Create or edit Responsive HTML5, WebHelp Pro, or FlashHelp Pro layout.
Follow the steps given below to publish projects from Adobe RoboHelp (2015 release Update 3, and later) to Adobe RoboHelp Server 10.
These steps apply to Responsive HTML5, WebHelp Pro, and FlashHelp Pro outputs.
Go to the layout properties and perform one of the following steps:
- Right-click the Responsive HTML5, WebHelp Pro, or FlashHelp Pro layout in the Single Source Layouts pod and select Properties.
- Or, double-click the Responsive HTML5, WebHelp Pro, or FlashHelp Pro layout in the Single Source Layouts pod.
In the Options dialog box, click Next to go to the Server selection screen.
Click New to create a RoboHelp Server destination to publish projects. Provide Descriptive Name, Server Name, User ID, and Password to connect and authenticate to the RoboHelp Server.
Click the Refresh button to get the updated list of areas from the server. If you do not select an area, the project is published at the default area.
Piezīme.To publish to the default context (robohelp), enter the server name in the http://<server-name>:<port-number> format. RoboHelp appends /robohelp/server to it. Else, to publish to a context other than robohelp, specify a complete URL in the format http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context-name>/server.
Click OK to save the server configurations and close the New Destination dialog.
Click Save and Generate to generate the output.
Once the output is generated, click Publish to publish the project to RoboHelp Server.
To view the project on the server, go to RoboHelp Server Web Administrator > Projects, select the area where you have published the project, and click View Project.