تاريخ آخر تحديث 16 أكتوبر 2024

Learn how to share a design by publishing it publicly as a link, allowing anyone to remix the template.

Adobe Express deeplink

Try it in the app

Use any of your designs to publish a public link of a remixable template. 

  1. Open a design in the Adobe Express editor.

  2. Select Share.

  3. Scroll down to Post, and select Share view-only link.

  4. In the Share view-only link window, you can enter a Title for your template and switch the toggle if you don't want your name to appear as Author.

  5. Switch the toggle to Allow others to remix and then select Create link.

  6. Once your design is published, select Copy link and share it with your audience.


A design has been successfully shared as a remixable template. Once you share the copied link, the receiver can open the link and select Remix this design to modify the template in Adobe Express.

Manage publicly shared links

  • To delete your link: Navigate to Share > View-only link, then select Delete link.
  • To update your link: Navigate to Share > View-only link, then select Update link.

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