Updating Acrobat and using Adobe Digital Editions

Updating Acrobat

Acrobat application files and components can be updated in a variety of ways. Some updates are available when you open a PDF that triggers the updating process automatically. For example, if you open a form that uses Asian-language fonts, you are asked whether you want to download the fonts. Other updates are available only from the Help menu, and must be installed manually. Some updates are available both automatically and manually.

Manually update the software

  1. Choose Help > Check For Updates, and follow any onscreen instructions.

Change updating preferences

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat / Adobe Acrobat Reader > Preferences (Mac OS).

  2. From the Categories on the left, select Updater.
  3. In the Check For Updates section, select one of the following options for installing updates:

    Automatically install updates (recommended)

    (Windows) Acrobat regularly checks for important updates, downloads them, and installs them automatically. When finished, you are alerted via a small message in the system tray that your software has been updated. This method is the best way to keep Acrobat up-to-date and more secure.

    Automatically download updates, but let me choose when to install them

    Acrobat regularly checks for important updates and downloads them. Acrobat prompts you to start the installation.

    Notify me, but let me choose when to download and install updates

    Acrobat regularly checks for important updates and notifies you. You can choose to download and install the updates at your convenience.

    Do not download or install updates

    Acrobat doesn't check for updates. Instead, you check for updates yourself (Help > Check For Updates). This option is the least secure and recommended only for organizations that deploy updates using other methods.

Manage security settings

If your organization uses server-based security policies, you can set up Acrobat to regularly check for updates to these policies. Server-based security is set up by an administrator who provides the URL from which to get security updates.

  1. In the Preferences dialog box under Categories, select Security.
  2. In the Security Settings, select Load Security Settings From A Server.
  3. Type the server address in the URL field.
  4. Select how often you want to check for security updates.
  5. Select Ask Before Installing to receive notification before the server is checked for policy updates.

Adobe Digital Editions

Use the free Adobe® Digital Editions software to read and organize eBooks and other publications.Adobe Digital Editions is a separate web-based rich Internet application (RIA) that replaces the eBooks features in previous versions of Acrobat.

When you install Adobe Digital Editions, your existing bookshelf items are automatically imported and available within the new Adobe Digital Editions bookshelf experience. You can also manually import individual PDFs into your Adobe Digital Editions bookshelf.


When you open an eBook for the first time, the Adobe Digital Editions software is automatically installed on your computer.

For more information about Adobe Digital Editions and to download the software, see www.adobe.com/go/learn_acr_digital_en.

