The following is a list of issues resolved in RoboHelp (2017 release) and subsequent patch releases.
Check the RoboHelp forum for solutions, workarounds, or any late-breaking information.
Feature enhancements
Improved responsive HTML5 layouts
A host of improvements have been introduced in all responsive HTML5 layouts. If you are using an earlier version of any layout in RoboHelp (2017 release), it is strongly recommended to create and use the new layout for your project. One of the major enhancement in the current update is the support for displaying complete layout in context-sensitive Help.
While generating output from a Japanese document, some cross-references do not work.
(Ref- 168)
While linking or importing a Word document that contains numbers at the end of its TOC entries, such TOC entries fail to import correctly in RoboHelp.
(Ref - 334, 367)
In responsive HTML5 output, when the TOC is expanded beyond a limit, the items in TOC get overlapped.
(Ref - 395)
Overlapping TOC entries noticed in output generated using Indigo layout.
(Ref - 411)
When viewing the output on a mobile device, the Favorites panel in indigo layout does not hide even after the bookmarked topic is opened.
(Ref - 799)
The breadcrumb links in Indigo layout do not work.
(Ref - 397)
Print topic/frame feature is missing from the responsive HTML5 Indigo layout.
(Ref - 805)
A blue boundary is shown around a few links in Indigo layout.
(Ref - 842)
RoboHelp crashes on opening a project created in RoboHelp version 2015.4.460.
(Ref - 378, 388)
RoboHelp crashes on adding multiple @font-face parameters in the default.css file.
(Ref - 451)
In a merged project, when all topics in the master project are set to Exclude From Search, RoboHelp crashes on generating output.
(Ref - 721)
Cross-site scripting and open redirect vulnerabilities found in the WebHelp output.
(Ref - 438, 615)
While using the option Output Generator With Glossary Restyling and choosing Popup, few glossary terms do not convert to popup and still show as tooltip.
(Ref - 379)
For a particular project, search does not return specific topics that are a part of the project.
(Ref - 405)
In Indigo layout, Favorite’s pod description contains irrelevant text.
(Ref - 410)
Topics opened using the context-sensitive help call are shown without complete layout.
(Ref - 449, 689)
Unable to print long topics from output generated using Indigo layout.
(Ref - 447)
The Search List Item Hover Color setting is not maintained in the output generated using Indigo layout.
(Ref - 675)
Upgrade a project from RoboHelp 2015 to 2017, generate responsive HTML5 output using Azure Blue or Charcoal Grey layout, the logo does not load when a topic is opened in a new tab from the parent project.
(Ref - 671)
Customizations made in the glossary term font settings are not saved.
(Ref - 385)
Every time a new output is published using Indigo layout, the favorites saved by end users are lost.
(Ref - 448)
Copyright element is missing in the language file (RoboHHRE.lng).
(Ref - 617)
When generating responsive HTML5 output, multiple @font-face rules are combined that leads to information loss in the CSS file.
(Ref - 343)
When the search term contains operators (and, or, not), the search text is not highlighted in the searched topic.
(Ref - 412)
For responsive HTML5 layouts, by default AND search is performed when multiple words are entered in the search box and the OR search was not being honored.
(Ref - 843)
Search in responsive HTML5 output does not work as expected when Substring Search option is enabled or disabled.
(Ref - 613)
The Search box in Azure Blue and Charcoal Grey layouts does not hide when the side bar is collapsed.
(Ref - 755)
In a merged project, not all child projects are searched in a responsive HTML5 output.
(Ref - 831)
Previewing topics for all responsive HTML5 layouts shows scripting error.
(Ref - 762)
The side bar Expand/Collapse button is incorrectly aligned at the top of the side bar.
(Ref - 827)
Without configuring thumbnail settings, responsive HTML5 output preset cannot be created.
(Ref - 459)
If a large image is applied thumbnail style, the aspect ratio of the image is not maintained on the expanded image.
(Ref - 461)
Text wrap feature does not work with a MP4 file.
(Ref - 533)
Text size of online Help for RoboHelp is too small on Surface Pro and any change in size is not maintained across user sessions.
(Ref - 616)
RoboHelp fails to load topics with conditional build tags in a merged project.
(Ref - 629)
In a large project containing more than 500 indexed keywords, the search becomes unresponsive after a few keywords are searched.
(Ref - 632)
Index keywords do not merge with the parent project, if there are more than two child projects.
(Ref - 824)
Indentation is missing for child index keywords in Indigo layout.
(Ref - 726)
The responsive HTML5 Ocean layout is no longer available in the SSL Gallery and is not supported. You can still download and use the Ocean layout from the RoboHelp screen profiles and layouts page.
The Home (Custom Icons) component in the Indigo layout is no longer available. With this, customizing TOC icons for the landing page is not possible through the Layout Customization interface. You can still customize the landing page icons through CSS.
Resolved issues
If a dynamic filter is applied on a topic and that filter is set to hidden, the topic’s index entry remains visible.
(Ref# 295)
A blank TOC is displayed when an output generated using the Indigo layout is opened by clicking the “Show output in full context” link in Safari.
(Ref - 263)
Missing scroll bar noticed when responsive HTML5 output generated using the Indigo layout is viewed in Safari (Sierra OS).
(Ref - 297)
For the output generated using the Indigo layout, the title of the dynamic content filter panel does not appear as configured in the publish settings.
(Ref - 345)
In the Indigo layout, title of the add/remove favorite button does not change.
(Ref - 386)
Multiple customization issues noticed in the Ocean layout.
(Ref - 288)
When Show Default Topic option in the Ocean layout is turned off, then no topic is displayed when a link is clicked from the TOC.
(Ref - 294)
In the Ocean layout, no SVG image preview is displayed in the Banner tab.
(Ref - 296)
RoboHelp fails to import or link to a .fm file if FrameMaker (2017 release) is not running.
(Ref - 332)
When the responsive HTML5 output is hosted on RoboHelp Server 10, the TOC and Search fails to load.
(Ref - 314)
For the localized versions of RoboHelp, the Starter screen displays incorrect RoboHelp version number.
(Ref - 352)
Adding a link of a CSS file in another CSS file does not work as expected.
(Ref - 284)
When the “Show output in full context” link is clicked in the context-sensitive Help test tool or in Internet Explorer 11, a scripting error appears.
(Ref - 303)