Storage Management after Update

When the Business Storage update is complete, the first time you sign in to the Admin Console, you are offered a tour of the new storage management features. The tour walks you through the Console's new Storage tab, and introduces where and how you will control the allocation of cloud storage resources.


The Storage Overview shows how your organization's storage is allocated.

Storage overview

You can view and manage Individual User Folders, and view more detailed Storage Reports.

Learn more:

Reclaiming assets

Individual User Folders lists both Active Users and Inactive Users.  When a user leaves your organization, they become an Inactive User. 

To reclaim an Inactive User's assets for the organization, select the user and Edit folder access.

Here, you view and add folder delegates. When you add a delegate, they get an email with a link to a zip file containing the inactive user's assets. 

The compressed archive can be up to 5 GB, depending upon the total size of assets stored in the user's folder. Depending on the size of the assets, it can take a while for the user to receive the email.

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