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Enterprise in VIP: Renewals and Compliance

 To view the renewal details of your plan, navigate to Account > Account in the Admin Console.

Renewal Window

As an Adobe enterprise in VIP customer, your licenses for each product are up for renewal every year. Adobe provides you a renewal window prior and after your anniversary date to renew your product licenses anytime during this renewal window.

When your renewal window opens, the following message is displayed at the top of the Overview and Products tabs in the Admin Console prompting you to renew your licenses.

"Your anniversary date is <anniversary date and time>. Contact your account manager at <reseller> to renew your subscription or make other changes."

Throughout the renewal window, messages are displayed in the Admin Console depending on if you have not renewed your licenses or if you have renewed your licenses partially.

After Renewal window closes

Any licenses that are not renewed during the renewal window, expire. In this scenario, you must contact your reseller to purchase a new subscription.

If you place the renewal order anytime in your renewal window, you receive an order confirmation email.

License renewal status: Summary numbers

Anytime in the renewal window, you can view the status of your licenses in the Products tab of the Admin Console. The license status that is displayed depends on the purchases that you have made and the period in your renewal window when you are viewing this status.

License renewal status: Summary numbers

Total licenses:

The number of licenses that you have purchased.

Used licenses:

The number of licenses currently in use for a specific product.

Need renewal:

Shown only during your renewal window, this number indicates the number of assigned licenses that haven't yet been renewed. If these licenses are not renewed in the renewal window, the users using these licenses lose access. This number is not shown during renewal window if you renew all or more licenses than you are currently using.

Need Payment:

The number of licenses for which you placed a purchase request by using the Add Licenses or Add Products workflow in the Overview tab and for which payment is pending. This status is displayed anytime you have unpaid licenses that you added during your term.

No Access:

If you have a shortfall of licenses for which you have not made the payment in the renewal window, the excess users lose access to the products to which they were assigned.

The following sections in this document explain the different scenarios depending on how you manage your licenses during your renewal window. The sections also detail the steps that you can take to renew your licenses; or manage your licenses, in case you renew your licenses partially.

Scenario 1: Complete renewal

If you renew all or more licenses than you are currently using, the following message is displayed at the top of the Overview and Products tabs in the Admin Console:

"Thanks for renewing your subscription. You can add additional licenses by placing an order with you account manager at <reseller>."

The summary numbers reflect your new license count.

Scenario 2: Partial renewal

Status before anniversary date

If you renew some of your licenses and your anniversary date has not yet passed, the following message is displayed at the top of the Overview and Products tabs in the Admin Console:

"Your renewal only covers a partial number of your current licenses. Place an order with your account manager at <reseller> before <anniversary date and time> to renew remaining licenses or make other changes."

Status after anniversary date

If you have renewed some of your licenses and your anniversary date has passed, the following message is displayed at the top of the Overview and Products tabs in the Admin Console:

"Your renewal only covers a partial number of your current licenses. Place additional renewal orders with your account manager <reseller> by <anniversary date and time> to avoid service interruption."

The Product page for the product that you have made a partial renewal also displays the license renewal status.

In this case, you see the shortfall represented by Need Renewal status:

Needs renewal: Before anniversary

After the anniversary date has passed, if the number of licenses consumed is more than the number of licenses available, the excess licenses must be renewed.

You can choose to take one of the following actions after partially renewing your licenses:

  • Place an order for the remaining licenses.
  • Unassign users from that product to accommodate the shortfall of licenses.

 If you do not take either of these steps before the end of the grace period mentioned in the notification on Admin Console, then the excess licenses are automatically unassigned.

The users who are unassigned from the product, are the users that have been most recently assigned to this product. To view the list of users that will be unassigned click Need Renewal in the upper left corner of the All Users tab.

Users need renewal

Unassign users from the products

You can unassign users from a product in the Users tab for that product. See how to remove users and user groups from a product.

If you unassign a user who is not part of the Users Need Renewal list, the first user in that list is removed from the list. This continues as you keep unassigning users from this product.

After you have managed the license shortfall, the assigned licenses must be the same as the available licenses.

The Need Renewal indicator is no longer displayed as you have no license shortfall.


If there are users on the Users Need Renewal list that you want to unassign, you do not need to take any action. These users are automatically removed when the grace period is over.

Scenario 3: Did not renew

If you do not renew any licenses for a product anytime during your renewal window, you see the following message after your renewal window closes:

"Your VIP subscription expired on <anniversary date and time>. Contact your account manager at <reseller> to purchase a new subscription or make other changes."

In this case, you can no longer simply renew. Purchase a new subscription and assign users afresh.

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