Manage storage conflicts

As an administrator for your organization on the Adobe Admin Console, you will work with Adobe to prepare for updating to the new Enterprise Storage Management and user account model.

An important benefit of the new cloud-storage model is making sure your business owns the content employees create using Adobe tools. As part of the update, each user’s assets are moved into storage belonging to the organization. The automated update process cannot divide a user’s assets, so before the update can proceed, you must determine if there any storage conflicts among your users.

A storage conflict occurs if a user has assets stored for two or more different organizations. Conflicts within a cohort of related organizations must be resolved before we can schedule the update for the cohort.

Adobe engineers will work with admins in your organization to ensure that existing assets for all users will be moved to storage that belongs to the correct organization.

  • Your Adobe team will run automated reports to identify potential conflicts among users in your cohort, and share the results with you.

You resolve conflicts by assigning a user to one and only one source of business storage. Once you have the conflict report, you must determine which organization has a better claim to that user’s assets.  

  • Your Adobe team will assist with mapping each user to a single organization.
  • You will use the Admin Console to remove the user from any other organizations that provide business storage.
  • Your Adobe team will continue to check for potential conflicts until none remain.
  • After the update is complete, you can restore membership in other organizations, and the user can transfer particular assets into different storage as needed.

Preparing for Update

To prepare for the update, you will work with your Adobe team to identify and resolve storage conflicts. Your team will run reports that identify potential conflicts among your users, and help you analyze the results.

To resolve conflicts, you will:

  1. Determine which organization has the best claim to the user's assets.
  2. Work with your Adobe team to create a mapping file that associates each user with the single organization. 
  3. Use the Admin Console to remove the user from all other organizations that provide cloud storage.

When the team has verified that no conflicts remain, they register the mapping file and schedule the update. The automated update process will then use the mapping file to move all of the user’s assets to the storage belonging to the associated organization. After the update is complete, you can restore the user’s account in other organizations, and the user can transfer assets into Personal storage or move them to another organization, as needed.

User-org mapping file format

The user-organization mapping file is a CSV file that must be named usersOrgs_mapping.csv.
It has two columns in each row. The first column identifies a user, and the second identifies the organization to whose storage that user's assets will be assigned.

  • The first value is a user GUID. This is the unique identifier for the user with storage conflicts.
  • The second value is an Org ID. This is the identifier of the organization to which the users assets will be moved, regardless of any other conflicting organizations.

The conflict report provides these ID values for each user with a potential conflict. 

For example, suppose a user has assets stored in three organizations. You will enter one row item for that user in the mapping file, with the user GUID in the first column, and the Org ID in the second column for the organization that have decided will be the storage destination.

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