Find assets similar to another asset

The Adobe Stock Find Similar feature quickly finds assets, including videos, that are similar to a specific asset. Narrow the results further by content, color, or composition. Combine Find Similar with a keyword search or other filters, and reduce hours of search time.

Find assets similar to an Adobe Stock asset

The Find Similar feature locates assets that match the content, color, and composition of an image, or the content and color of a video.

Enter a keyword in the search bar and select an asset. Then hover over the asset and choose Find Similar. (Alternatively, while browsing search results, you can simply drag an Adobe Stock asset thumbnail to the search bar.)

You can further refine your search by choosing one of the sub-filters:

  • Content  Finds more images and videos containing the main content. For example, if the main subject is a laughing child, Content returns images and videos of a laughing child in a variety of settings and backgrounds.
  • Color  Finds images and videos that have the same light effect or color set as the selected asset.
  • Composition  Finds images with the same content arrangement as in the selected image. This is a fast way to find images that feature an isolated object in the center, or a right or left-justified image.

Find assets based on your own image

You can base a search on an image you upload and use the subfilters to further narrow the results. For example, to find an image that fits into your brand palette, upload a branded image and then choose the Color subfilter. You can then add a keyword to get images containing a specific subject and using the colors of your original image. 

To start the search, click the camera icon in the search bar, and then upload a file.

To further narrow the assets, apply one of ColorContent, or Composition subfilters from the Find Similar panel on the left.

Find assets by changing the position and size of a subject

You can further refine a search by selecting something you like in an image and then changing its size or position (or both). The search then looks for assets that better match that subject with its new size and location. When you found a model or object you like, this feature can help you find different scenarios using the same subject — making it easier to tell a continuous story across a campaign.

Start by uploading an image for a visual search, or selecting an image from your keyword search results and clicking the Find Similar button. Click one of the dots in the Find Similar pane to select an object or person in the image. Then do one of the following:

  • Resize the object or person to specify the prominence of the object or person in the image.
  • Move the object or person to a different part of the image to specify where you want the object or person to appear in the image.
  • Change the keywords to find the object or model in a different scenario.

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