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Adobe Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Installation guide

  1. Adobe Acrobat Sign Integrations
  2. What's New
  3. Product Versions and Lifecycle
  4. Acrobat Sign for Salesforce
    1. Install the Package
    2. Configure the Package
    3. User Guide
    4. Enable Digital Authentication
    5. Developer Guide
    6. Advanced Customization Guide
    7. Field Mapping and Templates Guide
    8. Mobile App User Guide
    9. Flows Automation Guide
    10. Document Builder Guide
    11. Configure Large Documents
    12. Upgrade Guide
    13. Release Notes
    14. FAQs
    15. Troubleshooting Guide
    16. Additional Articles
  5. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft
    1. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft 365
      1. Installation Guide
    2. Acrobat Sign for Outlook
      1. User Guide
    3. Acrobat Sign for Word/PowerPoint
      1. User Guide
    4. Acrobat Sign for Teams
      1. User Guide
      2. Live Sign Guide
      3. Mobile User Guide
      4. Release Notes
      5. Microsoft Teams Approvals
    5. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft PowerApps and Power Automate
      1. User Guide
      2. Release Notes
    6. Acrobat Sign Connector for Microsoft Search
      1. User Guide
      2. Release Notes
    7. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Dynamics 
      1. Overview
      2. Dynamics Online: Installation Guide 
      3. Dynamics Online: User Guide 
      4. Dynamics On-Prem: Installation Guide 
      5. Dynamics On-Prem: User Guide
      6. Dynamics Workflow Guide
      7. Dynamics 365 for Talent
      8. Upgrade Guide
      9. Release Notes
    8. Acrobat Sign for Microsoft SharePoint 
      1. Overview
      2. SharePoint On-Prem: Installation Guide
      3. SharePoint On-Prem: Template Mapping Guide
      4. SharePoint On-Prem: User Guide
      5. SharePoint On-Prem: Release Notes
      6. SharePoint Online: Installation Guide
      7. SharePoint Online: Template Mapping Guide
      8. SharePoint Online: User Guide
      9. SharePoint Online: Web Form Mapping Guide
      10. SharePoint Online: Release Notes
  6. Acrobat Sign for ServiceNow
    1. Overview
    2. Installation Guide
    3. User Guide
    4. Release Notes
  7. Acrobat Sign for HR ServiceNow
    1. Installation Guide (Deprecated)
  8. Acrobat Sign for SAP SuccessFactors
    1. Cockpit Installation Guide (Deprecated)
    2. Recruiting Installation Guide (Deprecated)
    3. Recruiting User Guide
    4. Cloud Foundry Installation Guide
    5. Release Notes
  9. Acrobat Sign for Workday
    1. Installation Guide
    2. Quick Start Guide
    3. Configuration Tutorial
  10. Acrobat Sign for NetSuite
    1. Installation Guide
    2. Release Notes
  11. Acrobat Sign for SugarCRM
  12. Acrobat Sign for VeevaVault
    1. Installation Guide
    2. User Guide
    3. Upgrade Guide
    4. Release Notes
  13. Acrobat Sign for Coupa BSM Suite
    1. Installation Guide
  14. Acrobat Sign for Zapier
    1. Acrobat Sign for Zapier overview
    2. Supported e-sign workflows      
    3. Supported Actions
    4. Create automated e-sign workflows
  15. Acrobat Sign Developer Documentation
    1. Overview
    2. Webhooks
    3. Text Tags


This document explains how to establish integration of Adobe Acrobat Sign with the Veeva Vault platform. Veeva Vault is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform built for life sciences. A “Vault” is a content and data repository with typical usage for regulatory filings, research reporting, grants applications, general contracting, and more. A single enterprise can have multiple ‘vaults’ that must be maintained separately.

The high-level steps to complete the integration are:

  • Activate your Administrative account in Adobe Acrobat Sign (New Customers Only).
  • Create objects to track the history of an agreement lifecycle in Vault.
  • Create a new Security profile.
  • Configure a Group in Adobe Acrobat Sign to hold the Veeva Vault integration user.
  • Create document fields and renditions.
  • Configure web actions and update the document lifecycle.
  • Create document type user and user role setup.
  • Connect Veeva Vault to Adobe Acrobat Sign using middleware.


To successfully install and use Adobe Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault:

  • You must have a license to Adobe Acrobat Sign Solutions for Enterprise.  Business or VIP Solutions of Adobe Acrobat Sign do not support prebuilt integrations.
  • You must have an Adobe Acrobat Sign admin account and an Adobe Acrobat Sign for Veeva integration admin account.
  • The end user email address should be the same in Adobe Acrobat Sign and Veeva Vault systems.

Acrobat Sign admin must perform the Adobe Acrobat Sign setup steps within Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Configure Veeva Vault

To configure Veeva Vault for integration with Adobe Acrobat Sign, you must implement the below listed steps.

To configure Adobe Acrobat Sign for Vault, a new group called Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin Group is created. This group is used to set the document field-level security for Adobe Acrobat Sign-related fields and should include Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Profile by default.


The Acrobat Sign Agreement Action object is a user task type object which is used to trigger Adobe Acrobat Sign notification within Veeva Vault whenever a document is assigned to the participant for signing. It contains information under the following specific fields.

Field Label Type Description
Agreement Id
String (250)
Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign’s unique agreement id.
String (128)
Holds the Sign Notification task name.

To create Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action object:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Objects.

  2. Select Create.

  3. Set the Object Label as Acrobat Sign Agreement Action, Object Plural Label as Acrobat Sign Agreement Actions, and Object Name as adobe_sign_agreement_action__c.


  4. From the Object Class dropdown, select User Task.

  5. From under Dynamic Access Control Section, select Enable Custom Sharing Rules.

  6. Select Save.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set Agreement Action

Deploy the package and follow the steps. Once deployed, the package creates:

  • Custom objects: Signature object, Signatory object, Signature Event object, Process Locker object
  • Signature object page layout
  • Signature Event object page layout
  • Signatory object page layout
  • Process Locker object page layout
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Task Log object page layout
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Rendition type
  • Original Rendition type
  • Shared field signature__c
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Web Action
  • Cancel Adobe Acrobat Sign Web Action
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin Actions Permission set
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Profile security profile
  • Application role Adobe Sign Admin Role
  • Document type group ‘Adobe Sign Document’
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Task log object
  • Task Status Picklist
  • Task Type Picklist
  • Acrobat Sign Agreement Action object
  • Acrobat Sign Agreement Action Permission Sharing Rule
  • Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action Page Link
  • Acrobat Sign Agreement Action Lifecycle

Signature object

Signature object is created to store agreement-related information. A Signature object is a database that contains information under the following specific fields:

Signature object fields
Field Label Type Description
external_id__c Agreement Id String (100) Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign’s unique agreement id
file_hash__c File Hash String (50) Holds the md5 checksum of the file that has been sent to Adobe Acrobat Sign
name__v Name String (128) Holds the agreement name
sender__c Sender Object (User) Holds the reference to the Vault user that has created the agreement
signature_status__c Signature Status String (75) Holds the agreement’s status in Adobe Acrobat Sign
signature_type__c Signature Type String (20) Holds the agreement’s signature type in Adobe Acrobat Sign (WRITTEN or ESIGN)
start_date__c Start Date DateTime Date when agreement has been sent for signature
cancellation_date__c Cancellation Date DateTime Holds the date when agreement has been cancelled.
completion_date__c Completion Date DateTime Holds the date when agreement has been completed.
viewable_rendition_used__c Viewable Rendition Used Boolean Flag that indicates if viewable rendition has been sent for signature. (by default, it is true)
plugin_version__c Plugin Version Text (10)

It is used to allow the appropriate processing of all agreements created before a new version 4.0 is deployed.

Note: After 4.0 custom web application version is deployed, this field will be set to 4.0 each time Signature record is created.

external_environment__c External Environment Text (20) Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign’s environment name in which the agreement has been created.

Signatory object

Signatory object is created to store information related to the participants in an agreement. It contains information under the following specific fields:

Signatory object fields
Field Label Type Description
email__c Email String (120) Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign’s unique agreement id
external_id__c Participant Id String (80) Holds Adobe Acrobat Sign unique participant’s identifier
name__v Name String (128) Holds Adobe Acrobat Sign participant’s name
order__c Order Number Holds Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement participant’s order number
role__c Role String (30) Holds Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement participant’s role
signature__c Signature Object (Signature) Holds the reference to the signature parent record
signature_status__c Signature Status String (100) Holds Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement participant’s status
user__c User Object (User) Holds the reference to the signatory’s user record if the participant is a Vault user
Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action
Holds the reference to the Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action record id

Signature Event object

Signature Event object is created to store an agreement’s event-related information. It contains information under the following specific fields:

Signature Event Object Fields
Field Label Type Description
acting_user_email__c Acting User Email String Holds the email of Adobe Acrobat Sign user that performed the action that caused event to be generated
acting_user_name__c Acting User Name String Holds the name of Adobe Acrobat Sign user that performed the action that caused event to be generated
description__c Description String Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign event’s description
event_date__c Event Date DateTime Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign event’s date and time
event_type__c Event type String Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign event’s type
name__v Name String Auto-generated event name
participant_comment__c Participant comment String Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign participant’s comment if any
participant_email__c Participant Email String Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign participant’s email
participant_role__c Participant Role String Holds the Adobe Acrobat Sign participant’s role
signature__c Signature Object (Signature) Holds the reference to the signature parent record
external_id__c External ID Text (200) Holds Agreement Event identifier generated by Adobe Sign.

Process Locker object

A Process Locker object is created to lock the Adobe Acrobat Sign integration process. It does not require any custom fields.


Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Task Log Object

Create Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Task Log (as_int_task_log__c). It is high volume object that is used to trace the execution of AgreementsEventsSynchronizerJob, AgreementsEventsProcessingJob, and Agreement Participant Notification
AgreementsEventsSynchronizerJob: This task ensures that all missing Agreement Events from Adobe Acrobat Sign are created as active Signature Events in Vault for all Signatures created in Vault in the past N days.
AgreementsEventsProcessingJob: This task ensures that all Documents with active Signature Event records are processed depending on event type.

Agreement Participant Notification: This task logs any error message for signature notification from Veeva SDK Code.

Task Log Object Fields
Field Label Type Description
start_date__c Start Date DateTime Task Start date
end_date__c End Date DateTime Task End date
task_status__c Task Status Picklist Holds task status:
Completed (task_completed__c) Completed With Errors (task_completed_with_errors__c) Failed (task_failed__c)
task_type__c Task Type Picklist

Holds task type:

Agreements Events Synchronization (agreements_events_synchronization__c) Agreements Events Processing (agreements_events_processing__c)

Agreement Participant Notification (agreement_participant_notification__c)

messages__c Message Long (32000) Holds task message
Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Task Log


The Signature, Signatory, Signature Event, Process Locker, and Task Log objects that come as a part of the deployment package have the ‘Audit data changes for this object’ property enabled by default.

Note: You can have Vault capture object record data changes in audit logs by enabling the Audit data changes setting. This setting is off by default. Once you enable this setting and create records, you can no longer disable it. If this setting is off and records exist, only a Vault Owner can update the setting.

Display Participants and History for the Signature Object

The Signature object that comes as a part of the deployment package comes with the Signature Detail Page Layout. The Page Layout has sections for Participants and History.

  • The Participants section has the Related Objects Section that is configured as shown in the image below. 

  • You can edit the columns to be displayed for the Participants, as shown below.

  • The History section has the Related Objects Section that is configured as shown in the image below.

  • You can edit the columns to be displayed for the History, as shown below.

View Participants & Audit History for the Adobe Acrobat Sign Document

  • To view the Participants and Audit history for the Adobe Acrobat Sign document, select the link in the ‘Adobe Acrobat Signature’ section of the document.

Configure Veeva Vault for Acrobat Sign integration

  • The page that opens displays the Participants and History for the Adobe Acrobat Sign document, as shown below.

  • View the audit trail for Signature as shown below.

Successful package deployment in Step 3 creates Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration profile. The Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Profile is assigned to the system account and is used by the integration when calling Vault APIs. This profile allows permissions for:

  • Vault APIs
  • Reading, creating, editing, and deleting: Signature, Signatory, Signature Events, and Process Locker objects

You must update the Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin Group (created in Step 1) by setting the included security profile to Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Profile, as shown in the image below.


The Vault system account user of Adobe Acrobat Sign integration must:

  • Have an Adobe Acrobat Sign Integration Profile
  • Have a security profile
  • Have a specific security policy that disables password expiration
  • Be a member of Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin Group

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Create Vault system account user of Adobe Acrobat Sign integration.


  2. Add the user to the Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin Group.


When you deploy the Adobe Acrobat Sign package, it creates a Document Type Group record called ‘Adobe Sign Document’.


You must add this document type group for all document classifications that are eligible for Adobe Acrobat Sign process. Since document type group property is not inherited from type to subtype nor from subtype to classification level, it must be set for each document’s classification that is eligible for Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Document Types Edit Details

Note: If the User Role Setup object does not contain the field that refers to the Document Type Group object, you must add the field. To do so, go to Object User Role Setup > Fields and complete the required steps, as shown in the image below.



Once lifecycles are properly configured, the system should ensure that the Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin user is added by DAC for all documents that are eligible for the Adobe Acrobat Sign process. This is done by creating the appropriate User Role Setup record that specifies:

  • Document Type Group as Adobe Sign Document
  • Application Role as Adobe Sign Admin Role
  • Integration user

The package deployment creates following new shared document field that are required for establishing the integration:

  • Signature (signature__c)

To set up Document Fields:

  1. Go to the Configuration tab and select Document Fields Shared Fields.

  2. In the Display Section field, select Create Display Section and assign Adobe Acrobat Signature as the Section label.


  3. For the shared Document fields (signature__c), update the UI section with Adobe Acrobat Signature as the section label.


  4. Add the Signature Shared Fields to all document types that are eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature. To do so, on the Base Document page, select Add Existing Shared Field from the top-right corner.



  5. Signature field must have a specific security that allows only members of Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin Group to update their values.


Existing shared field Disable Vault Overlays (disable_vault_overlays__v) should also be added and set to Active for all document types that are eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature. Optionally, the field can have a specific security that allows only members of Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin group to update its value.

The new rendition type called Adobe Acrobat Sign Rendition (adobe_sign_rendition__c) is used by Vault integration to upload signed PDF documents to Adobe Acrobat Sign. You must declare the Adobe Acrobat Sign rendition for each document type that is eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature.



The new rendition type called Original Rendition (original_rendition__c) is used by the Vault integration as the name of the rendition that should be used to store the original viewable rendition if the signed document is imported as a viewable rendition.

You must declare the Original Rendition for each document type that is eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature.


Optionally, the vault can have a new rendition type Adobe Acrobat Audit Trail Rendition (adobe_audit_trail_rendition__c), which is used by Vault integration to store Adobe Acrobat 
audit trail report.

Follow the steps below to set up Adobe Acrobat Audit Trail Rendition:

  1. Go to Rendition Type > Create New Rendition Type

  2. Set the new Rendition Type as Adobe Acrobat Audit Trail Rendition and name as adobe_audit_trail_rendition__c.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Audit trail rendition

  3. Select Save.

  4. To view and download the Adobe Acrobat Audit Trail Rendition for document, declare Adobe Acrobat Audit Trail rendition for each document type that is eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Edit details


    You can choose to attach the audit report to the signed rendition by enabling Attach Audit Report to Signed Rendition and display the rendition by enabling Display Acrobat Sign Rendition in Admin UI settings.

    audit-trail-rendition-setup 3

When a user opts for a digital signature agreement with the above settings, a message (as shown below) is displayed indicating that Adobe Acrobat Sign is using PDF Portfolio for combining digitally signed PDF and audit trail reports.

To view the document content along with the digital signature and Audit Trail, do not select 'Attach Audit Report to Signed Rendition' with 'Display Acrobat Sign Rendition' in Admin UI for digital signature.

You can use Adobe Acrobat Audit Trail Rendition to download or view the Adobe Acrobat audit trail as a separate rendition.

Download or view Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement and audit trail.

Adobe Acrobat Sign and Vault integration requires you to configure the following two web actions, which are created upon successful package deployment.

  • Create Adobe Acrobat Sign: It creates or displays Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement.

    Type: Document
    Target: Display within Vault
    Credentials: Enable Post Session credentials via Post Message

Configure Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault


In Veeva Vault, a document can have multiple versions. If a user tries to use an older version of the document to create an agreement, they will receive an error message. 

To prevent users from using older versions of documents, you must update Web Action by adding latest version(&latestVersion=${Document.latest_version__v}) query param to existing web action URL.


Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Cancel action

For each document type eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature, you must update the corresponding document lifecycle by adding a new lifecycle role and states.

Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement lifecycle has the following states:


To update the document lifecycle, follow the steps below:

  1. Add Lifecycle role. Adobe Sign Admin application role must be added in all lifecycles used by documents eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature, as shown below.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault:  Create lifecycle role

    The admin role should be created with the following options:

    • Enabled Dynamic Access Control.
    • Document sharing rules that include only Document Type Group, as shown in the image below.
    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Sharing rule

  2. Create Lifecycle states. To do so, go to Settings > Configuration > Document Lifecycles > General Lifecycles > States > Create. Next, create the following states:

    • In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft

    • In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring

    • In Adobe Acrobat Signing

  3. Add User Actions to the below-listed states.

    When a Vault document is sent to Adobe Acrobat Sign, its state should correspond to the state in which the agreement is. To do so, add the following states in every lifecycle used by documents eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature:

    • Before Adobe Acrobat Signature (Reviewed): This is a placeholder name for the state from which the document can be sent to Adobe Acrobat Sign. Based on the document type, it can be Draft state or Reviewed. Document state labels can be customized as per the customer’s requirements. Before Adobe Acrobat Signature state must define the following two user actions:
      • Action that changes the state of the document to In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft state. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types for any lifecycle.
      • Action that calls the Web Action ‘Adobe Acrobat Sign’. 

    Enable Reviewed state Security Settings for Adobe Sign Admin Role: This state must have security that allows Adobe Sign Admin Role to View Documents, View Content, Edit Fields, Edit Relationships, Download Source, Manage Viewable Rendition.

    Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

    • Modify Reviewed state Atomic Security by setting In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft by default to Hidden and only Execute for Adobe Sign Admin Role.

    Note: If the Adobe Sign Admin Role role is not Part of Atomic Security: User Actions, Add Adobe Sign Admin Role by selecting Edit Role Override. Next, add Adobe Sign Admin Role for Reviewed State.




    • In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft: This is a placeholder name for the state that indicates that the document is already uploaded to Adobe Acrobat Sign and that its agreement is in a DRAFT state. It is a required state. This state must define the following five user actions:
      • Action that changes the state of the document to In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring state. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types for any lifecycle.
      • Action that changes the state of the document to In Adobe Acrobat Signing state. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types for any lifecycle.
      • Action that changes the state of the document to Adobe Acrobat Sign Cancelled state. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types for any lifecycle.
      • Action that calls the Web Action Adobe Acrobat Sign.
      • Action that calls the Web Action Cancel Adobe Acrobat Sign.

    Enable In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft state Security Settings for Adobe Sign Admin Role: This state must have security that allows Adobe Sign Admin role to View Documents, View Content, Edit Fields, Edit Relationships, Download Source, Manage Viewable Rendition.

    Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

    • Modify In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft state Atomic Security: actions Adobe Acrobat Sign CancelledIn Adobe Acrobat Sign AuthoringIn Adobe Acrobat Signing must be hidden for everyone except for Adobe Sign Admin Role

    Note: If Adobe Sign Admin Role is not Part of Atomic Security: User Actions, add Adobe Sign Admin Role by selecting Edit > Role Override. Next, add the Adobe Sign Admin Role role for In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft State.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set user action rules in Acrobat Draft

    • In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring: This is a placeholder name for a state that indicates that the document is already uploaded to Adobe Acrobat Sign and that its agreement is in AUTHORING or DOCUMENTS_NOT_YET_PROCESSED state. It is a required state. This state must have the following four user actions defined:
      • Action that changes the state of the document to Adobe Acrobat Sign Cancelled state. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types no matter what the lifecycle is.
      • Action that changes the state of the document to In Adobe Acrobat Signing state. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types no matter what the lifecycle is.
      • Action that calls the Web Action ‘Adobe Acrobat Sign’
      • Action that calls the Web Action ‘Cancel Adobe Acrobat Sign’.
    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set user action rules in Acrobat authoring

    Enable In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring state Security Settings for Adobe Sign Admin Role: This state must have security that allows Adobe Sign Admin role to View Documents, View Content, Edit Fields, Edit Relationships, Download Source, Manage Viewable Rendition.

    Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

    • Modify In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring state Atomic Security: actions Adobe Acrobat Sign Cancelled and In Adobe Acrobat Signing must be hidden for everyone except for Adobe Sign Admin Role

    Note: If Adobe Sign Admin Role is not Part of Atomic Security: User Actions, add Adobe Sign Admin Role by selecting Edit > Role Override. Next, add the Adobe Sign Admin Role role for In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring State.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set user action rules in Acrobat Authoring

    • In Adobe Acrobat Signing: This is a placeholder name for the state that indicates that the document is uploaded to Adobe Acrobat Sign and that its agreement is already sent to participants (OUT_FOR_SIGNATURE or OUT_FOR_APPROVAL state). It is a required state. This state must have the following five user actions defined:
      • Action that changes the state of the document to Adobe Acrobat Sign Cancelled state. The target state of this action can be whatever customer requirement is and it can be different for different types. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types no matter what the lifecycle is.
      • Action that changes the state of the document to Adobe Acrobat Sign Rejected state. The target state of this action can be whatever customer requirement is and it can be different for different types. The name of this user action must be the same for all document types no matter what the lifecycle is.
      • Action that changes the state of the document to Adobe Acrobat Signed state. The target state of this action can be whatever customer requirement is and it can be different for different types. However, the name of this user action must be the same for all document types no matter what the lifecycle is.
      • Action that calls the Web Action Adobe Acrobat Sign.
      • Action that calls Web Action Cancel Adobe Acrobat Sign.
    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set user action rules in Acrobat Signing

    Enable In Adobe Acrobat Signing state Security settings for Adobe Sign Admin Role: This state must have security that allows Adobe Sign Admin role to View Documents, View Content, Edit Fields, Edit Relationships, Download Source, Manage Viewable Rendition.

    Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

    • Modify In Adobe Acrobat Signing state Atomic Security: actions Adobe Acrobat Sign CancelledAdobe Acrobat Sign Rejected, and Adobe Acrobat Signed must be hidden for everyone except for Adobe Sign Admin Role

    Note: If Adobe Sign Admin Role is not Part of Atomic Security: User Actions, add Adobe Sign Admin Role by selecting Edit > Role Override. Next, add the Adobe Sign Admin Role role for In Adobe Acrobat Signing State.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Add Adobe Sign Admin Role

    • Adobe Acrobat Signed (Approved): This is a placeholder name for the state that indicates that the document is uploaded to Adobe Acrobat Sign and that its agreement is completed (SIGNED or APPROVED state). It is a required state and it can be an existing lifecycle state, like Approved.
      This state does not require user actions. 
    • Enable Approved state Security settings for Adobe Sign Admin Role: This state must have security that allows Adobe Sign Admin role to View Documents, View Content, Edit Fields.
    Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

    The following diagram illustrates the mappings between the Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement and Vault document states, where the ‘Before Adobe Signature’ state is Draft.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Agreement states

For each document type eligible for Adobe Acrobat Signature, you must update the stage for the corresponding document lifecycle in Lifecycle Stage Groups.

  1. To add Adobe Acrobat Sign Stage, select Create and provide Stage Label as Adobe Acrobat Sign and Stage Name as adobe_sign__c.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Update lifecycle stage

  2. Select Add and then add the following states to Adobe Acrobat Sign Stage:

    • In Adobe Acrobat Authoring
    • In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft
    • In Adobe Acrobat Signing
    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Lifecycle and states

You must set appropriate permissions for each User Role in Lifecycle States, as shown in the image below:

Before Adobe Acrobat Signature (Reviewed)

Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

In Adobe Acrobat Sign Draft

Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

In Adobe Acrobat Sign Authoring

Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

In Adobe Acrobat Signing

Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

Adobe Acrobat Signed (Approved)

Security tab in the States window is opened in sign integrations

Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set user actions

Vault Users, who are required to sign the Adobe Acrobat Sign agreement, must have permission to Read and Edit the Acrobat Sign Agreement Action object. To do so:

  1. Go to Admin > Users and Groups > Security Profiles.

  2. Select the Security Profile of the vault user.

  3. Select the name of Permission Sets to set the Read and Edit permissions for the Acrobat Sign Agreement Action object.

    Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set object permissions

Once you successfully deploy the package, it creates an Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action Page Link that is used to navigate users to a custom page destination. Recipients can select the assigned signing notification task to access the Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action Page Link and take action on the document.

  • Page Mode: View
  • Page Type: Object
  • Object: Acrobat Sign Agreement Action
  • URL:{{}}&objectId={{}}&useWaitPage=true
Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement Action Page

Acrobat Sign for Veeva Vault: Set Agreement Action Permission

Connect Veeva Vault to Adobe Acrobat Sign using middleware

After completing the setup for Veeva Vault and the Adobe Acrobat Sign Admin account, the administrator must create a connection between the two accounts using the middleware. The Veeva Vault and Adobe Acrobat Sign account connection is initiated by Adobe Acrobat Sign Identity and then it is used to store the Veeva Vault identity.
For system security and stability, the administrator must use a dedicated Veeva Vault system/service/utility account, such as, instead of a personal user account, such as

An Adobe Acrobat Sign account administrator must follow the below steps to connect Veeva Vault to Adobe Acrobat Sign using middleware:

  1. Select Login from the top-right corner.


  2. To authorize the level of access to the application, select Acrobat Sign OAuth scope as ACCOUNT or GROUP. Next, select Authorize.


  3. In the Adobe Acrobat Sign login page that opens, provide the account administrator email and password, then select Sign in.

    Sign in to Acrobat Sign

    After successful signing in, the page displays the associated email id and a Settings tab, as shown below.


  4. Select the Settings tab.

    The Settings page displays the available connections, and shows No connections available in case of the first connection setup, as shown below.


  5. To add a new connection, select Add Connection .

  6. In the Add Connection dialog that opens, provide the required details including the Veeva Vault credentials.

    The Adobe Acrobat Sign Credentials are auto populated from the initial Adobe Acrobat Sign login.


  7. To validate the account details, select Validate.

    On successful validation, you see a ‘User validated successfully’ notification, as shown below.


  8. To restrict the usage to a particular Adobe Acrobat Sign Group, expand the Group drop-down list and select one of the available groups.


  9. To attach the audit report to the signed rendition, select the checkbox Attach Audit Report to Signed Rendition.


  10. To allow auto-provisioning of users in Adobe Acrobat Sign, select the checkbox Auto Provision Sign Users.

    Note: Auto Provisioning of new Adobe Acrobat Sign Users works only if it has been enabled at the Adobe Acrobat Sign Account Level in Adobe Acrobat Sign, in addition to enabling Auto Provision Sign Users for the Veeva Vault Adobe Acrobat Sign integration by the Adobe Acrobat Sign Account Administrator, as shown below.


  11. To configure Adobe Acrobat Sign Rendition to be displayed in Veeva instead of the Original Rendition, select the checkbox Display Acrobat Sign Rendition.


  12. Select Save to save your new connection.

    The new connection appears under the Settings tab showing successful integration between Veeva Vault and Adobe Acrobat Sign.


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