Adobe Campaign Classic | Product Description


Last Updated: February 13, 2018

What is Adobe Campaign?

Adobe Campaign provides a platform for designing cross-channel customer experiences and provides an environment for visual campaign orchestration, real time interaction management and cross channel execution.

Products and Services         

License Metric            


Adobe Campaign Classic

Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software


License Metric            


Channel : Email

Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Channel : SMS Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Channel: Mobile App Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Channel: Call Center Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Channel: Direct Mail Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Channel: Social Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Channel: Inbound Interactions Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Distributed Marketing

Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Email BCC  Per 1,000 Active Profiles

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Email Rendering  Per 1,000 Email    Renderings

Managed Services


On-premise Software

Cloud Messaging Per 1,000 Emails


On-demand Services

(Hybrid Deployment)

Additional Infrastructure        

License Metric            


Transactional Messaging

Per Dedicated Server per year

Managed Services


On-demand Software

(Hybrid Deployment)

IPv4 Addresses (supported for
Production Instances only)

Per IPv4 Addres

Managed Services


On-demand Software 

(Hybrid Deployment)

Image Serving

Gigabytes per month

Managed Services


On-demand Software

(Hybrid Deployment)

Domain Delegations

Per Domain Delegation

Managed Services


On-demand Software

(Hybrid Deployment)

Total Database Storage

Gigabytes per year

Managed Services

Engine Calls

Per Engine Calls per day

Managed Services

Staging Instances

Per Instance

Managed Services

Product Limitations Adobe Campaign Classic

Email Rendering: Includes 1,500 Email Renderings per year.

Transactional Messaging:  Transactional Messaging includes one Dedicated Server and functions with the following Channels: Email,SMS, and Mobile App.

Delivery Fundamentals: Included for new Campaign Customers only. Paid hours required for additional Affiliated brands of Customer, or for  Customer’s expansion to new regions. 

Additional Capabilities and Infrastructure: Customer may elect to license Additional Capabilities and Additional Infrastructure as described above.

Adobe Maintenance and Support

Adobe Maintenance Support is included with term licenses to the On-premise Software, but must be purchased separately for perpetual licenses to the On-premise Software.

The Adobe Maintenance and Support program is provided under the most-current terms and conditions for Adobe Maintenance and Support.

IT Infrastructure Resources by Active Profiles Tiers

Adobe Campaign Classic Managed Services

  Maximum Number of Active Profiles in Millions[1]  
<1 1 to <2 2 to <5 5 to <10 10 to <20 20 to <50 50 to 100
Total Database Storage in Gigabytes 120 200 300 550 1,100 2,000 4,000
Production Instance Database Storage in Gigabytes 60 100 150 275 550 1,000 2,000
Staging Instance Database Storage in Gigabytes 60 100 150 275 550 1,000 2,000
SFTP Storage in Gigabytes 40 60 80 100 200 300 300
Image Serving-Bandwidth in Gigabytes per month 1,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 20,000
Engine Calls per day[2] 20,000  20,000 50,000 50,000 70,000 100,000 150,000
Maximum Engine Calls per second[2] 2 2 5 5 7 10 15
Peak Volume - Number of Emails per hour [2] [3] 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000
Maximum Email Size in Kilobytes 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Total Number of Domain Delegations  8 8 12 12 16 24 32
Number of IPv4 Addresses 4 4 8 8 8 16 32

Adobe Campaign Classic - Channel: Inbound Interactions[4]

 Inbound Interactions per day








 Maximum Inbound Interactions per second








[1] If the maximum number of Active Profiles exceeds 100 Million, the resources will be custom-scoped as indicated in the applicable Sales Order.  Unless otherwise stated in the Sales Order, Total Database Storage in custom-scoped infrastructure will be divided equally between: the Production and Staging Instance. Additional Staging Instances licensed by Customer each include the amount of storage indicated in the Default IT Infrastructure tables above for the applicable Active Profile Tier.

[2] Excluding Transactional Messaging.

[3] If Customer has activated Transport Layer Security (TLS), then these numbers will not apply.

[4] This infrastructure is included only for Customers who license Inbound Interactions.

Solution Plus Customers - Default IT Infrastructure Resources by Active Profile Tiers Adobe Campaign Classic Managed Services for Solution Plus Customers

  Maximum Number of Active Profiles in Millions[5]  
<1 1 to <2 2 to <5 5 to <10 10 to <20
Total Database Storage in Gigabytes 150 300 600 1,200 2,400
Production Instance Database Storage in Gigabytes 75 150 300 600 1,200
Staging Instance Database Storage in Gigabytes 75 150 300 600 1,200
SFTP Storage in Gigabytes 40 60 80 100 200
Image Serving-Bandwidth in Gigabytes per month 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 20,000
Engine Calls per day[6] 20,000  20,000 50,000 50,000 70,000
Maximum Engine Calls per second[6] 2 2 5 5 7
Peak Volume - Number of Emails per hour[6] [7] 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000
Maximum Email Size in Kilobytes 60 60 60 60 60
Number of IPv4 Addresses 4 6 8 10 12

Adobe Campaign Classic Solution Plus - Channel: Inbound Interactions[8]

Inbound Interactions per day






Maximum Inbound Interactions per second






[5] If the maximum number of Active Profiles exceeds 20 Million, the resources will be custom-scoped as indicated in the applicable Sales Order.  Unless otherwise stated in the Sales Order, Total Database Storage in custom-scoped infrastructure will be divided equally between the Production and Staging Instances.  Additional Staging Instances licensed by Customer each include the amount of storage indicated in the Default IT Infrastructure tables above for the applicable Active Profile Tier.

[6] Excluding Transactional Messaging.

[7] If Customer has TLS, then these numbers will not apply.

[8] This infrastructure is included only for Customers who license Inbound Interactions. 

IT Infrastructure and Limitations by Email Tiers for Hybrid Deployment:

  Maximum Emails (Millions per Year)[9]  
<36 36 to <72 72 to <180 180 to <360 360 to <720
 Peak Volume (Number of Emails per hour) [9] [10]  250,000 250,000
Image Serving- in Gigabytes per month 1,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 5,000
Maximum Email Size in Kilobytes 60 60 60 60 60
Number of IPv4 Addresses 4 4 8 8 8
Number of Domain Delegations (up to and including
designated number)
4 8 12 12 16

[9] If the maximum number of emails exceeds 720 Million, the resources will be custom-scoped as indicated in the applicable Sales Order.

[10] Excluding Transactional Messaging.


Active Profile means a Profile that Customer has attempted to communicate with during the past 12 months via any Channel.  Active Profiles are charged in increments of 1,000.

Channel means distinct modes of communication between Customer and Recipients through email, direct mail, mobile app, call center, social, or SMS.

Dedicated Server means dedicated execution server(s) to leverage Transactional Messaging.  A server can typically process up to 50,000 Engine Calls per hour.  The “Per-Dedicated Server” designation does not necessarily have a 1:1 correlation with a physical server as Adobe may utilize virtualization technologies to achieve the equivalent effect.

Delivery Fundamentals means Adobe Campaign Deliverability Fundamentals Consulting Service and provides email deliverability consultation and reputation management to assist Customer with leveraging Adobe Campaign.

Domain Delegation means the number of designated domains of Customer requiring support from Adobe in connection with email campaigns.

Distributed Marketing, means, the ability of Customer with various distributors, corporate marketers, local marketers, field sales, and marketing partners to understand and maintain brand standards throughout its organization, and allow for these various marketers to create campaign variations for the local market through a series of rules as set by the Customer’s corporate marketing department. Distributed Marketing capability includes a central catalog of marketing campaign templates, including marketing campaigns that are initiated by corporate, with participation from local entities.

Email BCC means an exact copy in EML format of a corresponding sent email to a dedicated BCC email address where the emails can be processed and archived by Customer in an external system.

Email-Rendering means each time Customer previews the content of a template email in various email client environments.

Email Volume Commitment means the anticipated emails sent per year (i.e., total annual email volume commitment, including emails sent but not delivered due to delivery errors such as non-delivery of a message including but not limited to email address errors, hard bounces, soft bounces, email filters of mail clients, and email blacklists) as set forth in the Sales Order. 

Engine Call means a server call that starts real-time processing on server side for the extraction of data, such as data relating to surveys, WebApps, JSSP, APIs, mobile app registrations, etc. Engine Calls must be licensed in packs of 5,000 Engine Calls per day.

Hybrid Deployment means a combination of On-demand Services and On-premise Software deployed to function together.

Image Serving means the capability to serve Customer’s images embedded in emails to Recipients, and allow linking to those images in connection with emails sent by Adobe on behalf of Customer.

Inbound Interaction means each time a Customer who has purchased Inbound Interactions uses the interaction capability to respond to a Recipient request by using the recommendation engine to deliver a real-time message.

Profile means a record of information (e.g., a record in the nmsRecipient table or an external table containing cookie ID, Customer ID, mobile identifier or other information relevant to a particular Channel)
representing an end-customer, prospect, or lead.

Recipient means the end user that receives Customer's message via any of the Channels.

Total Database Storage means the aggregate size of the Production and non-Production Instance(s) database storage managed by Adobe. 

Transactional Messaging means the ability to manage trigger messages in real time. Transactional
Messaging can be used with Channels licensed by Customer, as applicable. 




For Campaign Premium and Ultimate Product Description, please see here.


