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Create Virtual Reality (VR) projects

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Create a VR project with 360 image

Nothing captures your attention like a 360° image or video. Such assets give you a perception of being there in the scene, without actually being there. A 360° image or a video is an abstraction of a real-world panoramic image, which is shot using an omni-directional camera.

A 360° is an immersive experience. In eLearning, 360° images or videos, apart from giving you a sense of presence, makes you relive an experience. You can focus on multiple aspects, while gaining a high degree or recall.

360° images and videos have disrupted industries across multiple verticals. From new hire orientation to visualizing complex aerodynamics, 360° assets have given instructors all the power to deliver cutting-edge training programs.

Typically, on a 360° image or video, you interact via hotspots, which you click and view text, audio, video, or take a quiz.

Because of the accommodation for drawing on the inside of the sphere, you will need special images to create a 360 VR experience. You may create 360 images with a 360 camera, and by using 360 output features from various 3D authoring tools. You will also find many 360 VR images available on stock.adobe.com, Adobe’s photo and media stock purchasing service as well as many other stock photography resources.

To create a VR project,

  1. Click File > New Project > VR Project.

  2. On the stage, you can add both a 360 image or video. To add an image, click + and add the image.

    Add asset
    Add asset

    To add more slides, click Slides > 360 slide.

  3. Once you have added a 360 image, add hotspots on the image.

    A hotspot can be a graphic or a text, which activates a function when selected. Hotspots are common in eLearning projects, where selecting a hotspot can trigger any event, such as audio or text.

    To add a Hotspot, click Hotspots on the menu bar, and choose any Hotspot.


    After you have added a hotspot or series of hotspots, the image looks like as shown below:

    Add hotspots
    Add hotspots

  4. Assign an interaction to the hotspot. When a learner interacts with the Hotspot via gaze or a controller, an event or an interaction gets triggered, which enables the learner to absorb the required information.

    To associate an interaction with a Hotspot, choose the Hotspot, and choose an action from the On Click drop-down list.

    Depending on the action you've chosen, the hotspot triggers that event.

    As an example, consider a situation where you want your learner to see some text upon clicking a hotspot.

  5. To add text to the hotspot, select the hotspot, and choose the option Display Text in the list.

    Display text- option
    Display text- option

    In the Text field, add text. The text you add appears when the project is previewed and your learner clicks the hotspot.

    Add text
    Add text

    There are a few options using which you can control how your hotspots or 360 images or videos appear while previewing or after publishing.


    When a 360 slide is marked as guided, the learner during preview/publish, is guided from one hotspot to another automatically once the display time corresponding to them expires to the adjacent hotspots present at the same frame on the timeline(the order of visit is governed by the order of insertion in the timeline, that is bottom to top, bottom being visited first ). You can reorder the hotspots in the Timeline to change the order of visit.


    When you mark a VR slide as Exploratory, the focus remains on the content that is visible on stage, when the project is previewed or published.

    Must View Once

    When you mark a Hotspot as Must View Once, the Hotspot must be clicked at least once before navigating to the other Hotspots. If you mark a quiz Hotspot as Must View Once, then if you click any other Hotspot (with a navigation action or continue), you can see the pop-up below:

    Pop-up message
    Pop-up message

    Preview text changes on stage

    In Update 2 of the 2019 release of Captivate Classic, you can preview the changes that you make on text on the stage. Change the properties of the text and see the text change right on the stage.

    Preview text changes

    1. Insert a Hotspot on the 360 slide.

    2. On the Property Inspector, under the Actions tab, choose Display Text in the On Click drop-down list.

    3. Enter text and edit the properties of the text. The text changes as and when you change any text properties.

      Text preview
      Text preview


    In Update 2, the timing propeties of the options Display Text and Display Image have been deprecated.

  6. After you've added the text, preview the project. When you click the hotspot in the preview mode, the text appears the way you had modified it in the previous step.


To view the output of the VR project, host it on a web server or an LMS.

Edit Hotspots

VR Hotspot Enhancements

When you add a Hotspot on a 360 slide, you can also fill the Hotspot with any color. To fill a Hotspot,

Fill hotspot

  1. Select the Hotspot on the stage.

  2. Double-click the Hotspot and choose an SVG path. In SVG, you can use a path to create lines, curves, arcs, and more. A path is also a combination of multiple shapes, for example, straight or curved lines. A path can be as complex as a series of polylines; therefore, it is important to know the right path to apply a color to.

    The blue boundary on the SVG shows the path selected in the SVG and changing color would change color for that path only.

  3. Apply any color to the selected path of the SVG.


In runtime, when you hover the mouse pointer on a Hotspot, you can see a glow effect on the Hotspot.

Hotspot glow

Play video after clicking a Hotspot

VR Play Video Action for Hotspots

You can play a video when you click a Hotspot after previewing or publishing a Virtual Reality project.

To insert a video,

  1. On a 360 slide, insert a Hotspot. On the toolbar, click Hotspots, and choose any Hotspot.

  2. After adding the Hotspot, select the Hotspot, and on the On Click drop-down list in the Property Inspector, choose the option Play Video.

    Play video
    Play video

  3. Choose any video (mp4) from your computer. Click the Folder button to choose the video. The name of the video also displays.

    Choose video
    Choose video

  4. When you preview or publish the project, and you click the Hotspot, the video starts playing

    On runtime, you can perform the following:

    • Play and pause the video.
    • Close the video by clicking X on the top-right corner of the video.

Add a question slide

Apart from text and videos, you can also insert graded and knowledge check slides to gauge the competencies of your learners and grade them at the end of a program.

Typically, your learner clicks a hotspot and a question slide appears. The learner can take the quiz and is graded accordingly.

  1. Add a hotspot on the image, as described in the previous section.

  2. Choose the hotspot and click Add Questions in the Property Inspector.

  3. In the Insert Questions dialog, choose the type of question.

    Insert questions
    Insert questions

    After you click OK, add the questions to the slides. You can change the font of your questions and color and the size of the font. 

  4. Modify the text properties of the success and failure captions, as needed.

  5. Preview the project. The hotspot that triggers the quiz appears upon preview.

    When you click the hotspot, the question appears, and you can take the quiz.

Include Hotspot in Quiz

You can add a Hotspot in reporting of a quiz. On a 360° slide, insert a Hotspot.

For any action selected from the On Click drop-down list, you can see the option Include in Quiz.

When you choose the option, all clicks on the Hotspot will be included in the quiz. You can then assign points to each click and add the reporting to an LMS.

Create a VR project with 360 video

  1. To create a VR project, click File > New Project > VR Project.

    On the stage, click +, and insert a 360 video.


    The supported file formats for 360 videos are:

    • mp4
  2. Add hotspots on the video wherever required.

  3. Add the actions for the hotspots or add question slides.

Live preview on devices

See exactly how your eLearning content plays out on your learners’ VR devices.

Use the live preview feature in Adobe Captivate Classic to generate a QR code that you can scan using a mobile device and mirror the project real time on your device browser. 

  1. To launch a live preview, open a VR project, and click Preview > Live Preview in Devices.

  2. On the QR code that appears, scan the code.

    QR code
    QR code

  3. After you scan the code, a URL appears. Share this URL with others (in the same network), so that your project can be previewed in real time.

  4. After you click the link, the VR preview appears on your phone, as depicted below:

  5. Insert your phone in a VR glass and you can enjoy a complete 360, immersive experience.

Publish for VR devices

Once you've previewed your VR project and made the required changes, you can go ahead and publish your project, which a VR device can stream.

  1. To publish for a VR device, click Publish > Publish for VR Devices.

  2. Enter the project title and the location of your published project.

    For publishing options, see Publish projects as HTML.

  3. After uploading the project on a web server, use the project URL with your VR devices.


After publishing the VR project, you can only view the project on a web server.

If you click just the index.html in the publish folder, you cannot view the project. A web server is mandatory.

Compatibility with Oculus devices

Captivate Classic is compatible with Oculus devices if the device's browser supports the WebXR API. To check if your VR device is compatible, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Oculus browser on your VR headset.

  2. Navigate to this WebXR compatibility test. 

If you can enter an immersive VR session, the device is compatible. Here’s how Captivate Classic behaves based on the type of device and browser:

  • Oculus or VR Headset with WebXR support: You can fully experience immersive VR content, such as 3D environments, interactions, and hotspots.
  • Mobile browser with WebXR support (e.g., when used with a cardboard VR viewer): You’ll have a similar immersive VR experience. 
  • Desktop browser (without a VR headset): Immersive VR is not supported, but you can still interact with hotspots and explore 360-degree space. 

If your device does not support immersive VR, you can still access our 360-degree features using Captivate Classic, but you won't have the full virtual reality experience. 

