- Dreamweaver User Guide
- Introduction
- Dreamweaver and Creative Cloud
- Dreamweaver workspaces and views
- Set up sites
- About Dreamweaver sites
- Set up a local version of your site
- Connect to a publishing server
- Set up a testing server
- Import and export Dreamweaver site settings
- Bring existing websites from a remote server to your local site root
- Accessibility features in Dreamweaver
- Advanced settings
- Set site preferences for transferring files
- Specify proxy server settings in Dreamweaver
- Synchronize Dreamweaver settings with Creative Cloud
- Using Git in Dreamweaver
- Manage files
- Create and open files
- Manage files and folders
- Getting and putting files to and from your server
- Check in and check out files
- Synchronize files
- Compare files for differences
- Cloak files and folders in your Dreamweaver site
- Enable Design Notes for Dreamweaver sites
- Preventing potential Gatekeeper exploit
- Layout and design
- Understand Cascading Style Sheets
- Laying out pages using CSS Designer
- Using CSS preprocessors in Dreamweaver
- How to set CSS Style preferences in Dreamweaver
- Move CSS rules in Dreamweaver
- Convert inline CSS to a CSS rule in Dreamweaver
- Work with div tags
- Apply gradients to background
- Create and edit CSS3 transition effects in Dreamweaver
- Format code
- Page content and assets
- Set page properties
- Set CSS heading properties and CSS link properties
- Work with text
- Find and replace text, tags, and attributes
- DOM panel
- Edit in Live View
- Encoding documents in Dreamweaver
- Select and view elements in the Document window
- Set text properties in the Property inspector
- Spell check a web page
- Using horizontal rules in Dreamweaver
- Add and modify font combinations in Dreamweaver
- Work with assets
- Insert and update dates in Dreamweaver
- Create and manage favorite assets in Dreamweaver
- Insert and edit images in Dreamweaver
- Add media objects
- Adding videos in Dreamweaver
- Insert HTML5 video
- Insert SWF files
- Add audio effects
- Insert HTML5 audio in Dreamweaver
- Work with library items
- Using Arabic and Hebrew text in Dreamweaver
- Linking and navigation
- jQuery widgets and effects
- Coding websites
- About coding in Dreamweaver
- Coding environment in Dreamweaver
- Set coding preferences
- Customize code coloring
- Write and edit code
- Code hinting and code completion
- Collapse and expand code
- Reuse code with snippets
- Lint code
- Optimize code
- Edit code in Design view
- Work with head content for pages
- Insert server-side includes in Dreamweaver
- Using tag libraries in Dreamweaver
- Importing custom tags into Dreamweaver
- Use JavaScript behaviors (general instructions)
- Apply built-in JavaScript behaviors
- About XML and XSLT
- Perform server-side XSL transformations in Dreamweaver
- Performing client-side XSL transformations in Dreamweaver
- Add character entities for XSLT in Dreamweaver
- Format code
- Cross-product workflows
- Installing and using extensions to Dreamweaver
- In-App updates in Dreamweaver
- Insert Microsoft Office documents in Dreamweaver (Windows only)
- Working with Fireworks and Dreamweaver
- Edit content in Dreamweaver sites using Contribute
- Dreamweaver-Business Catalyst integration
- Create personalized email campaigns
- Templates
- About Dreamweaver templates
- Recognizing templates and template-based documents
- Create a Dreamweaver template
- Create editable regions in templates
- Create repeating regions and tables in Dreamweaver
- Use optional regions in templates
- Define editable tag attributes in Dreamweaver
- How to create nested templates in Dreamweaver
- Edit, update, and delete templates
- Export and import xml content in Dreamweaver
- Apply or remove a template from an existing document
- Edit content in Dreamweaver templates
- Syntax rules for template tags in Dreamweaver
- Set highlighting preferences for template regions
- Benefits of using templates in Dreamweaver
- Mobile and multiscreen
- Dynamic sites, pages and web forms
- Understand web applications
- Set up your computer for application development
- Troubleshoot database connections
- Removing connection scripts in Dreamweaver
- Design dynamic pages
- Dynamic content sources overview
- Define sources of dynamic content
- Add dynamic content to pages
- Changing dynamic content in Dreamweaver
- Display database records
- Provide and troubleshoot live data in Dreamweaver
- Add custom server behaviors in Dreamweaver
- Building forms using Dreamweaver
- Use forms to collect information from users
- Create and enable ColdFusion forms in Dreamweaver
- Create web forms
- Enhanced HTML5 support for form elements
- Develop a form using Dreamweaver
- Building applications visually
- Build master and detail pages in Dreamweaver
- Build search and results pages
- Build a record insert page
- Build an update record page in Dreamweaver
- Building record delete pages in Dreamweaver
- Use ASP commands to modify database in Dreamweaver
- Build a registration page
- Build a login page
- Build a page that only authorized users can access
- Securing folders in Coldfusion using Dreamweaver
- Using ColdFusion components in Dreamweaver
- Test, preview, and publish websites
- Troubleshooting
Know the default keyboard shortcuts in Dreamweaver and learn how to customize them
Dreamweaver provides shortcuts to help you quickly work on documents. Many keyboard shortcuts appear next to the command names in menus.
The following list includes the most helpful shortcuts. You can customize the keyboard shortcuts in Dreamweaver. See Customize keyboard shortcuts.
Downloadable versions of keyboard shortcuts
Download and print a print-friendly version of these keyboard shortcuts.
Here is a list of the keyboard shortcuts in Dreamweaver. Use the filters below if you want to view keyboard shortcuts for a specific task, panel, or workflow.
Coding shortcuts
Action | Mac | Windows |
Quick Edit | Command + E | Ctrl + E |
Quick Doc | Command + K | Ctrl + K |
Open/Add Line Above | Command + Shift + Enter | Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Show Parameter Hint | Ctrl + , |
Ctrl + , |
Multi-cursor column / Rectangular selection | Opt + Click + Drag | Alt + Click + Drag |
Multi-cursor discontiguous selection | Command + Click | Ctrl + Click |
Show code hints | Ctrl + Space |
Ctrl + Space |
Select Child |
Command + ] |
Ctrl + ] |
Go to Line |
Command + , |
Ctrl + G |
Select Parent Tag |
Command + [ | Ctrl + [ |
Collapse Selection |
Command + Shift + C |
Ctrl + Shift + C |
Collapse Outside Selection |
Command + Opt + C |
Ctrl + Alt + C |
Expand Selection |
Command + Shift + E |
Ctrl + Shift + E |
Collapse Full Tag |
Command + Shift + J |
Ctrl + Shift + J |
Collapse Outside Full Tag |
Command + Opt + J |
Ctrl + Alt + J |
Expand All |
Command + Opt + E |
Ctrl + Alt + E |
Indent Code |
Command + Shift + > |
Ctrl + Shift + > |
Outdent Code |
Command + Shift + < |
Ctrl + Shift + < |
Balance Braces |
Command + ' |
Ctrl + ' |
Code Navigator |
Command + Opt + N |
Ctrl + Alt + N |
Delete word left |
Command + Delete | Ctrl + Backspace |
Delete word right |
Command + Fn + Delete |
Ctrl + Delete |
Select line up |
Shift + Up |
Shift + Up |
Select line down |
Shift + Down |
Shift + Down |
Character select left |
Shift + Left |
Shift + Left |
Character select right |
Shift + Right |
Shift + Right |
Select to page up |
Shift + Fn + PgUp | Shift + PgUp |
Select to page down |
Shift + Fn + PgDn |
Shift + PgDn |
Move word left |
Opt + Left |
Ctrl + Left |
Move word right |
Opt + Right |
Ctrl + Right |
Move to start of current line |
Command + Left |
Alt + Left |
Move to end of current line |
Command + Right |
Alt + Right |
Toggle line comment | Command + / | Ctrl + / |
Toggle block comment (for PHP and JS files) | Command + Opt + / | Ctrl + Shift + / |
Duplicate line selection | Command + D | Ctrl + D |
Delete line (s) | Command + Shift + D | Ctrl + Shift + D |
Jump to definition (JS files) | Command + J | Ctrl + J |
Select word right | Opt + Shift + Right | Ctrl + Shift + Right |
Select word left | Opt + Shift + Left | Ctrl + Shift + Left |
Move to top of file | Command + Fn + Left | Ctrl + Home |
Move to end of file | Command + Fn + Right | Ctrl + End |
Select to start of file | Command + Shift + Fn + Left | Ctrl + Shift + Home |
Select to end of file | Command + Shift + Fn + Right | Ctrl + Shift + End |
Go to Source Code | Command + Opt + ` | Ctrl + Alt + ` |
Full Screen | Command + Ctrl + F | Not applicable |
Close Window | Command + W | Ctrl + W |
Quit Application | Command + Q | Ctrl + Q |
Quick Tag Editor | Command + T | Ctrl + T |
Go to Next Word | Command + Right | Ctrl + Right |
Go to Previous Word | Command + Left | Ctrl + Left |
Go to Previous Paragraph (Design View) | Command + Up | Ctrl + Up |
Go to Next Paragraph (Design View) | Command + Down | Ctrl + Down |
Select Until Next Word | Command + Shift + Right | Ctrl + Shift + Right |
Select from Previous Word | Command + Shift + Left | Ctrl + Shift + Left |
Select from Previous Paragraph | Command + Shift + Up | Ctrl + Shift + Up |
Select Until Next Paragraph | Command + Shift + Down | Ctrl + Shift + Down |
Move to next property pane | Command + Opt + Fn + Down | Ctrl + Alt + PgDn |
Move to previous property pane | Command + Opt + Fn + Up | Ctrl + Alt + PgUp |
New in same window | Command + Shift + N | Ctrl + Shift + N |
Exit Paragraph | Command + Return | Ctrl + Return |
Next Document | Command + ` | Ctrl + Tab |
Previous Document | Command + Shift + ` | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |
Surround with # | Command + Shift + 3 | Ctrl + Shift + 3 |
Refactoring shortcuts
Mac |
Windows |
Rename |
Command + Opt + R |
Ctrl + Alt + R |
Extract to Variable |
Command + Alt + V |
Ctrl + Alt + V |
Extract to Function |
Command + Alt + M |
Ctrl + Alt + M |
Files Panel shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
New File |
Command + Shift + N |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
New Folder |
Command + Opt + Shift + N |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N |
Find and replace keyboard shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Find in Current Document |
Command + F |
Ctrl + F |
Find and Replace in Files |
Command + Shift + F |
Ctrl + Shift + F |
Replace in Current Document |
Command + Alt + F |
Ctrl + H |
Find Next |
Command + G |
F3 |
Find Previous |
Command + Shift + G |
Shift + F3 |
Find All and Select |
Command + Ctrl + G |
Ctrl + Shift + F3 |
Add Next Match to Selection |
Ctrl + Command + R |
Ctrl + R |
Skip and Add Next Match to Selection |
Ctrl + Command + Opt + R |
Ctrl + Alt + R |
Insert shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Insert Image |
Command + Opt + I |
Ctrl + Alt + I |
Insert HTML5 Video |
Command + Opt + Shift + V |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V |
Insert Animated Composition |
Command + Opt + Shift + E |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E |
Insert Flash SWF |
Command + Opt + F |
Ctrl + Alt + F |
Insert Line Break |
Shift + Return |
Shift + Return |
Non-breaking space ( ) |
Command + Shift + Space |
Ctrl + Shift + Space |
CSS shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Compile CSS Preprocessors |
F9 |
F9 |
Add CSS selector or property which ever panel is in focus |
Command + Opt + Shift + = |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + = |
Add CSS selector |
Command + Opt + S |
Ctrl + Alt + S |
Add CSS property |
Command + Opt + P |
Ctrl + Alt + P |
Shortcuts for Guides, Grids, and Rulers (in Design View)
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Show Guides |
Command + ; |
Ctrl + ; |
Lock Guides |
Command + Opt + ; |
Ctrl + Alt + ; |
Snap to Guides |
Command + Shift + ; |
Ctrl + Shift + ; |
Guides Snap to Elements |
Command + Shift + G |
Ctrl + Shift + G |
Show Grid |
Command + Opt + G |
Ctrl + Alt + G |
Snap to Grid |
Command + Opt + Shift + G |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G |
Show Rulers |
Command + Opt + R |
Ctrl + Alt + R |
Preview shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Real-time Preview in Primary Browser |
Opt + F12 |
F12 |
Preview in Secondary Browser |
Shift + F12 |
Shift + F12 |
View-specific shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Freeze JavaScript (Live View) |
F6 |
F6 |
Hide Live View Displays |
Ctrl + Command + H |
Ctrl + Alt + H |
Switch Views |
Ctrl + ` |
Ctrl + ` |
Inspect (Live View) |
Opt + Shift + 11 |
Alt + Shift + F11 |
Hide all visual aids (Design View) |
Command + Shift + I |
Ctrl + Shift + I |
Toggle between Design and Live View |
Command + Shift + F11 |
Ctrl + Shift + F11 |
Windows shortcuts
Action | Mac | Windows |
Preferences | Command + U | Ctrl + U |
Show Panels | F4 | F4 |
Behaviors | Shift + F4 | Shift + F4 |
Code Inspector | Opt + F10 | F10 |
CSS Designer | Command + F11 | Shift + F11 |
DOM | Command + F7 | Ctrl + F7 |
Files | F8 | F8 |
Insert | Command + F2 | Ctrl + F2 |
Properties | Command + F3 | Ctrl + F3 |
Output | Shift + F6 | Shift + F6 |
Search | F7 | F7 |
Snippets | Not applicable | Shift + F9 |
Dreamweaver Online Help | F1 | F1 |
Text shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Indent |
Command + Opt + ] |
Ctrl + Alt + ] |
Outdent |
Command + Opt + [ |
Ctrl + Alt + [ |
Bold |
Command + B |
Ctrl + B |
Italic |
Command + I |
Ctrl + I |
Spell Check |
Shift + F7 |
Shift + F7 |
Remove Link |
Command + Shift + L |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
Magnification shortcuts
Action | Mac | Windows |
Zoom in (Design and Live View) | Command + = | Ctrl + = |
Zoom Out (Design and Live View) | Command + - | Ctrl + - |
100% | Command + 0 | Ctrl + 0 |
50% | Command + Opt + 5 | Ctrl + Alt + 5 |
200% | Command + Opt + 2 | Ctrl + Alt + 2 |
300% | Command + Opt + 3 | Ctrl + Alt + 3 |
Fit Selection | Command + Opt + 0 | Ctrl + Alt + 0 |
Fit All | Command + Shift + 0 | Ctrl + Shift + 0 |
Fit Width | Command + Opt + Shift + 0 | Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 0 |
Increase Font Size | Command + + | Ctrl + + |
Decrease Font Size | Command + - | Ctrl + - |
Restore Font Size | Command + 0 | Ctrl + 0 |
Table shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Insert Table |
Command + Opt + T |
Ctrl + Alt + T |
Merge Cells |
Command + Opt + M |
Ctrl + Alt + M |
Split Cell |
Command + Opt + Shift + T |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T |
Insert Row |
Command + M |
Ctrl + M |
Insert Column |
Command + Shift + A |
Ctrl + Shift + A |
Delete Row |
Command + Shift + M |
Ctrl + Shift + M |
Delete Column |
Command + Shift + - |
Ctrl + Shift + - |
Increase Column Span |
Command + Shift + ] |
Ctrl + Shift + ] |
Decrease Column Span |
Command + Shift + [ |
Ctrl + Shift + [ |
Site Management shortcuts
Action |
Mac |
Windows |
Get File |
Cmd + Shift + B |
Ctrl + Alt + D |
Check out File |
Opt + Shift + Command + D |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D |
Put File |
Cmd + Shift + U |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
Check in File |
Opt + Shift + Command + U |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U |
Check Links Sitewide |
Command + F8 |
Ctrl + F8 |
Show Page Titles |
Command + Shift + T |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
Create a reference sheet for the current shortcut set
A reference sheet is a record of the current shortcut set. The information is stored in HTML table format. You can view the reference sheet in a web browser or print it.
Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh).
Click the Export Set As HTML button, which is the third button in the set of four at the top of the dialog box.
In the Save dialog box that appears, enter the name for the reference sheet, and select the appropriate location for saving the file.
Customize keyboard shortcuts
Use the Keyboard Shortcut Editor to create your own keyboard shortcuts, including keyboard shortcuts for code snippets. You can also remove shortcuts, edit existing shortcuts, and select a predetermined set of shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcut Editor.
Create a keyboard shortcut
Create your own keyboard shortcuts, edit existing shortcuts, or select a predetermined set of shortcuts.
Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh).
Set any of the following options and click OK:
Current Set
Allows you to choose a set of predetermined shortcuts included with Dreamweaver, or any custom set you’ve defined. The predetermined sets are listed at the top of the menu. For example, if you are familiar with the shortcuts found in HomeSite or BBEdit, you can use those shortcuts by choosing the corresponding predetermined set.
Allows you to select a category of commands to edit. For example, you can edit menu commands, such as the Open command, or code editing commands, such as Balance Braces.
Piezīme.To add or edit a keyboard shortcut for a code snippet, select Snippet from the Commands pop‑up menu.
The command list
Displays the commands associated with the category you selected from the Commands pop‑up menu, along with the assigned shortcuts. The Menu Commands category displays this list as a tree view that replicates the structure of the menus. The other categories list the commands by name (such as Quit Application), in a flat list.
Displays all shortcuts assigned to the selected command.
Add Item (+)
Adds a shortcut to the current command. Click this button to add a blank line to the Shortcuts. Enter a new key combination and click Change to add a keyboard shortcut for this command. You can assign two different keyboard shortcuts for each command; if there are already two shortcuts assigned to a command, the Add Item button does nothing.
Remove Item (-)
Removes the selected shortcut from the list of shortcuts.
Press Key
Displays the key combination you enter when you’re adding or changing a shortcut.
Adds the key combination shown in the Press Key to the list of shortcuts, or changes the selected shortcut to the specified key combination.
Duplicate Set
Duplicates the current set. Give the new set a name; the default name is the current set’s name with the word copy appended.
Rename Set
Renames the current set.
Export as HTML File
Saves the current set in an HTML table format for easy viewing and printing. You can open the HTML file in your browser and print the shortcuts for easy reference.
Delete Set
Deletes a set. (You cannot delete the active set.)
Remove a shortcut from a command
Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh).
From the Commands pop‑up menu, select a command category.
In the Commands list, select a command and then select a shortcut.
Click the Remove Item (-) button.
Add a shortcut to a command
Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh).
From the Commands pop‑up menu, select a command category.
In the Commands list, select a command.Piezīme.
To add a keyboard shortcut for a code snippet, select Snippet from the Commands pop‑up menu.
The shortcuts assigned to the command appear in the Shortcuts.
Prepare to add a shortcut by doing one of the following:
If there are fewer than two shortcuts already assigned to the command, click the Add Item (+) button. A new blank line appears in the Shortcuts and the insertion point moves to the Press Key.
If there are already two shortcuts assigned to the command, select one of them (that one gets replaced by the new shortcut). Then click in the Press Key.
Press a key combination. The key combination appears in the Press Key.Piezīme.
If there is a problem with the key combination (for example, if the key combination is already assigned to another command), an explanatory message appears just below the Shortcuts and you may be unable to add or edit the shortcut.
Click Change. The new key combination is assigned to the command.
Edit an existing shortcut
Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Keyboard Shortcuts (Macintosh).
From the Commands pop‑up menu, select a command category.
In the Commands list, select a command and then select a shortcut to change.
Click in the Press Key and enter a new key combination.
To change the shortcut, click the Change button.
Piezīme.If there is a problem with the key combination (for example, if the key combination is already assigned to another command), an explanatory message appears just below the Shortcuts field and you may be unable to add or edit the shortcut.
About keyboard shortcuts and non-U.S. keyboards
The default Dreamweaver keyboard shortcuts work primarily on U.S.-standardized keyboards. Keyboards from other countries (including those produced in the United Kingdom), may not provide the functionality necessary for using these shortcuts. If your keyboard does not support certain Dreamweaver-enabled shortcuts, Dreamweaver disables their functionality.
To customize keyboard shortcuts that work with non-U.S.-standardized keyboards, see “Changing keyboard shortcut mappings” in Extending Dreamweaver.