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Deploy Adobe Asset Link

Learn how to deploy the Adobe Asset Link panel for your Creative Cloud users.

You can install Adobe Asset Link if you are assigned the role of a system administrator or deployment administrator in the Adobe Admin Console.

After you install Adobe Asset Link, you can provide the Adobe Experience Manager endpoint, which users can add from within Adobe Asset Link. See Add Experience Manager environments.


If you want to exercise more control and add endpoints for users, see Manually configure endpoints using assetlink-settings.json.

Install Adobe Asset Link

To install the Adobe Asset Link panel, include the extension when you build a deployment package in the Adobe Admin Console. Both self-serve and managed packages are supported.

In the managed Choose Plugins screen, search for Adobe Asset Link in the Featured business plugins section.


Users can also access Adobe Asset Link through Adobe Exchange App Marketplace and the Creative Cloud desktop app.

You can easily bundle extensions into the deployment package that you create using the Adobe Admin Console. This way, the installation of Creative Cloud applications and extensions happens as part of a single deployment process.


Adobe Asset Link will not install unless an app that supports it is either already installed or is included in the deployment package.

Add Experience Manager environments

After installation, the appropriate Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service and Experience Manager Assets Essentials environment is automatically connected to Adobe Asset Link for entitled users. Users need not perform any action.

If a user can access multiple Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service or Experience Manager Assets Essentials environments, Adobe Asset Link displays all the entitled environments. The user can select the desired environment in the Manage environments view. To know how to add Experience Manager environments from the Adobe Asset Link panel, see Manage environments.

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