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Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics 365: Release Notes

  1. Adobe Acrobat Sign Integrations
  2. What's New
  3. Product Versions and Lifecycle
  4. Acrobat Sign for Salesforce
    1. Install the Package
    2. Configure the Package
    3. User Guide
    4. Enable Digital Authentication
    5. Developer Guide
    6. Advanced Customization Guide
    7. Field Mapping and Templates Guide
    8. Mobile App User Guide
    9. Flows Automation Guide
    10. Document Builder Guide
    11. Configure Large Documents
    12. Upgrade Guide
    13. Release Notes
    14. FAQs
    15. Troubleshooting Guide
    16. Additional Articles
  5. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft
    1. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft 365
      1. Installation Guide
    2. Acrobat Sign for Outlook
      1. User Guide
    3. Acrobat Sign for Word/PowerPoint
      1. User Guide
    4. Acrobat Sign for Teams
      1. User Guide
      2. Live Sign Guide
      3. Mobile User Guide
      4. Release Notes
      5. Microsoft Teams Approvals
    5. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft PowerApps and Power Automate
      1. User Guide
      2. Release Notes
    6. Acrobat Sign Connector for Microsoft Search
      1. User Guide
      2. Release Notes
    7. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics 
      1. Overview
      2. Dynamics Online: Installation Guide 
      3. Dynamics Online: User Guide 
      4. Dynamics On-Prem: Installation Guide 
      5. Dynamics On-Prem: User Guide
      6. Dynamics Workflow Guide
      7. Dynamics 365 for Talent
      8. Upgrade Guide
      9. Release Notes
    8. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft SharePoint 
      1. Overview
      2. SharePoint On-Prem: Installation Guide
      3. SharePoint On-Prem: Template Mapping Guide
      4. SharePoint On-Prem: User Guide
      5. SharePoint On-Prem: Release Notes
      6. SharePoint Online: Installation Guide
      7. SharePoint Online: Template Mapping Guide
      8. SharePoint Online: User Guide
      9. SharePoint Online: Web Form Mapping Guide
      10. SharePoint Online: Release Notes
  6. Acrobat Sign for ServiceNow
    1. Overview
    2. Installation Guide
    3. User Guide
    4. Release Notes
  7. Acrobat Sign for HR ServiceNow
    1. Installation Guide (Deprecated)
  8. Acrobat Sign for SAP SuccessFactors
    1. Cockpit Installation Guide (Deprecated)
    2. Recruiting Installation Guide (Deprecated)
    3. Recruiting User Guide
    4. Cloud Foundry Installation Guide
    5. Release Notes
  9. Acrobat Sign for Workday
    1. Installation Guide
    2. Quick Start Guide
    3. Configuration Tutorial
  10. Acrobat Sign for NetSuite
    1. Installation Guide
    2. Release Notes
  11. Acrobat Sign for SugarCRM
  12. Acrobat Sign for VeevaVault
    1. Installation Guide
    2. User Guide
    3. Upgrade Guide
    4. Release Notes
  13. Acrobat Sign for Coupa BSM Suite
    1. Installation Guide
  14. Acrobat Sign for Zapier
    1. Acrobat Sign for Zapier overview
    2. Supported e-sign workflows      
    3. Supported Actions
    4. Create automated e-sign workflows
  15. Acrobat Sign Developer Documentation
    1. Overview
    2. Webhooks
    3. Text Tags

Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics 365: Release Notes provides information about the new features and changes included in the current release of the Adobe Acrobat Sign integration for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 v9.6.2.0 Online 

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics V is a minor version update focusing on fixing known issues.

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where Dynamics 365 Sales Integration failed with unexpected integration key.

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 v9.6.1.0 Online and On-Prem

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics V is a minor version update focusing on fixing known issues.

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where the Signed Document Preview tab was not shown to the users.


Fixed the issue where adding recipients in the Agreement Template was impossible while using the new UI.


Fixed the issue where the order of documents did not change automatically.


Increased the number of Entity attributes supported in Data Mapping.

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 v9.6.0.2 Online and On-Prem

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics V is a minor version update focusing on fixing known issues.

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where the recipient's completed column shows incorrect status when an agreement is delegated.

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 v9.6.0.1 Online and On-Prem

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics V includes a new 'Block Agreement Document Access'
admin setting that allows you to prevent a signed document copy from getting saved on the Microsoft Dynamics environment.

For details, refer to the topic Implement custom settings in Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics 365 online: Installation Guide.

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where agreements in Dynamics 365 did not reflect a 'Completed' status for recipients even after they complete the signing process. 

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 v9.5.10.0 Online and On-Prem

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics V includes access to a trial account for Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics, along with fixes to the following known issues. 

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where an agreement's status failed to change from 'Draft' to 'Signed' even after the agreement is signed.


Fixed the issue in localized versions of a Recipient list where the strings (YesNo, and n/a) under the field Action Completed were not getting localized.  


Resolved the issue where the Dynamics workflow failed with an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error.

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics 365 v9.5.9 Online and On-Prem

Acrobat Sign for Dynamics V 9.5.9 is a minor version update with a focus on fixing known issues.

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where the 'Customer' field in Customer Service Hub did not look up Accounts when the Adobe Acrobat Sign package is installed.


Resolved the data-mapping error that occurred while updating fields from the same entity.


Fixed the issue where an agreement's status did not match the Audit Report and manually updating the status resulted in an error message.


Fixed the issue where the status of an agreement did not update from 'Out for Signature' to 'Signed' even after the signer signed the agreement.

Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365 V 9.5.8
Online and On-Prem

Adobe Sign for Dynamics V 9.5.8 is a minor version update with focus on fixing known issues. Note that the classic UI is no longer supported with the release of v 9.5.8.

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed the issue where duplicate agreements are generated when running Dynamics


Fixed the Dynamics online error where the Action field displays 'No' for a signed agreement that is sent using 'one-click send'.


Improved performance of Data Mappings that reference to many related entities.


Fixed the issue where users are not able to upgrade the Adobe Sign package in Dynamics On-prem.


Fixed the issue where users are not able to create a template and save it without a password.


Fixed the issue where changing the authentication to a method other than the default Email resets back to Email.


Fixed the issue where upgrade from Dynamics OnPrem to fails due to missing components.


Dynamics online now shows the agreement status even without the need to click the 'Update' button.


Fixed the error in importing solution into organizations with non-default date/time format.


Fixed the Adobe Sign CreateAgreement plugin's timeout error.


Fixed the error where user are blocked from sending agreements after upgrading to v9.5.4.0.


Fixed the error where redudant user association is created for existing and provisioned users.


Fixed the issue in the integration with Adobe Sign app.


Fixed the issue where on-prem Dynamics failed to do a clean install for V or upgrade to V


Fixed the on-prem Dynamics error in creating a new agreement.


Fixed the issue that blocked the users from upgrading Dynamics Online to


Fixed the UI error caused when the browser tab is refreshed while sending an agreement.


Error messages now indicate the reason for failed sending.

Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365 V 9.5 Online and On-prem

The 9.5 update provides interface changes in the Home page for online environments, and the New Agreement and Admin Settings pages for both online and on-premises organizations.  


The Home landing page (online version only) has been updated to provide a cleaner interface, with direct access to the most recently updated agreements owned by the user.

New Home landing page

UPDATED Admin settings PAGE

The Admin Settings page has been streamlined to better expose the options for administrators.

New Admin page layout

UPDATED New Agreements PAGE

The New Agreement page has been updated to consolidate the security settings into the Options panel and remove legacy controls.

An Add me button has been added to the recipient's section. This option adds the current user to the agreement's recipient list.

Add me also allows the user to create an agreement for only the creator to sign, allowing for internal templates like time-off requests.

Additionally, the Authentication method can now be edited in the agreement interface by clicking the field and selecting the new method from a dropdown list.

New Agreement page layout

Signed/approved agreements provide information on the current status and next steps at the top of the recipient section:

Signed agreement notification

New Workflow Activity: GetAgreementId

GetAgreementId is used to get the IDs of agreements that are not created from within a workflow.

This Activity enables a user to create a workflow (using GetAgreementId as the first step) to return an agreement ID that can be used in subsequent steps (add recipients, add documents, etc.), providing a means to automate agreement manipulation when an agreement is created from the new agreement UI.

Resolved issues


Improved data mapping processing speed for agreements with 50+ fields


Fixed an issue where the "Send report for Signature" option would not appear when "All Languages" is selected


Corrected a timeout error when a very large number of fields is present on a document


Fixed an issue where the Send report for signature option would not show up on custom entities


Fixed an issue that blocked dynamic values from being used in the Agreement subject and message in templates


 Improved interaction with templates to support sending all template documents or just the active ones

Previous Releases

Resolved issues


Improved data mapping processing speed for agreements with 50+ fields


Fixed an issue where the "Send report for Signature" option would not appear when "All Languages" is selected


Corrected a timeout error when a very large number of fields is present on a document


Fixed an issue where the Send report for signature option would not show up on custom entities


Fixed an issue that blocked dynamic values from being used in the Agreement subject and message in templates


Fixed an issue where inactive contacts and templates could still be used in agreement creation

The focus of this minor version update is to address a vulnerability we have identified internally.

Adobe is not aware of any exploits "in the wild" for the issues addressed in this update. However, to help protect the customer base, this update is mandatory.   

Send Report for Signature

The popular Send Report for Signature package has been integrated into the new Unified Interface, removing the need for a separately installed package.

Send Report for Signature

In-Product Messaging

The Home landing page now has a top banner that will report news, warnings, and errors.

Messages are ordered by date, and can be dismissed by the user:

In-Product Messaging

Bio-Pharma compliant signature / Adobe Sign Authentication

The Adobe Sign authentication method has been added to the identity verification methods, allowing for Bio-pharma compliant signatures to be applied to agreements generated in Dynamics 365.

Adobe Sign Authentication method

Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365 On-Premises v9.3

Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365 On-Premises v9.3.9 is supported on the Dynamics Unified Interface, but does not have support for features which are available in Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365 On-line such as:

  • Unified app with dynamic landing page for admin and user pages
  • Real-time automatic status updates with Power Automate
  • Send Report for Signature functionality

Resolved issues

Issue #



Corrected an issue that would cause the agreement events to be re-generated when the record was opened in Dynamics


Corrected an issue that could cause templates to not populate the recipients or attachments when linking custom entities and attempting to pickup specific lookup fields

Unified app with dynamic landing page for admin and user pages

Adobe Sign now leverages the Unified Interface.

Unified app
Example of the end-user interface/landing page

New modules for the Customer Service Hub and Field Service

Adobe Sign functionality has been expanded to the Field Service and Customer Service Hub modules.

New Modules

Resolved issues

Issue #



Improved handling of a Business Process error generated when using Quick Create : Recipient


Corrected an issue that could error when downloading a signed agreement


Improved the error handling for agreements missing a valid email address


Fixed an issue that could cause an error when manually updating an agreement status


Fixed an issue where the Entity field on templates wasn't clickable for IE browsers


Fixed an issue where an activity feed exception could block an agreement from updating

Real time status updates for agreements

Real-time agreement status updates are available for all accounts that install/upgrade to the new version of Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365.

This enhancement leverages the Adobe Sign webhooks to trigger a Power Automate workflow to update all agreement status changes as they happen.

Configuration instructions here >

Dynamics in Japanese

Multiple file selection

Support has been added to the Sales Hub to allow multiple files to be attached at once.

  • This feature is only available in the Unified Interface.
Multi-file select

Resolved issues

Issue #



Fixed an issue where the status under Action Complete was not getting updated        


Corrected an issue where the audit report was getting attached to Notes separately


Corrected an issue where a scripting error could trigger while sending agreements from the UCI environment


Corrected an issue where the status of an agreement would not update unless the record was open

Localization to French, German, and Japanese

The Adobe Sign for Dynamics aspplication has been fully localized to support French, German, and Japanese languages.

Resolved issues

Issue # Description
18430 Fixed an issue where Identity Verification was appearing locked in the agreement page 
18536 Adopted the Universal Sortable Date Time Pattern for event time/date stamps
18614  Corrected an issue where an agreement created from a Service Activity entity would not include Recipient & Files attached when the Recipient is a Lead contact email 
18685  Corrected a problem where the action completed was not getting updated for multiple recipients with same email id
18722 Resolved a Business Process error for an Adobe Sign user if user provisioning is turned off in Dynamics
19200 Corrected an issue where identity verification of the recipient was not being applied
19210 Improved error notification for unsupported file types
19403 Resolved a Script Error that occurred when switching back and forth from the agreement page
19659 Improved status refresh for agreements that are WAITING FOR AUTHORING 
19698 Corrected a state where an Uploaded file from the local system resulted in an error 
19909 Fixed an issue with uploading files containing upper case extensions
20022  Corrected an issue where a new agreement produced blank values in the agreement name and message

Sales Hub support

The Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365 v8 package extends functionality into the Sales Hub for customers that have deployed on Dynamics 365 9.x.

The Sales Hub makes available all of the Adobe Sign functionality for web browsers, tablets, and other mobile devices.

agreements dashboard

Multiple performance enhancements and bug fixes

The Adobe Sign for Microsoft Dynamics v8 package is focused primarily on rearchitecting the solution to improve overall security and performance. Creating Agreements, data mapping, and agreement template processes have been significantly improved.

Improved UI to align with the Dynamics 9.x web client UI refresh

The user interface has been completely redesigned to comply with the Dynamics 9.x web client UI refresh.

Both the Admin and User interface have been refactored to better expose available features in a more compact browser footprint.


Workflow support

Dynamics workflows are fully supported with the addition of six activities, two commonly used actions, and one fully prepared workflow.


LinkedIn Sales Navigator

The LinkedIn Sales Navigator can be exposed by the Dynamics Admin, allowing users to authenticated to their Team or Enterprise LinkedIn accounts, and retrieve the LinkedIn profiles for their recipients. 


"Quick Create" an agreement from a template

Users can Create a new agreement directly from the New (+) icon in the top ribbon.

Users only need to supply the Entity that is related to the Template they want to send, the recipient, and the actual template from a list.


Hybrid Routing

Hybrid Routing allows for a complex signature flow that includes both sequential signature steps, and parallel signatures in the same signature process by using the Recipient Order fields to indicate individuals, or groups of individuals in the same order step.


Templates have been greatly enhanced

  • Templates are built and controlled under the Administrators authority.
  • Templates are now tied to Entities, giving the ability to make functional templates that preformat agreements with recipient chains, custom messages, pre-attached files, and other options.
  • With templates becoming function based, Data Mapping is tied closely to template function, ensuring that as templates are used, the correct data exchange is taking place.
  • Templates now have an Auto-Send option that will send an agreement for signature once it is selected, without opening the configuration window/send page.

Only I sign

A new feature that allows a user to sign a document without having to involve any other recipients. This works well for internal documents where your team can selected documents they need to sign by themselves. 

Post-Sign URL redirection

Post-Sign URL redirection has been added, allowing you to deliver your signer to a web site of your choosing after they have signed their document.

Personalize agreements using field content from Dynamics

The Agreement Name and Message fields now allow insertion of Dynamics field values. Type a left brace { into the field, and you are presented with a list of field names from the entity that the agreement (or template) is tied to.  These field names will insert the related field content when the agreement is sent, creating an automated system for personalizing your communications.

Send Report for Signature removed

The Send Report for Signature feature has been removed for compliance with MSFT regulations.


Rebranded to Adobe Sign

You’ll see Adobe Sign where you previously saw Adobe Document Cloud eSign (or Adobe eSign Services for short) as evidence of the rebranding.

Elimination of the MS Silverlight dependency

MS Silverlight is no longer a required element to using the application. Browser support includes IE 9+, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari 3+

Full Mac Support

Mac users rejoice! Adobe Sign for MS Dynamics now fully supports users that prefer Apple systems.

Added auto provisioning of users through MS Dynamics

A new custom preference has been added for v5. When enabled, users who send agreements in MS Dynamics are automatically auto-provisioned with an Adobe Sign user account. 

REST-based APIs

To improve efficiency, flexibility and processing speed, Adobe Sign—and consequently the integration for MS Dynamics—has migrated from SOAP-based to REST-based APIs. 

Adobe Sign Library Documents

Administrators can store commonly used documents on the Adobe Sign server and make them available to all users via a drop-down on the New Agreement page.

Enabled MS Dynamics Turbo Forms

Turbo Forms can now be leveraged for quicker document generation

Personal Agreement Templates

All users have a personal Agreement Template to customize the default values for any new Agreement they open.

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