Where can I find my missing Creative Cloud files?

Can't locate files you've uploaded to Creative Cloud? Try the solutions given below.


Od 11. decembra 2023 novi uporabniki in organizacije ne bodo več upravičeni do sinhroniziranih datotek Creative Cloud. Od 1. februarja 2024 bodo sinhronizirane datoteke Creative Cloud ukinjene za osebne račune, ki so obstajali pred 11. decembrom 2023 (več o tem preberite tukaj). Od 1. oktobra 2024 bodo sinhronizirane datoteke Creative Cloud ukinjene za poslovne račune, povezane z organizacijami, ki so obstajale pred 11. decembrom 2023 (več o tem preberite tukaj).

What to do if your files are missing from your Creative Cloud account

If you find that one or more of your files is missing from Creative Cloud, you should check for the missing files in the following locations. Once you find them, you can easily restore them.

Check the Creative Cloud folder on your computer

When you use Adobe's file sync functionality, the contents of the Creative Cloud user folder are synced to your Creative Cloud account. Files missing online could still be available locally. Navigate to the folder listed below, and check if the missing files are available. 


C:\Users\<User name>\Creative Cloud Files


Mac HD/Users/<User name>/Creative Cloud Files


This folder isn't present in all cases. <User name> is the user name of the current user.

Check for a duplicate or different Creative Cloud files folder

Check for a duplicate Creative Cloud files folder in the home folder of the current user account or a different Creative Cloud files folder in the home folder of another user account.

Check the Trash or Recycle Bin

Look for the missing file in the Trash ( macOS ) or Recycle Bin (Windows).

Check in the My Assets section online

  1. Sign in, if prompted.

  2. Check if the missing files are available in Files.

Check in the Deleted section for Creative Cloud

  1. Sign in, if prompted.

  2. Check if the missing files are available in Deleted.


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