Extract pages from a PDF online

Use the Extract Pages tool to create a new PDF of selected pages from an existing PDF document.

Extract pages from a PDF

  1. Sign in to Acrobat Web at https://documentcloud.adobe.com with your Adobe ID and password, or with your social (Facebook or Google) account.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click Edit > Extract Pages.

    Choose Extract Pages

  3. Do one of the following to select the PDF that you want to extract pages from, and then click Continue:

    • Choose files from the Recent or Files list.
    • Add files from your computer or drag-and-drop the files onto the highlighted area.
    • You can also drag-and-drop files to the Extract Pages tool on the Edit page.
    Select a file from the Recents or Documents list

    Select a file from your computer

  4. Select the pages you want to extract and then click Extract.

    Select pages to extract

  5. The pages are extracted from the PDF and a new PDF file is created. Acrobat displays the new PDF in the online PDF viewer. To download the PDF, click the download icon in the top toolbar.

    New PDF with extracted pages

Try these online PDF tools: Rotate PDF pages, Reorder PDF pages, Delete PDF pages

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