Timeline basics


The playhead displays a frame in the Monitor at any given position on the Timeline.

  1. Drag the playhead to move it along the Timeline.

    Playhead controller
    Playhead controller

To view more than one frame at a time, create additional playheads. Multiple playheads are useful for comparing different parts of the same shot or scene. For more information, see Compare frames with multiple playheads.


Add tracks to the Timeline to generate layers for grading, add audio to the project, or to adjust the framing with pan and scan.

Tracks on the Timeline
Multiple tracks

You can add the following tracks to the Timeline:


Blue track. To add footage to the timeline, see Select a clip.


Red track. To add a grading track, see Create a grading track.


Solid green track. To add an audio track, open the Desktop, locate the audio file (wav or aiff file), and drag it on the Timeline. Repeat this procedure with additional audio files.

To change values for sound output, such as the mixing frequency, select Settings > Sound. The Settings menu is on the upper-right corner of the SpeedGrade workspace.

Pan & scan

Transparent green track. To add a pan & scan track, see Create a pan and scan track.

Manage tracks

You can manage the tracks on the Timeline with the tools on the left side of each track.

Manage track options
Drag, lock, and eye icons

  • To show or hide the track, click the Eye icon.
  • To lock or unlock the track, click the Lock icon.
  • To delete the track, click the Drag icon and drag the track off the Timeline.

Play a part of the Timeline

Specify the part of the Timeline to play by repositioning in- and out-points. The two points are located above the tracks, at either end of the clip or playlist.

In point


In- and out-points in SpeedGrade are not used to edit clips as in Adobe Premiere Pro. They're used to control playback.

Do any of the following to reposition the in- and out-points:

  • Drag the in- and out-points along the Timeline.
  • Hold Shift to drag both points together.
  • Control-click the in- or out-point to reset it to its default position.
  • Double-click a clip to set the points to the start and end of the clip. Double-click again to set the points to the start and end of the Timeline.


You can also double-click the in- or out-point icon and specify a frame number for it.

Navigate along the Timeline

If you have multiple clips or tracks on your Timeline, you can navigate from clip to clip or from track to track. Moving from one track to another changes the selected SpeedGrade panel. For example, moving to a grading track opens the Look panel. Moving to a pan and scan track opens the Pan & Scan panel.

Result Windows
Mac OS
Go the next clip Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Cmd+Shift+Right Arrow
Go to previous clip Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow Cmd+Shift+Left Arrow
Go to track above Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow Cmd+Shift+Up Arrow
Go to track below Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow Cmd+Shift+Down Arrow

Zoom the Timeline

  1. Select the Master Timeline view from the view menu on the upper-left side of the Timeline.
  2. Press Ctrl+Scrollwheel.


Zooming works only in the Master or Playhead view of the Timeline. See Change the Timeline view.

Delete the Timeline

Click the Delete (X) icon on the right side of the Timeline and confirm that you want to delete the Timeline.