- Audition User Guide
- Introduction
- Workspace and setup
- Digital audio fundamentals
- Importing, recording, and playing
- Multichannel audio workflow
- Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition
- Importing with the Files panel
- Extracting audio from CDs
- Supported import formats
- Navigate time and playing audio in Adobe Audition
- Recording audio
- Monitoring recording and playback levels
- Remove silences from your audio recordings
- Editing audio files
- Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
- Session Markers and Clip Marker for Multitrack
- Generating text-to-speech
- Matching loudness across multiple audio files
- Displaying audio in the Waveform Editor
- Selecting audio
- How to copy, cut, paste, and delete audio in Audition
- Visually fading and changing amplitude
- Working with markers
- Inverting, reversing, and silencing audio
- How to automate common tasks in Audition
- Analyze phase, frequency, and amplitude with Audition
- Frequency Band Splitter
- Undo, redo, and history
- Converting sample types
- Creating podcasts using Audition
- Applying effects
- Enabling CEP extensions
- Effects controls
- Applying effects in the Waveform Editor
- Applying effects in the Multitrack Editor
- Adding third party plugins
- Notch Filter effect
- Fade and Gain Envelope effects (Waveform Editor only)
- Manual Pitch Correction effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Graphic Phase Shifter effect
- Doppler Shifter effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Effects reference
- Apply amplitude and compression effects to audio
- Delay and echo effects
- Diagnostics effects (Waveform Editor only) for Audition
- Filter and equalizer effects
- Modulation effects
- Reduce noise and restore audio
- Reverb effects
- How to use special effects with Audition
- Stereo imagery effects
- Time and pitch manipulation effects
- Generate tones and noise
- Mixing multitrack sessions
- Video and surround sound
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Saving and exporting
Undo or redo changes
Each time you start Adobe Audition, it keeps track of the edits you perform. Edits aren’t permanently applied until you save and close a file, giving you unlimited undo and redo capability.
To undo or redo changes, do any of the following:
To undo a change, choose Edit > Undo [name of change].
To redo a change, choose Edit > Redo [name of change].
To repeat the last command in the Waveform Editor, choose Edit > Repeat Last Command. You can repeat most commands; however, there are a few exceptions (such as Delete).
Merk:To repeat the last command without opening its dialog box, press Ctrl+R (Windows) or Command+R (Mac OS).
Compare history states
While the Undo and Redo commands restrict you to an incremental sequence of changes, the History panel lets you instantly revert back to any previous change. Use the panel to quickly compare processed and original audio or discard a series of changes that produced undesired results.
History states disappear when you close a file.
Revert to states
To revert to any history state, click it.
To incrementally move through states, press the up and down arrows on the keyboard.
Delete states
When you work with very large audio files, delete unnecessary history states to clear disk space and improve performance.
To delete all states, choose Clear History from the panel menu
To delete a specific state, select it, and then click the trash icon
Deleting history states also removes related Undo commands.