Work with Asian type

Display Asian type options

Photoshop Elements provides several options for working with Asian type. Asian fonts are often referred to as double-byte fonts or CJK fonts, meaning Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts.

  1. In Windows, choose Edit > Preferences > Type. In Mac OS, choose Photoshop Elements > Preferences > Type.
  2. Set text options:
    • Show Asian Text Options to display Asian type options.

    • Show Font Names in English to display Asian font names in English.

  3. Click OK. The Asian type options button  is added to the type tool options bar.

Reduce spacing between Asian characters

Tsume reduces the space around a character (but not the character itself) by a specified percentage value. When tsume is added to a character, spacing around both sides of the character is reduced by an equal percentage.

  1. If you’re working with an existing layer, select the text layer in the Layers panel and then select a type tool.
  2. Select the characters you want to adjust.
  3. Click the Show Asian Text Options button in the options bar. If you don’t see the button, make sure that preferences are set to show Asian type options.
  4. Select a percentage for Tsume from the pop‑up menu, and press the Enter or Return key. The greater the percentage, the tighter the compression between characters. At 100% (the maximum value), there is no space between the character’s bounding box and its em box.

    An em box is a space whose height and width roughly correspond to the width of the letter “M” (also called a mutton).

Turn on or turn off tate‑chuu‑yoko

Tate‑chuu‑yoko (also called kumimoji and renmoji) is a block of horizontal type laid out within a vertical type line.

Before and after tate‑chuu‑yoko is applied

  1. If you’re working with an existing layer, select the text layer in the Layers panel and then select a type tool.
  2. Select the characters that you want to rotate.
  3. Click the Asian Text Options button  in the options bar.
  4. Enable Tate‑Chuu‑Yoko.

Turn on or turn off mojikumi

Mojikumi determines spacing between punctuation, symbols, numbers, and other character classes in Japanese type. When mojikumi is on, half-width spacing is applied to these characters.

Mojikumi off (top), and mojikumi on (bottom)

  1. If you’re working with an existing layer, select the text layer in the Layers panel and then select a type tool.
  2. Click the Asian Text Options button  in the options bar.
  3. Enable Mojikumi.

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