect Central
- Administer and manage Adobe Connect accounts
- Manage users and groups
- Set permissions for library files and folders
- Back up user data, database, and settings of Adobe Connect server
- Build custom reports from the Adobe Connect database
- Maintain disk space and clean cache on an Adobe Connect server
- Manage and monitor Adobe Connect server logs
- Start and stop Adobe Connect services
- Adobe Connect Events
- Adobe Connect Training and Seminars
- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Session dashboard
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
- Audio and video conferencing in Adobe Connect
- Manage user content in Adobe Connect
Generate default and customized reports to get information about your Adobe Connect installation and usage.
About Adobe Connect Central reports
The reporting feature in Adobe Connect enables you to quickly and easily obtain a wide variety of useful data about your Adobe Connect installation.
The wizard-based interface lets you select a general type of report, and then make choices to specify exactly the information that you need. For example, suppose that you choose to create a course report. After selecting a course, you view current enrollment details or view the entire enrollment history for the course. Another example is when you create a meeting report, you view a summary of activity for one room over time. Alternatively, you view details about one specific meeting session.
Information provided in the system usage reports help you fine-tune your Adobe Connect installation and costs. For example, you can obtain facts about system activity for a particular cost center.
Important general information about reports:
If you have direct reports, click Manager Reports to see data about trainings completed, meetings attended, and events attended for each direct report. Click the name of a direct report to list their direct reports.
Groups cannot be used as a sort option. The groups column contains multiple values if a user is a member of multiple groups. When a user belongs to more than one group and you sort by group, sorting only uses the first group in the list. For information aggregated by group, use the Group report option where available, for example, in the Learner and User reports.
The default sort order for all reports that contain user names is by last name.
Sort column information in ascending or descending order by clicking the column headers (except the group column header).
Add or remove column headers dynamically by selecting or deselecting “Select fields” in the Report wizard.
Working with reports
After you create a report, use the Report wizard to do any of the following:
Click New or Cancel to return to the home page of the Report wizard.
Click Edit Query or Previous to change filter and field settings.
Click Save Report and give the report a descriptive name so you can access it from the Saved Queries module.
Click Print to print the report.
Click Download Report to save the report as a CSV file.
Accessing reports
Your access to reports is based on the groups to which you belong.
Report module permissions |
Administrator |
All. |
Limited Administrator |
System Usage, Saved Queries. However. administrators can remove access. See Creating administrators. |
Authors |
Content, Saved Queries. |
Training Managers |
Content, Course, Curriculum, Virtual Classroom, Learner, Saved Queries. |
Event Managers |
None. |
Learners |
None. |
Meeting Hosts |
Meeting, Saved Queries. |
Seminar Administrators |
None. |
Creating custom fields in reports
Adobe Connect offers you the flexibility to customize reports. Through customization, you create reports that show you just the information you want to see. You can eliminate columns of information you don’t require and add columns that give you data you need. Refining reports makes your reports smaller in size and more useful.
When you customize a user profile, the top 20 fields appear and you can assign custom field priority. It is important to prioritize custom fields in order of importance; reports include only the top ten fields, including the e‑mail custom field.
For details about how to create custom fields, see Customize user profile fields.
Analyze a sample report
The following steps were taken to create the sample report:
Click the Reports tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Click Curriculum.
Navigate to a specific curriculum, select the curriculum, and click Next.
On the left, click Specify Report Filters.
Select Filter Using A Date Range and enter dates.
Select Filter By User Groups and select a group.
On the left, select Add or Remove Report Fields.
Select additional fields, as desired.
On the left, select Options.
Under Choose Report Options, select Curriculum Report.
Click Create Report.
A. Summary section B. Curriculum name C. Date filter D. Group filter E. Report options F. Detailed information about members of specified group
The sample report shows the following information:
The name of the curriculum is ABC Curriculum.
The report was filtered to only show data from September 1, 2006 to October 1, 2008.
The report was filtered to only show members of the group named Alphabet Group.
The following information shows in the Summary section:
In the selected group, there are 26 learners enrolled in the curriculum.
Of the 26 enrolled learners, 4 have completed the curriculum.
Of the 26 enrolled learners, 10 have completed some of the curriculum. They are reported as “Number in Progress.”
Of the 26 enrolled learners, 12 have not started the curriculum. They are reported as “Number not Started.”
The following detailed information is listed below the Summary section:
Last name of each learner from the specified group enrolled in the curriculum.
First name of the learner.
Status of the learner, such as Not Taken, In Progress, or Complete.
If applicable, the certificate number for the learner. (The certificate number is a system-generated number and unique ID that proves the learner completed the curriculum.)
The version of the curriculum that the learner has used. (Update curriculums by adding learners or changing content and such changes. Some creators never update their curriculums, so there is one version only.)
Date and time the learner last accessed the curriculum.
The name of the group to which the learner is assigned. For this report, it is specified that only the information about learners in the Alphabet Group is viewed. So only one group name is listed.
After viewing the report, you have several options. To sort the information in different ways, click column headers. For example, in the sample report, click Last Access to see which learners have accessed the curriculum recently. You can also save, print, or download the report.
Using course reports
Course reports provide information about individual courses you created and the learners enrolled in the course. The course report shows how a course is used. The report lists if the course is taken, how often it is taken, and if users pass, fail, or complete the course. Course reports showing individual learners taking a specific course enable you to see who has taken the course, their status, and their score.
The historical course report includes information about unenrolled and deleted users. Viewing data about unenrolled and deleted learners helps you analyze how the course has been used over time. For example, you can see how many learners have not completed the course and if that number is rising or falling.
Create course reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click Course.
Select a course from the Training library and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. (Optional) Enter a date range and/or select a specific User Group.
Click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Options. Select the course report to create: Course Report or Historical Course Report Which Includes Unenrolled And Deleted Users
Click Create Report.
Read course reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within course reports. All column headings do not appear in all course reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Attempts |
The number of attempts made to pass the course compared to number of attempts allowed. For example, 1 of 3 means that the learner made one attempt and a total of three attempts are available. |
Certificate |
A system-generated number that proves the learner completed the course and provides the learner with a unique ID. (Course status for a learner must be complete or passed to receive a certificate number.) |
Date deleted |
Where applicable, the date the learner was deleted from the Adobe Connect system. |
Date enrolled |
Date the learner was added to the enrollment list for the course. |
Date unenrolled |
Date the learner was removed from the enrollment list for the course. |
First name |
First name of the learner enrolled in the course. |
Group |
All groups this learner is a member of are listed here. This column does not sort. |
Last access |
Last time the learner accessed the specific course. |
Last name |
Last name of the learner enrolled in the course. |
Manager |
The first and last name of the user’s manager. |
Number complete |
Number of learners who completed the course. |
Number enrolled |
Total number of learners ever enrolled in the course. Archival data is included. |
Number failed |
Learners who failed the course. |
Number in progress |
Learners who started, but not yet completed the course. |
Number not started |
Learners who did not start the course. |
Number passed |
Learners who passed the course. |
Score |
Score the learner received for the course. |
Status |
Where the learner is in the course workflow. For example, the learner has not opened the course (Not Started), has opened, but not completed the course (In Progress), or has finished the course (Complete). |
Version |
If multiple versions of the course were uploaded, this column states which version the learner used. |
Using curriculum reports
Curriculum reports show how learners use a curriculum and the courses and virtual classrooms in the curriculum. The curriculum report lists summary information, such as how many learners are enrolled and how many are in progress. The report also shows information about learners enrolled in the curriculum, including their name, status, and the last time they accessed the curriculum.
The curriculum objects report lists information by learning objects, usually a course or a virtual classroom. You can see data such as the name of the learning object, the average learner score for the object, and if prerequisites are set. Viewing curriculum object data can help you analyze how learners are using specific objects within a curriculum.
Create curriculum reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click Curriculum.
Select a curriculum from the Training library and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. (Optional) Enter a date range and/or select a specific User Group.
Click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Options. Select the curriculum report to create: Curriculum Report or Curriculum Report Showing Curriculum Objects.
Click Create Report.
(Optional) If you selected Curriculum Report Showing Curriculum Objects in step 6, click the name of any learning object in the generated report. Clicking a name creates a report about the specific learning object.
Read curriculum reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within curriculum reports. All column headings do not appear in all curriculum reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Active version |
If there are multiple versions of the curriculum object, the latest version is listed here. |
Average score |
The average learner score for the curriculum object. |
Certificate |
A system-generated number that proves the learner completed the curriculum and provides the learner with a unique ID. (Curriculum status for a learner must be complete or passed to receive a certificate number.) |
Contents |
Description of curriculum object, such as presentation file. |
First name |
First name of the learner enrolled in the curriculum. |
Group |
All groups the learner is a member of are listed here. This column does not sort. |
Last access |
Last time the learner opened the curriculum. |
Last name |
Last name of the learner enrolled in the curriculum. |
Learning object |
Name of the learning object. |
Number complete |
Learners who have completed the curriculum. |
Number enrolled |
Learners who have enrolled in the curriculum. |
Number in progress |
Learners who have started, but not yet completed the curriculum. |
Number not started |
Learners who have not started the curriculum. |
Percentage complete |
Percentage of learners who have “Completed” status for the curriculum object. |
Prerequisites |
Complete these curriculum objects before attempting the curriculum object listed on this line. |
Required or Optional |
States if learner must complete the curriculum object to complete the curriculum or if the object is optional. |
Status |
Where the learner is in the curriculum workflow. For example, the learner has not opened the course (Not Started), has opened but not completed the course (In Progress), or has finished the course (Complete). |
Test Outs |
Curriculum objects that can be completed instead of the object listed on this line. |
Type |
Description of the curriculum object. |
Version |
If multiple versions of the curriculum were uploaded, this column states which version the learner used. |
Using learner reports
Learner reports show all course, virtual classroom, and curriculum activity for an individual or group. The individual learner report enables you to see how a learner is progressing through assigned training. Detailed information in the report includes number of assignments given to the learner, number completed, number in progress, and number not started. The group learner report shows similar information, but for an entire group instead of a single learner.
Learner reports are useful because they show details about how individuals and groups are using your courses and curriculums. You can determine if learners are taking and completing training assignments, how quickly they are working, and what scores they are receiving.
Create learner reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click Learner.
From the menu, select a Learner report type: Individual Learner or Group.
Select an individual learner or a group and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. (Optional) Enter a date range.
Click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Create Report.
(Optional) If you selected Individual Learner report in step 3, click the name of any learning object in the generated report. Clicking a name creates a report about the specific learning object.
Read learner reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within learner reports. All column headings do not appear in all learner reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Attempts |
Number of times the learner tried to complete the learning object. (Attempts are tracked at the learning object level only.) |
Certificate |
A system-generated number that proves the learner completed the course, virtual classroom, or curriculum and provides the learner with a unique ID. (Course or curriculum status for a learner must be complete or passed to receive a certificate number.) |
Contents |
If the learning object is a course, the course content type is listed, such as presentation or image. |
Last access |
For a curriculum, the date when any object within the curriculum was last accessed. |
Learning object |
Name of the learning object. |
Number complete |
Learners who completed the learning object. |
Number in progress |
Learners who are still in progress with the learning object. |
Number not started |
Learners who did not start the learning object. |
Number of learning assignments |
Total number of assignments. If the learner is enrolled in a course outside a curriculum, and the course also exists within the curriculum, the item is counted twice. |
Score |
Score achieved on learning objects attempted to date. |
Status |
Where the learner is in the course/curriculum workflow. For example, the learner has not opened the course/curriculum (Not Started), has opened but not completed the course/curriculum (In Progress), or has finished the course/curriculum (Complete). |
Type |
Description of the learning object. For example, course, curriculum, or classroom. |
Version accessed |
If multiple versions of the learning object were uploaded, this column states which version the learner used. |
Using content reports
Content reports provide detailed information about the content you have uploaded to Adobe Connect. (Content can be in the following formats: PPT, PPTX, FLV, SWF, PDF, GIF, JPG, PNG, MP3, HTML, or ZIP.) For example, a content report about a PDF shows page name, number of times each page was viewed, and last date each page was viewed.
A content report showing question details enables you to view information about questions in a presentation (PPT or PPTX file). For example, you could select a presentation containing a question with five multiple choice answers. Running a content report showing question details allows you to see how many learners picked each of the five possible answers. This report is useful for refining the questions in your presentations. If you feel too many learners are passing or failing a presentation, use this report to determine which questions to make easier or more difficult.
Create content reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click Content.
Select a piece of content from the library and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. (Optional) Enter a date range and/or select a specific User Group.
Click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Options. Select the type of content report to create: Content Report or Content Report Showing Question Details.
Click Create Report.
Read content reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within content reports. All column headings do not appear in all content reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Average score |
The average learner score for the content. |
Content type |
Description of the content. For example, presentation, image, or SWF file. |
Current disk usage |
Current size, in KB, of the content file. |
Last modified date |
Last date that changes were made to the content file. |
Last view date |
Last date that a user viewed the content file. |
Maximum score |
Highest score a learner received on the content file. |
Minimum score |
Lowest score a learner received on the content file. |
Number of questions |
Total number of questions the content file contains. |
Number selected |
Number of learners who selected this option. |
Page name |
Full name of the page. (For PDF content only.) |
Page number |
Number corresponding to the page number in the content file. (For PDF content only.) |
Percentage selected |
Percent of learners who selected this option. |
Question description |
The actual question from the question slide. For a multiple choice question, each possible choice is listed on its own line. |
Question number |
Number corresponding to the question number in the presentation. |
Responses |
Different possible responses to the question. |
Slide name |
Full name of the slide. |
Slide number |
Number corresponding to the slide number in the presentation. |
Total duration |
For movie or music file, the total length in hours/minutes/seconds of the file. |
Total pages |
For a PDF, the total number of pages in the file. |
Total slides |
For a presentation, the total number of slides in the file. |
Total views |
The total number of times this content was viewed. |
Unique views |
The number of uniquely identified viewers who accessed this content. |
Using virtual classroom reports
Virtual classroom reports provide details about how virtual classrooms are being used over time. Use the Virtual Classroom Report to see the names, enrollment dates, and completion status for learners in the classroom.
Use the Virtual Classroom Session Attendance Report to view data about a specific session within a virtual classroom. You can see details such as session duration, total number of attendees, attendee names, and the times attendees entered and exited. The information in this report helps you determine if the correct people attended a session and how long they remained in the room. You can also compare different sessions. For example, suppose that the same training course is offered in the same virtual classroom at two different times. By running a session report for each time, you can determine which one had higher attendance.
Create virtual classroom reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click Virtual Classroom.
From the menu, select a virtual classroom report type: Virtual Classroom Courses Report or Virtual Classroom Session Attendance Report.
Select a virtual classroom from the Training library and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. (Optional) Enter a date range and/or select a specific User Group.
Click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Create Report.
Read virtual classroom reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within virtual classroom reports. All column headings do not appear in all virtual classroom reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Assigned role |
Role as assigned on the manage enrollee page. (Does not show if role changed while in the virtual classroom.) |
Date deleted |
Date the learner was deleted from the virtual classroom. |
Date enrolled |
Date the learner was enrolled in the virtual classroom. |
Date unenrolled |
Date the learner was removed from the enrollment list for the virtual classroom. |
Duration |
Length of the specific virtual classroom session selected. |
E‑mail address of the learner enrolled in the virtual classroom or the learner listed for the specific virtual classroom session selected. |
First entry time |
First time the learner entered the virtual classroom. |
First name |
First name of the learner enrolled in the virtual classroom. |
Last access |
Date when the learner last entered the virtual classroom. |
Last exit time |
The last time the learner exited the virtual classroom. (Learner may have entered and exited multiple times.) Changing status to “stepped away” does not count as an exit. Only a lost connection or a voluntary closure of the classroom window creates an exit time. |
Last name |
Last name of the learner enrolled in the virtual classroom. |
Mobile |
Yes value in this field indicates that the user accessed the meeting using a smartphone or a tablet. Else the value is No. |
Multiple entrances logged |
Lists if learner entered and exited more than once during this session. |
Number complete |
Learners who have completed the virtual classroom requirements. |
Number in progress |
Learners who have logged in, but not yet completed the virtual classroom requirements. |
Number not started |
Learners who have not logged in to the virtual classroom. |
Participants attended |
Total number of learners who at least entered the classroom. Does not include any learners with preassigned role of Host or Presenter. |
Participants enrolled |
Total number of participants enrolled in the virtual classroom. This number does not include participants assigned the Host or Presenter role. |
Start time |
Time that the specified virtual classroom session selected began. |
Status |
Where the learner is in the virtual classroom workflow. For example, if the learner has not entered the classroom yet, their status would be Not Taken. When a learner exits a virtual classroom, their status is Complete. |
Total attended |
Total number of learners who entered the specified virtual classroom session. |
Total duration attended |
Total amount of time (sum of all time between each entrance and exit) the learner was actually in the virtual classroom. If attendee was present, from 11:45-12:00 and then 12:10-12:15, their total duration would be 00:20:00. |
Total enrolled |
Total number of learners enrolled in the specified virtual classroom session. |
Using meeting reports
Meeting room reports show how meeting rooms are being used. The Meeting Room Summary Report enables you to get data about an individual meeting room over time and across sessions. You can obtain information including total unique number of attendees, number of unique sessions, and average duration of a meeting. This information can help you determine if meeting room activity is low. Conversely, if the report shows that a meeting room is busy, you could create more meeting rooms to better manage the workload.
The Individual Meeting Session Report enables you to view information about a specific session within a meeting room. You see details such as total number of attendees, total number of guests, and all attendee names. By comparing planned duration to actual session duration, you determine if a meeting ended sooner or later than planned. The information in this report also helps you determine if the correct people attended a specific meeting and how long they stayed in the room.
Create meeting reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click Meeting.
From the menu, select a meeting report type: Meeting Room Summary Report or Individual Meeting Session Report.
Select a meeting from the library and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. Optionally, enter a date range and/or select a specific User Group.
Click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Create Report.
Read meeting reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within meeting reports. All column headings do not appear in all meeting reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Average duration |
The average length of meeting sessions that took place in this meeting room. |
Average duration attended per session |
For the specific attendee, the average amount of time they spend in meetings in this meeting room. |
Average users |
Across all sessions in this meeting room, the average number of attendees in a session. |
Current disk usage (kb) |
Space usage, in KB, by this meeting room. |
Date of session |
The date this specific meeting session took place. |
First entry time |
Time that the first attendee entered the meeting room for this specific meeting session. |
First name |
First name of meeting attendee. |
First session |
Date of the first meeting session that took place in this meeting room. |
First session attended |
The date the specific attendee first attended a meeting session in this meeting room. |
Intermittent activity |
Lists if attendee entered and exited more than once during this meeting session. |
Last exit time |
The last time the attendee exited the meeting. (The attendee may have entered and exited multiple times.) Changing status to stepped away does not count as an exit. Only a lost connection or voluntary closure of the meeting window creates an exit time. |
Last name |
Last name of meeting attendee. |
Manager |
The first and last name of the user’s manager. |
Mobile |
Yes value in this field indicates that the user accessed the meeting using a smartphone or a tablet. Else the value is No. |
Most recent session |
Date of the most recent meeting session that took place in this meeting room |
Most recent session attended |
Date that this specific attendee last attended a meeting session in this meeting room. |
Peak users |
Across all sessions, the highest number of attendees in the meeting room at the same time. |
Planned duration |
Time scheduled for the specific meeting session. (A meeting may be scheduled for one hour, but not actually use the entire hour.) |
Role on entry |
Attendee’s assigned role when they entered the meeting. |
Total duration attended |
Adds up all the times in between each entrance/exit and compiles the total amount of time the attendee was actually in the meeting. If the attendee was present from 11:45-12:00, and then from 12:10-12:15, their total duration would be 00:20:00 |
Total guests |
Total number of guest entries. (Cannot determine unique guests.) |
Total hosts assigned |
Total number of attendees who entered the meeting with host status. |
Total presenters assigned |
Total number of attendees who entered the meeting with participant status. |
Total time in meeting room |
Total amount of time (sum of all time between each entrance and exit) the attendee was actually in the meeting room. If attendee was present, from 11:45-12:00 and then 12:10-12:15, their total duration would be 00:20:00. |
Total unique attendees |
Total number of separate, distinct attendees in the meeting room/session. |
Total unique registered attendees |
Total number of separate, distinct registered attendees in the room/session. |
Unique sessions |
Total number of separate, distinct meetings that took place in this meeting room. |
Unique sessions attended |
Total number of separate, distinct meeting sessions this individual has attended |
Using system usage reports
System usage reports show, from different perspectives, how your organization is using Adobe Connect. All of the reports can be filtered by specifying a date range. Adobe Connect system administrators typically create and use system reports.
The system reports are different from each other and provide distinct data. First, you select a type of system report: Meeting Sessions Usage, Meeting Usage, Individual Usage, Group Usage, Cost Center Usage, Full System Usage, Burst Pack Usage, Mobile Usage, Meeting Sessions, or Meeting Usage. Then, you are given specific options for the report you selected.
Meeting Sessions Usage report provides a summary of Meeting, Seminar, or Virtual Classroom sessions that happened over a period. The reported fields can be Meeting URL, Meeting Name, Meeting Host, Session Start Time, Session End Time, Session ID, Meeting Duration, Peak Participants, Total Participants, User Minutes, and Meeting Type. The report can be downloaded in a CSV format.
Meeting Usage report provides a summary of meeting activity over a period, graphically and in a tabular format too. For each date, it provides Peak Concurrent Meeting users and Total User Minutes. The report can be downloaded in a CSV format.
The Individual Usage report provides information about how a single user is interacting with Adobe Connect. The report includes total meeting minutes, total trainings completed, and total storage consumption. The report helps you determine how many meetings and training sessions a user has attended. The storage consumption number tells you which individuals uploaded the most content.
The Group Usage report shows many details about a group of users. The top of the report lists summary information about the group, including total number of members, total meeting minutes, and total consumption. The second section of the report lists the individual members and data for each, such as total meeting minutes, login status, and manager name. Run Group Usage reports for different groups to compare and see, for example, which groups are using Adobe Connect the most and least.
The Cost Center Usage Report shows how members of a specific cost center are using Adobe Connect. One section of the report lists individual members of the cost center and their system usage. Another section lists meetings billed to the cost center and details, such as total number of attendees and meeting owner name. The Cost Center Usage Report helps you track Adobe Connect minutes and costs. Run separate reports for different cost centers to compare their statistics. To get the same information as this report, that is run across all cost centers, rather than a single cost center, generate Consolidated Cost Center Usage report.
The Full System Usage report provides a high-level summary of Adobe Connect usage. Optionally, filter the report by group and/or by specifying a date range. System, meeting, and training summaries are provided on a single page. This report is useful for telling management and other departments how your organization uses Adobe Connect.
The Burst Pack Usage Summary report lists how many burst packs minutes your organization is using. (Organizations purchase burst pack minutes when they require more minutes in a particular time period.) The report also shows the number of active rooms and the peak number of users. Use this report to control usage and costs of Adobe Connect.
The Mobile Usage report provides details about users accessing Adobe Connect from smartphone and tablets. The two mobile-related reports that are available are Mobile System Usage Report and Mobile Device Information Report. These reports show the device types, the total number of unique users who have connected to sessions with a mobile device, the total number of minutes spent connected from a mobile device, and the peak concurrent value of total number of mobile users. It is possible to distinguish between meeting, seminar, and virtual classroom mobile minutes. Also filters can be applied for date ranges, so that the administrators are able to see some trends over time.
Create system usage reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central and click Reports.
Click System Usage.
From the menu, select a usage report type from: Meeting Sessions Usage, Meeting Usage, Individual Usage, Group Usage, Cost Center Usage, Consolidated Cost Center Usage, Full System Usage, Burst Pack Usage, Mobile Usage, Meeting Sessions, or Meeting Usage.
Select an individual, group, or cost center and click Next.
Click Specify Report Filters. (Optional) Enter a date range.
For Meeting Sessions Usage, Individual usage, Group Usage, Cost Center Usage reports, Mobile Usage reports, or Meeting Sessions reports, click Add Or Remove Report Fields. Select and deselect the fields to display in the report.
Click Create Report.
(Optional) If you selected Cost Center Usage in step 3, click Download Report and choose a report to download as a spreadsheet.
(Optional) If you selected Burst Pack Usage in step 3, you can show the report by Hour or Day.
Understand the system usage reports
The table lists the specific information that appears in columns within system usage reports. All column headings do not appear in all system reports.
Column heading |
Description |
Active login users |
Number of users in this group, cost center, or full system that are currently logged on the system. |
Active room(s) |
One or more rooms where overage minutes have been used. |
Distinct meeting rooms |
Number of separate meeting rooms owned by the individual, group, cost center, or the full system. If an individual has no host privileges, this number is zero. |
End date |
Date and time when the meeting session tracked in the report ended. |
First name |
First name of an individual user. |
Group |
The name of the selected group. This column does not sort. |
Last login date |
Last date and time the individual, member of group, or member of cost center logged in to Adobe Connect. |
Last name |
Last name of an individual user. |
Login status |
Status of the user. For example, if the user is not currently logged in to Adobe Connect, their status is Inactive. |
Manager |
The first and last name of this user’s manager. |
Meeting name |
Name of a meeting billed to the selected cost center. |
Meeting owner email |
E‑mail address of the person who created the meeting. |
Meeting owner first name |
First name of the person who created the meeting. |
Meeting owner last name |
Last name of the person who created the meeting. |
Peak concurrent meeting users |
Highest number of people in meeting rooms at the same time for the full system. For example, if the number is 100, 100 people is the largest number of people that were in meeting rooms at the same time. |
Peak users |
Highest number of users reached in room(s) where overage minutes have been used. |
Start date |
Date and time when the meeting session tracked in the report started. |
Storage consumption (kb) |
Current amount of space, in KB, used by the individual, group, or cost center. In the Full system report, storage consumption numbers are listed for the entire system and for meetings. |
Total attendees |
Total number of attendees when unique attendees from each session are added. If the same person attended two sessions, they are counted twice in this total attendees number. |
Total burst pack minutes |
In the Cost Center Usage report, total burst pack minutes used by the entire cost center and for individual meetings billed to the cost center. In the Burst Pack report, the total number of burst pack minutes for the full system is listed. |
Total host minutes (hh:mm:ss) |
Total number of minutes the individual, group, group member, cost center, or cost center member spent in meeting rooms as a predefined host. Does not include host minutes when the user was temporarily promoted to the host role. In the Full System Usage report, the total host minutes for the entire Adobe Connect installation is listed. |
Total hosts |
Total number of users with host status in the group, cost center, and full system. |
Total learner training completions |
Total number of learners that completed courses and curriculums in the full system. |
Total Mobile Minutes |
Duration of total mobile sessions attended or hosted by individual (in Individual Usage report) or by all the group members (in Group Usage report). |
Total meeting minutes (hh:mm:ss) |
Total number of minutes, across all roles and sessions, spent within meeting rooms by the individual, group, group member, cost center, or cost center member. The Full System Usage report shows total number of meeting minutes across all users in the system. |
Total meeting sessions |
Total number of individual meetings billed to the selected cost center. |
Total training managers |
Total number of individuals in the Adobe Connect system with training manager permissions. |
Total training storage consumption |
Total amount of storage (in KB) used for training objects, such as courses, curriculums., and virtual classrooms. |
Total trainings completed |
Total number of trainings (courses, curriculums, and virtual classrooms) completed by the individual, group, member of group, cost center, or member of cost center. |
Total unique training objects |
Total number of training objects (courses, curriculums, and virtual classrooms) in the full system. |
Total users |
Total number of users in the group, cost center, or full system. |
Type |
Type of meeting (classroom or meeting) billed to the cost center. |
User storage consumption (kb) |
Total amount of storage space (in KB) the individual member of the cost center is using. |
User total meeting minutes (hh:mm:ss) |
Total amount of time (in minutes) the individual member of the cost center has been in meetings. |
Total User Minutes |
Sum total of the minutes, all the users have spent across all meeting rooms on a given date. |
View and download account summary reports
When you click the Administration tab, the Account Summary page appears. On this page, you can click the Reports link to access several reports that summarize account information. Some reports are downloadable and others are not.
View Training Reports
This report summarizes learner quota information (number of learners compared with the number allowed).
Reports are available for accounts with the concurrent learner setup. These reports allow the Account Administrators to view information related to usage and license utilization.
Log in to Adobe Connect Central.
Click the Administration tab.
With Account selected, choose Reports.
Click View Training Reports.
The following information is available in the report, for a given duration:
Peak concurrent learners using the account in the given period
The numbers of users denied, during a given duration, due to concurrent users quota limit
These two reports can be seen at a granularity of days, weeks, or months. The reports can be downloaded as CSV files too.
View Meeting Reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central.
Click the Administration tab.
With Account selected, choose Reports.
Click View Meeting Reports.
This report shows the maximum number of attendees supported at one time (the concurrent peak) for the current month compared with the allowable quota.
This report also shows the number of users currently participating in meetings, both live and recorded. You can use this list to monitor meetings and click a meeting name to intervene. For example, to free up spaces for another meeting, enter an active meeting and send the host a message requesting that some participants leave the meeting.
View and download Downloadable Reports
Log in to Adobe Connect Central.
Click the Administration tab.
With Account selected, choose Reports.
Click View Downloadable Reports.
Click Report Filters and choose how to filter the data that the report returns.
Click one of the Download Report Data buttons.
You can download five different kinds of reports as CSV files that you can export to external systems.
Piezīme.Each downloaded report that you save is named “data.csv” by default. When you save the file, give it a unique identifying name; for example, “interactionsMarch05.csv.”
Interactions downloadable report data
This report summarizes user access. A unique transaction ID is generated each time a user attends a meeting, attends a seminar, views content, takes a course, or accesses a curriculum. The Interactions report presents the following data:
Column name |
Description |
transaction-id |
Unique ID for this transaction. |
sco-id |
Unique ID used by Learning Management System (LMS) to identify different Shareable Content Objects (SCO). |
type |
Type of object accessed, such as content, meeting, or event. |
name |
Object name as it appears in the content listing. |
url |
Object that the user accessed. |
principal-id |
Unique ID for the user. |
login |
Name of user who accessed this transaction. |
user-name |
Unique user name. |
score |
The score of the user. |
status |
Status of transaction: passed, failed, complete, or in‑progress. |
date-created |
Date this transaction occurred. |
date-closed |
Date this transaction ended. |
The Interaction report excludes certification numbers and max scores.
Users downloadable report data
This downloadable report lists users and associated profile attributes using data listed in the following table:
Column name |
Description |
principal-id |
Unique ID for the user. |
login |
Unique user identifier. |
name |
Unique user name. |
E‑mail address of the user. |
manager |
The login of the manager of the user (manager is always set to NULL). |
type |
User or guest (type is always set to user). |
Data is generated in this view whenever a user creates, updates, or deletes a user.
If you select the Include Custom Fields option, custom information from user profiles is added to the report. When customizing user profiles, there are three mandatory fields (first name, last name, and e‑mail) and you can include up to eight additional custom fields. To customize user profiles, choose Administration > Users and Groups > Customize User Profile. Move the eight additional fields you want to include to the top of the list.
The Users report excludes the following information:
Password, which is not stored in plain text.
Time zone and language, which are not available in human readable form; for example, PST is 323.
note: Deleted users do not appear in the Users report. Deleted users continue to exist in the Interactions report.
Assets downloadable report data
Data is generated in an Assets report whenever a user creates a meeting, event, seminar, curriculum, or course, or uploads content. The report lists the following data on system objects (such as meetings, content, and courses):
Column name |
Description |
sco-id |
Unique ID used by Learning Management System (LMS) to identify different Shareable Content Objects (SCO). |
url |
Unique identifier for the object. |
type |
Either a presentation, course, FLV file, SWF file, image, archive, meeting, curriculum, folder, or event. |
name |
Object name as it appears in the content listing. |
date-created |
Date on which the object is scheduled to begin. |
date-end |
Date on which the object is scheduled to end. |
date-modified |
Date this object was modified. |
description |
Object summary information entered when a new meeting, content, course, or other object type is created. |
Questions downloadable report data
The Questions report lists responses to questions and quizzes from all the Adobe Connect applications. Data is generated in this report whenever a user answers a quiz question in a course or curriculum, answers a registration question, responds to a poll in a meeting or seminar, or adds a custom form to a meeting, seminar, course, or curriculum. The report provides the following information:
Column name |
Description |
transaction-id |
Unique ID for this transaction. |
question |
Text of the question. |
response |
Response to the question. |
score |
Number of points awarded for the response. |
principal-id |
Unique ID for the user. |
date-created |
Date the record was created. |
If a question has multiple answers, each answer is presented in its own row.
The Question report excludes the following information:
Correct or Incorrect, which can be determined by checking for a nonzero score
Date answered, which does not exist in the version 410 schema
Slide Views downloadable report data
The Slide Views report describes the slides or pages viewed by Adobe Connect users. Report data is generated whenever a user views content, a course, or a curriculum. The report provides the following data:
Column name |
Description |
transaction-id |
Unique ID for this transaction. |
page |
Number of the slide or page that was viewed. |
date-created |
Date of the viewing. |
principal-id |
Unique ID for the user. |