Guided mode Color edits

The Guided mode provides you with guided edits - a wizard-like interface to accomplish certain predefined effects. Each guided edit has an associated image. As you move the mouse horizontally over the image, the portion to the left of the slider displays the image before the effect is applied. The portion to the right of the slider displays the image after the effect is applied.

Enhance Colors guided edit

Use the Enhance Colors Guided Edit to enhance the hue, saturation, and lightness in an image.

You can view the after image only, or view both the before and after images either vertically or horizontally.

For more on enhancing colors, see Adjusting color saturation and hue.

Lomo Camera Effect guided edit

In Guided Edit, apply the effect of the Lomo camera.

  1. Select Lomo Camera Effect.

    The Lomo Effect panel on the right provides the options to apply the required effects.

  2. Click Lomo Camera Effect.

  3. Click Apply Vignette.

  1. Open a photo, and in the Guided Edits panel click Lomo Camera Effect.

    The Lomo Effect panel on the right provides the options to apply the required effects.

  2. Click Lomo Camera Effect.

  3. Click Apply Vignette.


    Each time you click Lomo Camera Effect or Apply Vignette, Photoshop Elements intensifies the last applied effect. At any point, you can click Reset to remove all the applied effects and restore the original image.

  4. After you get the desired result, click Next to choose how you would like to proceed:

    • Save - Save / Save As: Preserve the newly-created image in any of the available formats.
    • Continue editing - In Quick / In Expert: Choose where you would like to continue working on the image - in Quick mode or Expert mode.
    • Share - Flickr / Twitter: Choose to place your image online through one of the social or sharing services available in Photoshop Elements.

Remove a Color Cast guided edit

Use the Remove a Color Cast Guided Edit to correct color casts in an image.

You can view the after image only, or view both the before and after images either vertically or horizontally.

For more on correcting color casts, see Correcting color casts.

Saturated Slide Film Effect guided edit

For more information on saturation adjustment, see Adjust saturation and hue.

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