- About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- About content, courses, and curriculums
- Accessing the Training library
- About Training library permissions
- Course and curriculum registration
- AICC content for courses
- Viewing data about training
- Create and manage training groups
- Create a training group
- Add learners to an existing training group
- Remove learners from a training group
- Using CSV files to add learners
- Add learners using a CSV file
- Tips for creating training courses and curriculums
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
- Create and manage seminars
- About seminars
- Pre-seminar tasks
- Create a seminar
- Schedule a Seminar
- Resolve seminar scheduling conflicts
- Extending seminars beyond the scheduled time
- Standby mode and scheduling ad-hoc Seminar Session
- Send seminar invitations
- View seminar information
- Edit seminars
- View data about seminars
- Seminar reports
- Join a seminar from Adobe Connect Central
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
- Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Using report filters
- View course reports
- Downloading and printing course reports
- View and manage curriculum reports
- View curriculum status report
- View a curriculum report by users
- Change the user status field in a curriculum report
- View a curriculum report by item
- View a summary report for external training
- View an external training curriculum report by users
- Export curriculum reports
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
Create and manage Adobe Connect curriculum. View information and status, edit prerequisites, completion criteria, and enrollees.
A curriculum can include courses, presentations, and meetings. You can define prerequisites for a curriculum, and you can design your program so that users can test out of certain curriculum items.
As users complete items in the curriculum, you can track their progress and generate reports to ensure that the curriculum meets the learning objectives.
The key features of curriculums let you do the following:
Organize items, such as courses and presentations, in logical groups that support a learning path.
Define prerequisites and test-outs for items, allowing enrollee to bypass certain curriculum items if they pass the corresponding test-out item.
Specify completion requirements - items required to successfully complete the curriculum.
Send email notifications and reminders to users regarding the curriculum.
Generate reports that include curriculum statistics.
View a visual representation of report data using the Training Dashboard.
A wizard guides you through the main steps of creating a curriculum, such as entering curriculum information and selecting courses for the curriculum. After you create a curriculum, you can complete additional tasks, such as adding enrollee and sending reminders.
In creating a curriculum, your workflow involves the following tasks:
Browse to a curriculum location
You can create or browse to a folder in the Training library in which you want to publish the curriculum (you must have permission to access the folder). When you determine a location, you click New Curriculum to open the New Curriculum wizard and create your curriculum in the selected location.
Note: Depending on your license and your permissions, all the tabs displayed in the top row in Adobe Connect Central may not be visible.
Note: If you want to save your curriculum in your User Training folder, you can bypass this procedure by simply clicking the New Curriculum link on the Adobe Connect Central home page and following the steps to enter curriculum information.
A. Determine a location B. Create another folder or add a new curriculum
Enter curriculum information
The first page of the New Curriculum wizard lets you enter details, such as descriptive summary information and start and end dates, about the curriculum. (You must enter the curriculum name, but all other fields are optional.) The information that you enter in the wizard appears later on the Curriculum Information page, as well as on the page that enrollee access from their My Training link.
The Custom URL box displays the first part of the URL that users click to access the curriculum. You can leave the box blank to have Adobe Connect generate a system URL or enter a custom URL in the box. For example, you can enter a word that describes the curriculum.
The start and end dates that you select override the start and end dates for the individual items in your curriculum. For example, if you add a meeting with an end date that already passed, but your end date for the curriculum is in the future, the meeting assumes the end date of the curriculum.
Add items to the curriculum
After you enter curriculum information in the New Curriculum wizard and click Next, a page appears that lets you add items to the curriculum. When you add an item to a curriculum, you are actually adding a link to the item, not copying the item in a new location within Adobe Connect.
You can add content from the Content library, a meeting from the Meeting library, a virtual classroom, or any existing courses to a curriculum. Content added to a curriculum is now automatically converted to a course so it can be tracked accurately. The new course is added to the automatically created curriculum resource folder. (This folder is in the same location as the curriculum and has the same name as the curriculum with “Resources” appended to the end.)
If you want to group items in folders, do not add the items using the New Curriculum wizard. Instead, exit from the wizard, open the curriculum information page for the curriculum, click Add Item, click New Folder, type in a folder name, click Save, select the new folder (you can also select the root folder or a different folder), click Add Item, and then add items to the folder. New items are always created at the root level and you can rearrange items by clicking the Move button. Folders cannot be nested in other folders.
Change the order or remove items, if necessary
After adding content and courses, you can change the order of items to alter the learning path. You also have the option to remove any items.
Although you can move items within a folder, you cannot move items in or out of folders.
Select any additional options
The final step when creating a curriculum is to select any options you require from the Additional Options page, such as adding enrollee, setting prerequisites, and sending notification.
After you create a curriculum, you can view and modify curriculum details on the Curriculum Information page.
Display curriculum information
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the folder that contains the curriculum.
Select the name of the curriculum in the course list.
View curriculum status information
Viewing curriculum status offers another way to view a summary report.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to view, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the Curriculum Status area, click the View button.
The Reports tab opens on a Summary page. In addition to the same information that appears in the curriculum information area of the Curriculum Information page, the Summary page includes the following information:
Enrolled Users
The number of users enrolled in the curriculum.
Users Completed
The number of users that have accessed the curriculum and successfully completed all required items. This includes all users who have ever been enrolled in this curriculum, whether they are enrolled currently or not.
Users In Progress
The number of users that have accessed the curriculum, but have not yet completed all required items. This includes all users who have ever been enrolled in this curriculum, whether they are enrolled currently or not.
Opomba:Two types of users are not included in the curriculum status numbers: first are users that are enrolled in the curriculum, but have not yet accessed the curriculum and, second, users who have been enrolled in this curriculum in the past, but have later been deleted from Adobe Connect.
You can add and delete content and courses from a curriculum after a curriculum is created. For example, you can add any course in your Training library to a curriculum.
Here are a few tips:
Try to minimize the addition and deletion of courses and content after a curriculum is made available to learners.
Communicate with learners enrolled in the curriculum. Tell them when content and courses are added or deleted and ask them to log in to the curriculum so their status updates.
There is a distinction between including an existing course in a curriculum and creating a course for a curriculum. When you add a course to a curriculum and the course exists, the course is not added to the individual curriculum’s Resources folder. Only items that are automatically created for the first time as a course are automatically added to the curriculum Resources folder. You can, however, move or copy items into the Resources folder.
When a course is added to a curriculum, a link to the course in the Content library is added. This allows learners to receive credit for a course even if the course is taken outside the curriculum. To receive credit for taking the course, the learner must have logged in to the curriculum at least once. (Adobe recommends that curriculum learners always launch items from within the curriculum.)
If you delete a required item from a curriculum, the status of learners who have completed all other required items changes to Complete.
After a curriculum has been modified (for example, required items have been added or deleted), ask learners to log back in to the curriculum to have their status and scores updated.
Sometimes, a learner can take a course and then the course is added to a curriculum in which the learner is enrolled. For the learner to receive credit for having already taken the course, ask the learner to log in to the curriculum. Their status within the curriculum is updated automatically.
After creating a curriculum, you can add folders or items to the curriculum at any time.
Adding or removing items from a curriculum can affect learner transcripts. As a best practice, do not change curriculums once you have enrolled learners. If you do add or remove items, tell learners about the changes to the curriculum and ask them to log in to the curriculum to update their status.
Add a folder to a curriculum
After you create a curriculum, you can group items in folders to organize your items. For example, you can group a set of items in a Beginner Topics folder and another set in an Intermediate Topics folder. New folders are always added at the root level. Folders cannot be nested in other folders.
You add items to a curriculum folder rather than move items already in your curriculum into a folder.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Add Item.
Click New Folder.
On the New Folder page, enter a name for the folder in the Folder Name box, and click Save.
In the curriculum list, you can select the folder that you created and add items to it.
Add content to a curriculum
After you create a curriculum, you can add more content as necessary. Content added to a curriculum is now automatically converted to a course so it can be tracked accurately. The new course is added to the automatically created curriculum resource folder. Any further content you add to the curriculum is also automatically converted and placed into the resource folder. This folder is in the same location as the curriculum and has the same name as the curriculum with “Resources” appended to the end. (If you add courses that you have already created to a curriculum, those courses are not placed in the resources folder.)
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Add Item.
Click Add Content.
If necessary, browse to the folder that contains the content.
Select the check box for the content that you want to add to the curriculum, and click Add.
Click Add again.
Add a course, virtual classroom, or meeting to a curriculum
Any courses available in your Training library are available for you to include in a curriculum.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Add Item.
Do one of the following:
Click Add Course.
Note: Invitations, enrollments, and reminders that you created for a course are not carried over when you add a course to a curriculum. The notification options for a curriculum apply to all courses inside the curriculum; you cannot set individual notification settings for courses inside a curriculum. (If a course exists outside a curriculum, however, the course invitation, enrollment, and reminder settings are all valid for the course.)
Click Add Virtual Classroom.
Click Add Meeting.
Opomba:To send an Outlook Calendar Event, which lets users add the meeting to their Outlook calendars, you select the iCal option when you send meeting reminders, not when you add the meeting to your curriculum.
If necessary, browse to the folder that contains the course, classroom, or meeting.
Select the check box for the course, classroom, or meeting that you want to add to the curriculum, and click Add.
Add external content to a curriculum
A curriculum is not limited to Adobe Connect items. You can include external training. For example, you can add a classroom lecture that enrollee should attend. Since a lecture is a live event, you can create an external event to represent the lecture. By using the status override feature, you can then mark the enrollee that attend as “Complete.”
When the user status changes for external training, update the user’s completion status manually.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Add Item.
Click New External Training.
In Title, enter the name of the external training.
(Optional) In ID, enter identification text or numbers.
If the external training item is viewing a website, in the URL box enter a full URL including http. For example, http://www.adobe.com.
In Max Possible Score, enter the maximum points to be awarded for completing the external training.Opomba:
If you plan to use external content as a course within a curriculum, it can be important to set maximum score. Define a maximum score in this location when content is non-graded or when it sends a partial score. For example, Adobe Captivate content only sends the score achieved, say eight, not the score achieved and the maximum score, say 8/10. When the content used to create a course includes a full score, such as 8/10, then the maximum score defined within the content applies and any score set here is ignored.
(Optional) In Summary, enter a description of the external training.
Click Save.
On the Curriculum Information page, the external training appears in your list of items.
You can edit information in a curriculum, such as changing the order of items or removing items. You can also delete any entire curriculum
Note: Adding items to or removing them from a curriculum can affect learner transcripts. As a best practice, do not change curriculums once you have enrolled learners. If you do add or remove items, tell learners about the changes to the curriculum and ask them to log in to the curriculum to update their status.
Edit curriculum information
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the Curriculum Information area, click Edit to modify the following information:
A title for the curriculum.
The identification number for the curriculum. (You can assign any code, such as a catalog number.)
The curriculum description.
Curriculum Starts On
The date on which the curriculum starts. Users cannot access the curriculum before this date
Note: The start and end dates that you select override the start and end dates for the individual items in your curriculum. For example, if you add a meeting with an end date that already passed, but your end date for the curriculum is in the future, the meeting assumes the end date of the curriculum.
Curriculum Closes On
The date on which the curriculum ends; select from the pop‑up menu or select No Close date.
When you finish editing the curriculum information, click Save.
Edit external content information
To edit external content information, you must have already added it to the curriculum.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the list of items, click the external training item name.
In the External Training Information area, click Edit.
In the Item Info area, edit the Name, ID, URL, Max Possible Score, or Summary information, and click Save.
Change the order of items in a curriculum
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Select the check box next to the item that you want to move, and then click either the up or down arrow to move the item in the list.
Remove items from a curriculum
If you no longer want to include an item in a curriculum, you can remove it without affecting the original item that exists in its respective library.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the list of items, select the check box next to the items that you want to remove, and then click Remove Item.
Verify that you do want to remove the selected items, and click Remove.
Send notifications or reminders to curriculum enrollee
You can use the notifications feature to send an email message to enrollee. A typical message tells enrollee that the curriculum is available, provides details about the curriculum, and includes a link to the curriculum. The message can go to all enrollee, or to a subset of enrollee, such as those who have not completed the curriculum.
The reminders feature, similar to the notification feature, lets you send email messages to enrollee. The primary difference between notifications and reminders, however, is that the Reminders page lets you send the messages at specified intervals. The message can go to all enrollee, or to a subset of enrollee.
Note: For users who must adhere to compliance standards, reminders can be set to annually. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Notifications.
Click New Notification or New Reminder. (Notifications appear in the subject list with the notification icon
and reminders appear with the reminder icon
Select a timing option. For reminders, you can set a recurrence option to automatically send out multiple reminders.
Select a recipients option. If you enter email addresses, use commas to separate the addresses.
(Optional) Edit the email subject and message text. To edit using runtime fields, copy the field name from the Run Time Fields list and paste it into the message subject or body. Do not change the runtime field text in curly brackets.
Click Send or Save.
Cancel notifications or reminders
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Notifications.
Click Pending Notifications.
Under Subject, select the check box next to the name of the notification or reminder you want to cancel. (Notifications appear in the subject list with the notification icon
and reminders appear with the reminder icon
Click Cancel Notifications.
On the confirmation page, click Cancel Notifications.
Delete a curriculum
Before you delete a curriculum, be aware of the following effects of this action:
The curriculum is removed from the Training library.
Enrollees can no longer access the curriculum.
Reports for the curriculum are no longer available. (To prevent access to the curriculum while retaining reporting information, set the curriculum close date and do not delete the curriculum.)
Curriculum reminders are not sent, and delayed curriculum notifications are not sent.
Deleting a curriculum is a permanent action. Once it is deleted, you cannot recover a curriculum.
Deleting a curriculum from the Training library does not affect the library items that constitute the curriculum.
Click the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum.
Select the check box next to the curriculum and then click Delete.
After verifying that you want to delete the selection, click Delete.
After creating a curriculum, you can make many changes such as assigning prerequisites, assigning test-outs, and editing completion requirements. Adobe recommends using either test-outs or prerequisites, but not both, to create learning paths. Using both is possible, but it can be time-consuming and complicated to test all of the possible workflows learners may encounter.
Assign prerequisites to an item
Assigning prerequisites enforces learner access to items in a specific sequence. A folder cannot be set as a prerequisite. Also, do not set external training items as Required, as Adobe Connect cannot automatically track external items.
Avoid creating redundant prerequisites; they are confusing for learners and may cause performance issues on your Adobe Connect server.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the list of curriculum items, click the name of the item or folder that requires a prerequisite. This procedure refers to this item as the selected item.
In the Prerequisites area, click Edit.
Note: Depending on your license and your permissions, all the tabs displayed in the top row in Adobe Connect Central may not be visible.
In the Course Information Prerequisites area, click Edit to create a specific learning path. In the Course Information Prerequisites area, click Edit to create a specific learning path. -
The Select Prerequisite area lists the items in the curriculum. Use the Options pop‑up menu next to an item to specify the type of prerequisite:
Indicates that the prerequisite is optional. Users receive a message requesting that they take the prerequisite before taking the selected item.
Indicates that the prerequisite must be completed successfully, not just completed, before taking the selected item. Do not assign Required status to external content. Adobe Connect cannot verify completion of external content, such as a website URL.
Indicates that the selected item appears on the enrollment page only after the user completes the prerequisite.
When you finish selecting prerequisites, click Save.
Assign test-outs for an item
You can design the curriculum so that enrollee are not required to take an item if they pass a related test-out item. Folders cannot be configured as test-out items or linked as selected items. Always use a specific course or meeting, not a folder, as a test-out or selected item for any other learning object.
Here are tips for creating test-outs:
Carefully choose between the Optional, Blocked, and Hidden options. Your learners could have a different path and learning experience depending on which option you select for a test-out.
You cannot assign a test-out for the first item in a curriculum.
Do not use chained test-outs. An example of a chained test-out is setting item 1 as a test-out for item 2 and then setting item 2 as a test-out for item 3.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the list of items, click the name of the item that requires a test-out item. This procedure refers to this item as the selected item.
In the Test-Outs area, click Edit.
The Select Test-Outs area lists items in the curriculum. Use the pop‑up menu by an item to designate it as a test-out for the selected item, using the following criteria:
Indicates that if the enrollee passes the test-out item, the selected item is unavailable to the enrollee. If the enrollee fails the test-out item, the selected item becomes available.
Indicates that if the enrollee passes the test-out item, the selected item is no longer required to complete the curriculum.
Indicates that if the enrollee passes the test-out item, the selected item is hidden from the enrollee. If the enrollee fails the test-out item, the test-out item is visible and available for the enrollee to take.
When you finish specifying test-out items, click Save.
Edit completion requirements
You can designate an item as required, which specifies that an enrollee must successfully complete the item to complete the curriculum. By default, all items are required, but you can set individual items as optional or required without impacting other items.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum that you want to modify, click the Training tab and browse to the curriculum. Select the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
In the Completion Requirements area, click Edit.
For each item that you want to specify as required, select Required from the pop‑up menu.
When you finish specifying required items, click Save.
Adobe Connect Central allows you to view and add enrollee to a curriculum, as well as set access permissions for enrollee.
View and add enrollee to a curriculum
After adding enrollee, send notification to the enrollee that the curriculum is available.
Duplicate entries in the CSV or TXT file are successfully imported at the first instance. The duplicate instances are ignored and reported after the import.
Set permissions for curriculum enrollee
After you’ve added enrollee to a curriculum, you can determine permissions for enrolled users and groups.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Manage Enrollees.
Select the enrollee or enrolled group in the Current Enrollees column and click Permissions.
Select one of the following permissions:
Denied prevents the enrollee from accessing the curriculum.
Enrolled allows the enrollee to access the curriculum.
Pending Approval enables to the enroll to access the curriculum after they are approved.
Remove enrollee from a curriculum
You can remove an individual curriculum enrollee or a group of enrollee at any time.
If you’re not on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
Click Manage Enrollees.
Select the enrollee or enrolled group in the Current Enrollees column and click Remove.