Creative Cloud ir iegādājams par izdevīgu cenu. Privātpersonas un uzņēmumi ievērojami ietaupa.
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“Creative Cloud — visas lietotnes”
Pirmajā gadā abonējiet plānu “Creative Cloud — visas lietotnes” ar 46% atlaidi.
Ietaupīt tūlīt
Introducing Adobe RoboHelp on Mac
Create future-ready content with Microcontent authoring
Collaborate using out-of-the-box Online Review
Out-of-the-box translation support
Better accessibility with top navigation bar
Out-of-the-box support for Zendesk Help Center
Out-of-the-box support for Salesforce Knowledge Base
Out-of-the-box chatbot integration
Next-generation Frameless Responsive HTML5 layouts
Multiformat publishing
Dynamic Content Filters
Enhanced PDF output
Git support
SharePoint Online support
Enhanced DUCC output
Dynamic filter support in context-sensitive Help
New HTML5 layouts
Custom fonts in EPUB files
Mobile app output support
Easy to use Ribbon Interface
Enhanced search functionality
Named conditional expressions
Adobe Captivate 8 support
Contextual tabs in the new ribbon Interface
Customizable Quick Access toolbar
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