Feature summary | Photoshop on the iPad (July 2020 release)

Learn about new features available in the July 2020 release of Photoshop on the iPad (version 1.6).

Fine-tune the edges of your selection with Refine Edge

Similar to Photoshop desktop, you can now capture fine details at the edges of a selection, such as strands of hair, fur, or other tricky edges of your subject with Refine Edge.

To use Refine edge, do the following:

  1. Make a selection on your composite with any of the selection tools in Photoshop on your iPad.
  2. In the active selection properties bar that appears at the bottom of the workspace, tap More and select Refine edge ().
  3. In the Refine edge mode that appears, set various tool properties per your requirement.
  4. Tap the undo () icon to revert the last action performed. Tap redo () to restore the undone action.
  5. Tap Done to apply your Refine edge selection settings. Tap Cancel to exit the Refine edge mode.
Use the Refine edge brush to fine-tune your selection
Use the Refine edge brush to fine-tune your selection

Freely rotate your canvas

Use iPad’s two-finger rotate gesture to rotate your canvas while you work on your documents in Photoshop.

Use two-finger rotate gesture to rotate your canvas freely on your iPad screen.
Use your two fingers to freely rotate your canvas on your iPad screen.

To learn more about rotating your canvas, see Rotate, pan, zoom, and reset canvas.

Fixed customer-reported issues

For detailed information, see Fixed issues in Photoshop.

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